Catalonia's culture minister, Mariàngela Vilallonga, has been harshly criticized from both sides of the frontier after choosing to deliver a speech entirely in French at an event on Thursday night promoting Catalan culture in Perpinyà. "Think about this," was the reflection from journalist Júlia Taurinyà, reporting Vilallonga's discourse at the closure of the Northern Catalonia city's year as capital of the sardana.
Anit, la consellera de cultura del @govern, @MVilallonga, ha trobat oportú fer tot el seu discurs en francès a la cloenda de Perpinyà Capital de la Sardana. 😒
— Júlia Taurinyà (@JuliaTaurinya) February 20, 2020
Res. Feu vos-ho mirar.
"What a slave mentality!" said another Twitter user.
DE CULTURA, la consellera de Cultura menystenint el català a Catalunya Nord! Quina moral d'esclaus!!!
— Salvador II*II IndependènciaJa (@Carbo1973) February 20, 2020
"Speaking French in the Catalan-speaking county of Rosselló", said another social media user, shows an "intellectual indigence" that makes her unsuitable for the post of Catalan culture minister.
Parlar en francès al Rosselló, i fer-ho en tant que consellera de @cultura_cat del @govern, és d'una indigència intel·lectual que us incapacita per al càrrec. Feu-vos-ho mirar, sisplau.
— Rugby Barcelona (@BarcelonaRugby) February 21, 2020
After the controversy that was unleashed, the minister posted a tweet stating her regret that her speech had been interpreted as a threat to the defence of the language.
Lamento que la meva intervenció d’ahir, al Teatre de l’Arxipèlag de Perpinyà, en llengua francesa, hagi estat interpretada com un menysteniment de la defensa de la nostra llengua.
— MariàngelaVilallonga (@MVilallonga) February 21, 2020
"I regret that my discourse yesterday, at the Teatre de l’Arxipèlag in Perpinyà, in the French language, has been interpreted as disdain for the defence of our language."— MariàngelaVilallonga, Catalan culture minister
The Catalan culture ministry's Twitter account avoided posting the minister's French-language speech, limiting itself to reproducing her words with a video of the dancer Cesc Gelabert, who accompanied the sardanas played by the Cobla Sant Jordi. The ministry also noted that the next capital of the traditional Catalan dance will be the town Sant Feliu de Guíxols, on the Costa Brava.
"Em sento molt honorada de participar a la clausura de la capitalitat de la sardana a Perpinyà, diu la consellera @MVilallonga, i afegeix que pren el relleu Sant Feliu de Guíxols @Guixols, vila natal de Juli Garreta. La @CoblaSantJordi obre el concert amb "El Roserar", de Toldrà.
— Cultura (@cultura_cat) February 20, 2020