Spanish Civil Guard sergeant S51761E, who analysed Jordi Cuixart's emails, appeared today as a witness in the Catalan independence trial. He testified that among the points of interest in the president of Òmnium's emails was a message from football coach Pep Guardiola discussing turning to the international community.
When defence lawyer Benet Salellas asked why he believed this message to be of interest, the agent argued it "could have interest for what was being investigated: malfeasance, misuse of public funds...".
"Was Pep Guardiola investigated in the police proceedings?," Salellas continued. The agent then, however, said that he was an analyst, not an investigator.
The lawyer was also interested in a reference made to a Marta Rovira Martínez, asking if the agent knows who she is. "I know who she is, what she looks like, but I couldn't say if she was from the ANC, Òmnium Cultural or ERC," came the response.
Salellas noted that the analysis of the email says she was secretary general of political party ERC; the agent was unsure of the detail. "Is she the same person as Marta Rovira Vergès?", the lawyers asked, giving the actual name of ERC's secretary general. "I don't know".