This Wednesday, Público revealed that Spain's National Intelligence Centre (CNI) was listening to Rambla terrorists' calls 5 days before the attacks. This new revelation is creating mounting outrage among Catalan politicians and leaders.
The newspaper states that it had access to one of the reserved reports that the CNI itself provided to investigators of the Spanish National Police and Civil Guard, Catalan police -Mossos- and the Spanish Public Prosecutor's Office during the judicial investigation. The report relates the journey of Omar Hichamy and Younes Abouyaaqoub to Paris between 11th and 12th August, 2017 and, according to the newspaper, the reports not only monitored the two future members of the Ripoll's jihadist cell and of their phone calls and Internet searches, but also the content of the conversations between them.
The speaker of the Catalan Parliament, Roger Torrent, considers that the news about the link between the CNI and the brain of the 17th August terrorist attack is "increasingly troubling by the day". In the same way, he asks that it be investigated and that responsibilities be demanded.
Cada dia és més preocupant. Cada dia més inquietant. És imprescindible destapar el que anem sabent. Cal investigar i exigir responsabilitats. El que llegim és molt greu.
— Roger Torrent 🎗 (@rogertorrent) 17 de juliol de 2019
Digital Policies and Public Administration minister, Jordi Puigneró, described the news as "a capital scandal" and gave two options to acting PM Pedro Sánchez: either to shed some light on the the cespit or to remain in the absolute political frivolity in which he lives, being president of a State without a government, with political prisoners, exiles and the CNI case".
El que estem sabent sobre els atemptats de BCN són un escàndol majúscul. @sanchezcastejon té dues opcions: posar llum a les clavegueres o seguir en l'absoluta frivolitat política en què viu, sent president d'un Estat sense govern amb #presospolítics, exiliats i #CNIgate
— Jordi Pu1gnerO (@jordiPuignero) 17 de juliol de 2019
For his part, the spokesman of political party ERC in the Spanish Congress, Gabriel Rufián, showed his frustration with the Spanish press for not mentioning the news of the attacks, while he was showing the images of several Spanish newspaper covers.
Hace 48h que se sabe que el cerebro de uno de los peores atentados de la historia de este país era un confidente del CNI y que sus autores tuvieron los teléfonos pinchados hasta 5 días antes de los ataques.
— Gabriel Rufián (@gabrielrufian) 17 de juliol de 2019
Estas son las portadas de hoy en España.
Tenéis un grave problema.
President Puigdemont's Cabinet minister and Representative of the Government of Catalonia to the EU Meritxell Serret, also in exile, spoke in English:
How is it possible that the Spanish Intelligence Corps was aware of the details, including the conversations between the terrorists about their projects and objectives, but didn’t put an end to the preparation of the attacks in #Catalonia?#17August2017#Barcelona#Cambrils
— Meritxell Serret (@MeritxellSerret) 17 de juliol de 2019
Ernest Maragall of ERC (most voted candidate for Mayor of Barcelona last 26th May, now in the opposition due to Ada Colau's coalition agreement) has been concise and conclusive: "The data is explicit and alarming. The PSOE must give explanations without delay". He also asserted that this scandal "cannot be kept as it is, outrage in Barcelona and silence in Madrid.".
— Ernest Maragall i Mira (@ernestmaragall) 17 de juliol de 2019
Les dades són explícites i alarmants. El Gobierno-PSOE ha de donar explicacions ja.
L’escàndol CNI no pot quedar en indignació a Barcelona i silenci a Madrid. Hi ha massa famílies amb dret a saber què va passar i tota la ciutadania té dret a exigir responsabilitat política
Pablo Iglesias, Unidas Podemos' leader, adhered to Rufián's complaint and emphasised that "the silence of the major Spanish media companies over what the CNI knew of the terrorists reveals how the powers in Spain work".
El silencio de los grandes medios sobre lo que el CNI sabía de los terroristas de Las Ramblas revela cómo funciona el poder en España. Y sirve para entender ciertos vetos para que nada cambie. ¿Por qué PP, PSOE y Cs impidieron que el Congreso investigara? ¿Por qué callan hoy?
— Pablo Iglesias (@Pablo_Iglesias_) 17 de juliol de 2019