Read in Catalan

This week, Catalonia's La Noria Bakery offers us a recipe from the other side of the Atlantic: the American pancake (or Canadian pancake, or hotcake, or griddlecake, or...). You know this recipe, fluffy and warm and piled up, freshly-cooked just in time for breakfast. Now you can find out how to make them, and you might be surprised how quick and easy it is.

You also know all the ways to serve them: the traditional, with maple syrup; sweet, with jam or chocolate, "healthy", with fresh fruit, filling, with bacon and scrambled eggs... So you can pick your favourite, or branch out and try something new. How about some Serrano or Ibérico ham and cheese?

Whatever you decide to have with them, you'll need the pancakes themselves. Here's the video of Cristina and Patrícia making them for us, then you can check below for the full written recipe:


  • flour - 1⅓ cups / 170g / 6oz
  • sugar - ½ cup / 100g / 3.5oz
  • eggs - 2
  • milk - 1 cup / 235ml / 8fl.oz.
  • baking powder - 3tsps / 15g / 0.5oz
  • vegetable oil - 2tsps
  • vinegar - 1 spoon
  • butter for cooking
  • toppings as desired

Recipe (makes 12):

  1. First, whisk together the wet ingredients (eggs, oil, vinegar and milk)
  2. Separately, mix the flour, baking powder and sugar
  3. Add the wet mix to the dry mix
  4. Beat to a smooth batter
  5. Heat a saucepan or griddle to high and butter the base
  6. Pour the batter for one pancake into the centre of the pan (see video)
  7. Cook it until bubbles start to form and pop on top
  8. Flip and cook the other side
  9. Repeat steps 6-8 until the batter is used up, adjusting the temperature of your pan based on how they turn out

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