With Coronavirus indicators rising again in Catalonia in recent days, the Catalan government finally announced a series of new restrictions this Friday morning, after debates and discrepancies between ministries delayed its plan to detail the measures on Thursday. Prompted by the resurgence of the virus in Catalonia, these tougher new restrictions amend the Christmas plan announced earlier in the month, and will all be in force from the start of Christmas week - that is, from Monday 21st December, with some small exceptions on the main festive days during this period.
For the Pyrenean counties of Ripollés and Cerdanya, some even tighter restrictions were imposed on December 22nd to last until January 8th. These areas are now under perimeter confinement and entry and exit are prohibited except for certain exceptions. Bars and restaurants in the two mountain counties are closed and gatherings are limited to a maximum of six people.
UPDATE: From January 7th, and for an announced duration of ten days, a new series of tougher Covid measures for Catalonia will apply. They are listed here.
Here are all of Catalonia's restrictions to try to slow down the latest wave of Covid-19 in Catalonia over the Christmas and New Year period till January 7th:
- Leaving and entering Catalonia overland, to and from other parts of the Spanish state, will not be permitted except for visits to relatives.
- Internal mobility within Catalonia is restricted to your county (comarca) until January 11th. As an exception, a cohabitation bubble - that is, household group that lives together - may move from the county of normal residence to a second home, hotel or rented rural accommodation.
- Curfew is maintained from 10pm until 6am nightly. On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, curfew will come into force at 1am. On January 5th, before the Three Kings (Reis) holiday, curfew will now be delayed by one hour, to 11pm.
- The counties of Ripollés and Cerdanya have been placed under separate perimeter confinement.
- The Alt Urgell county and the microstate of Andorra will be assimilated as a single region for mobility purposes.
Image: ACN
- The number of people in any gathering will be limited, as before, to a maximum of six people. On the major festive days in this period, the maximum will be increased to 10 people, with a maximum of two coexistence bubbles taking part.
- In Catalonia, those festive days are regarded as: December 24th, 25th, and 26th, and January 1st, 5th, and 6th.
Bars and restaurants
- New opening time restrictions apply: bars and restaurants may open only from 7:30-9:30am and from 1:00-3:30pm. In effect, for breakfast, lunch and refreshments in these periods.
- Takeaway food can be sold from 7pm to 10pm for local pick-up and until 11pm, for home delivery.
- Within the time periods established, the conditions on occupancy and numbers will be the same as before: 100% capacity allowed on terraces, 30% inside, a maximum of 4 per table.
Image: ACN
- These will be able to remain open with the same capacity limitations established so far - that is, shops can open with occupancy limited to 30% of maximum capacity. (This includes shopping centres, which reopened on Monday 15th)
- However, gyms and restaurants inside shopping centers will be closed.
Culture and religion
- Cultural, entertainment and religious events will continue with the same limitations as before: occupancy of 50% of the normal capacity, and an absolute maximum of 1,000 people.
- The return to school after the Christmas and New Year break will be delayed until Monday January 11th, and not on Friday 8th as planned.
- Sports facilities can remain open if they are outdoors, while indoor centres will retain the capacity limit of 30%, as before.
- In indoor spaces, only low-intensity activities for which a mask can be worn will be permitted.
From when to when?
All these measures will take effect from this Monday, December 21st, and therefore this weekend, the restrictions that have been in place up till now are maintained. This includes the opening of bars and restaurants. As well, the Friday-to-Monday perimeter confinement at county (comarca) level will apply this weekend (this was brought in as an amendment last Monday, broadening the previous confinement by municipalities).
The measures will be in force until January 11th. However, the Catalan government will review them on December 28th and may make changes.