In January this year, in the context of the presentation of an action plan presented by Amics de la Rambla under the slogan 'La Rambla. A new model of Urban Tourism', a package of measures was announced including the 'La Rambla Inventa' initiative, which contemplated the start of a collection of posters, conceived as a new 'souvenir', but curiously enough, not one aimed at keeping alive visitors' holiday memories, but rather, appealing to the local public. Now, after months of preparation, the first three Rambla Posters have been unveiled, with the aim of emphasising the creative voices close to the Rambla and around the city of Barcelona, through the creation of a "souvenir" rooted in local reality, that can be just as interesting to Barcelona residents as for tourists.

As announced at the time, the Pòsters de la Rambla collection aims to generate positive impacts, increase sentimental attachment through attractive objects and recover the charm of posters linked to the city of Barcelona. To give value to the object, short runs of 100 copies will be made, in numbered and signed screen prints, and thus the price of each piece will be 75 euros (two for 120 euros and all three for 150 euros), but to achieve maximum dissemination of the campaign, they will also be published in postcard format, to be distributed free of charge, with each of the chosen designs.
In the future, new releases will be made periodically, alternating works by recognized artists with students from design schools rooted in this area such as Escola Massana and Elisava, and with the fabric of local cultural and design entities. The first three posters were presented this Thursday, and according to Amics de la Rambla, the new collection is "the result of a reflection on the souvenir and on the creation of a new type of souvenir object that has a much more intense connection with the territory, both on a creative and constructive level".
The pieces have been created by the designers María López and Javier de la Riba, of Reskate Studio, with an overall vision of a retro style that recovers a design based on posters and endowed with timelessness, with the intention, as the two creators state, to create "an object of memory that is identifiable for the people of Barcelona and that at the same time is attractive for visitors". The initiative is a pioneering public-private collaboration between the Amics de la Rambla organization, the Get Your Guide tourist company and Barcelona City Council.