The verdicts in the Catalan independence trial were released by Spain's Supreme Court shortly before half nine this morning, and it took just minutes for reactions to start coming in from the defendants.
Former speaker of the Catalan Parliament Carme Forcadell, sentenced to 11 years and six months in prison: "The injustice has been consummated. Free parliamentary debate is no crime, it's a right to exercise it and a duty to defend it. We won't tire of saying that wherever necessary. Today is a dark day for democracy, but not even in moments such as these should they defeat us. We'll come through this!
La injustícia s'ha consumat. El lliure debat parlamentari no és delicte, és un dret exercir-lo i un deure defensar-lo. No ens cansarem de dir-ho allà on faci falta. Avui la democràcia viu un dia fosc, però ni en moments així el derrotisme ens ha de vèncer. Ens en sortirem!
— Carme Forcadell (@ForcadellCarme) October 14, 2019
Former Catalan territory and sustainability minister Josep Rull, sentenced to 10 years and six months in prison: "If they had judged the facts, they would have absolved us. As they've judged our ideas, they've convicted us. By convicting us, they've convicted the 2.5 million Catalans who voted on 1st October in one of the most extraordinary exercises in democracy Europe has seen in the 21st century."
Si haguessin jutjat els fets, ens haurien absolt. Com que han jutjat les idees, ens han condemnat. Condemnant-nos han condemnat als 2’5M de catalans que van votar l’#1O en un dels exercicis més extraordinaris de democràcia que ha viscut Europa el SXXI.
— Josep Rull i Andreu 🎗 (@joseprull) October 14, 2019
“Ens mantindrem ... poble”
Former Catalan foreign minister Raül Romeva, sentenced to 12 years in prison says they had been "sentenced preemptively months ago" and accused them of "wanting to sentence a whole movement". Nonetheless, he argues: "They're mistaken. This unjust imprisonment is a political tool which, combined with the resolve of the public, will make us even more determined in this fight for collective rights." He also warns that "no sentence will change the political aspirations of millions of citizens, neither this one nor those which will come."
Missatge del Raül:
— Raül Romeva i Rueda (@raulromeva) October 14, 2019
President of Òmnium, Jordi Cuixart, sentenced to nine years in prison: "The response to the sentence, recidivism. #We'llDoItAgain Amnesty, Democracy and Self-determination."
Missatge des de la presó:
— Jordi Cuixart (@jcuixart) October 14, 2019
La resposta a la sentència, reincidència #HoTornaremAFer Amnistia, Democràcia i Autodeterminació.
Former Catalan vice-president, Oriol Junqueras, facing the longest sentence, 13 years in prison: "We will return stronger, more convinced and determined than ever. Thanks to everyone and keep going because we will keep going always, always!"
“Tornarem més forts, més convençuts i ferms que mai. Gràcies a tothom i persistiu perquè nosaltres persistirem sempre, sempre!”
— Oriol Junqueras 🎗️ (@junqueras) October 14, 2019
Former Catalan interior minister Joaquim Forn, sentenced to 10 years and six months in prison: "Thank you for your support. Thank you because we know you're always there. We won't fail. Long live free Catalonia!"
Gràcies pel vostre suport.
— Joaquim Forn (@quimforn) October 14, 2019
Gràcies perquè sabem que sempre hi sou.
No defallim.
Visca Catalunya lliure!
Former president of the ANC, Jordi Sànchez, sentenced to nine years in prison: "9 years in prison won't end with my optimism. Catalonia will be independent if we persist. Let's protest without fear, let's move forwards determined from non-violence towards freedom. Thank you for not failing. We will win!"
9 anys de presó no acabaran amb el meu optimisme. Catalunya serà independent si persistim. Manifestem-nos sense por, avancem decidits des de la noviolència cap a la llibertat. Gràcies per no defallir. Guanyarem!
— Jordi Sànchez (@jordialapreso) October 14, 2019
Finally, former presidency minister and government spokesperson, Jordi Turull, was simple and direct: "LONG LIVE FREE CATALONIA!"
— Jordi Turull i Negre (@jorditurull) 14 d’octubre de 2019