Catalan minister Toni Comín has responded to Spain's foreign affairs minister, Josep Borrell, who this Monday brought up to the EU Foreign Affairs Council the Catalan referendum and those injured that day when discussing fake news.
Aquest és l'Informe sobre les persones ateses a la xarxa sanitària pública de Catalunya a conseqüència de les càrregues policials de l'#1oct. Es va publicar (en català, castellà i anglès) l'octubre del 2017, pocs dies després dels incidents.
— Toni Comín (@toni_comin) January 22, 2019
The minister started a thread by sharing the official report on the injuries from the day of the referendum. It was published in Catalan, Spanish and English and is available at the end of the page Comín links to in his tweet.
En aquest Informe s'explica amb tot detall (tot el detall q permet la normativa de protecció de dades) quantes persones van ser ateses, on (CAPs, CUAPs, SEM o hospitals), quina va ser la classificació diagnòstica i quin va ser el seu nivell de gravetat (greu, moderat o lleu).
— Toni Comín (@toni_comin) January 22, 2019
Translation: In this report it explains in all detail (all the detail allowed by data protection rules) how many people were attended to, where, what the diagnosis was and how serious the injuries were.
Si jo fos un metge o metgessa del sistema sanitari català, voldria saber si quan el ministre @JosepBorrellF parla de "fake news" està qüestionant el rigor dels professionals q fan els diagnòstics dels pacients q arriben a les seves consultes, en els quals es basa aquest Informe.
— Toni Comín (@toni_comin) January 22, 2019
If I were a doctor in the Catalan health system, I would want to know whether when minister Josep Borrell talks about "fake news" he's questioning the rigour of the professionals who diagnose the patients who arrive in their surgeries, which this report is based on.
Si jo fos una de les més de 1.000 persones q van ser ateses pels serveis sanitaris durant aquells dies (entre l'1 i el 4-O del 2017), trobaria una greu falta de respecte q un ministre del govern de l'estat al qual pertanyo posi en dubte les lesions de les quals vaig ser víctima.
— Toni Comín (@toni_comin) January 22, 2019
If I were one of the more than 1000 people attended to by the health services during those days (1st to 4th October 2017), I would find it to be a grave lack of respect that a minister of the government of the state I belong to should put into doubt the injuries I suffered.
Finalment, si jo fos votant del PSOE em preguntaria per què el ministre @JosepBorrellF actua, pel què fa als lesionats i atesos de l'#1oct, exactament de la mateixa manera com ho van fer els alts càrrecs del PP des del primer moment, l'octubre del 2017. És el PP el seu referent?
— Toni Comín (@toni_comin) January 22, 2019
Finally, if I were a PSOE voter, I would ask myself why minister Josep Borrell is acting, as regards those injured and attended to on 1st October, in exactly the same way the senior PP officials have done from the start, October 2017. Is PP his point of reference?