Easter Day, April 12th. The daily death tolls from coronavirus in Spain and Catalonia continue their "two steps forward, one step back" shuffle, this time with slight rises in the one day totals of deaths in Catalonia and in the Spanish state as a whole, while the broad but very slow downward trend continues.
The new Catalan fatalities figure is 111 (up from 83 on Friday and 100 on Saturday), while the Spanish government's official count-up released on Sunday morning shows an increase of 619 in the whole state, more than a hundred more than the previous day (510), and more than Good Friday's 605. In total, 16,972 have died from the virus in Spain according to the official figures, a total exceeded by only the United States (20,608) and Italy (19,468) at global level. A breakdown of the Spanish figures shows that 3,442 have died in Catalonia, the second largest death toll within the Spanish state after the Madrid region (6,278).
Nevertheless the numbers of new confirmed cases have fallen in the last day in both Catalan and Spanish official statistics.
Meanwhile, in the second list which the Catalan government health ministry maintains to monitor the viral illness, in relation to elderly people in residential care, 3,375 people who live in these homes have been diagnosed with coronavirus up till April 11th, based on figures provided by the centres themselves, which may overlap with the figures in the official health ministry list. A total of 1,663 residents of these centres have died of coronavirus, an increase of 96 on yesterday's figure, although deaths of residents that occurred in hospitals will also be counted in the other list.
Below, latest official data and graphs for the coronavirus in Catalonia and Spain.
1. COVID-19 data for Catalonia and Spain
CATALONIA 11th April 2020*
Total confirmed cases 34,027
New cases in last day 1,043 (yesterday 1,257)
Total deaths 3,442
Deaths in last day 111 (yesterday 100)
Total deaths since March 15th in residential care homes** 1,663
Deaths among these residents in last day** 96 (yesterday 150)
SPAIN 12th April 2020*
Total confirmed cases 166,019
New cases in last day 4,167 (yesterday 4,830)
Total deaths 16,972
Deaths in last day 619 (yesterday 510)
2: Daily increases in deaths and cases
CATALONIA: Daily deaths (black), daily increases in confirmed cases (blue)
SPAIN: Daily deaths (black), daily increases in confirmed cases (blue)
3. Total confirmed cases and deaths
Casos= Cumulative cases, Greus= number who have required intensive care, Morts= cumulative deaths, Altes/Recuperats= people who have recovered from Covid-19 in Catalonia.
Confirmed coronavirus cases broken down by autonomous communities (on a touch screen or mouse pad, you can zoom by applying two fingers and separating them)
*Official Spanish figures for each day are compiled from previous night’s figures from autonomous regions