Unrestricted internal travel within Catalonia will be possible outside curfew hours from next Monday, April 26th. On Tuesday, government sources announced an end to the current Covid-19 measure preventing mobility beyond county (comarca) boundaries, but it remained to be decided whether the new limit would be based on the vegueries, the next-largest adminstrative divisions, or whether free movement throughout the Catalonia would be permitted, as was briefly allowed during Easter fortnight. Finally, given the positive evolution of the pandemic data, the authorities have opted for the second alternative, allowing even greater freedom of movement to the Catalan public.
The easing of mobility restrictions is accompanied by some minor changes in other sectors, included the full re-opening of large retail stores and increases in maximum capacity allowed in reigious centres and gymnasiums, among other spaces. The curfew timetable remains unchanged, with the public required to remain off the streets from ten at night to six in the morning.
Focus on the ICUs
The most important concern right now is the general pressure on the health system and, specifically, the occupancy of intensive care units. According to the executive, the aim is a "slow but safe de-escalation" which will avoid the risk of overrunning hospitals that are gradually returning to a normal state in which care for Covid-19 patients does not compromise the system's ability to deal with all types of patients. Over the last year of the pandemic, treatments of some pathologies have been severely affected and pressure is still high, as some serious Covid-19 cases from the autumn and winter waves of the virus are still occupying hospital beds.
For this reason, some doctors, such as epidemiologist Antoni Trilla, assert that the data is still not good enough to apply a re-opening measure like this. Although the most indicators have stabilized or fallen, the situation remains delicate.
The official measures confirmed by the Procicat civil protection committee, will come into force from Monday April 26th and for the moment apply for a week, until May 3rd. Measures that have changed are marked as NEW:
- NEW: Lifting of county confinement. Free movement within Catalonia
- All entries and departures from Catalonia are prohibited without justifiable reasons.
- Social gatherings are limited to 6 people, with no bubble group maximum, and gatherings of up to six in your home are possible, including people from other bubble groups.
- Curfew is maintained from 10pm to 6am, seven days a week.
- For journeys out of or into Catalonia for justifiable reasons, or travel during hours of curfew, you should fill out a certificate of self-responsibility (English language version can be selected).
- NEW: Bars and restaurants located within shopping centres can now re-open. The conditions are the same as for other bars and restaurants.
- As at present, bars and restaurants are able to open right through the day from 7:30am until 5pm.
- Up to six people can sit together at a table, from any number of bubble groups.
- The maximum capacity of bars and restaurants remains at: 100% of usual maximum on terraces with space between tables, and 30% inside.
- Takeaway food can be prepared and sold throughout the day.
- NEW: All retail businesses, regardless of size, can now open their entire establishment. (Up till now a maximum floor area of 800 square metres applied)
- Weekend opening will continue to be possible, for both small retail and shopping centres.
- In shops, the maximum occupancy of 30% of normal capacity is maintained.
- NEW: All sporting facilities can now allow occupancy up to 50% of the normal maximum for the space. Previously, interior spaces were limited to 30%.
- Sports competitions can continue for those aged under 16. This is in addition to the already-resumed federated sports competitions for over-16s.
- The public are now allowed to attend all those sports competitions with a pre-assigned seat, except for national and international ones that have prohibitions from other bodies.
- Changing rooms are now in use again.
- Pools can operate at 50% of normal maximum capacity.
- NEW: In-person teaching now returns for upper secondary (batxillerat) and vocational (formació professional) education.
- At universities, in-person attendance for first and second year courses continues with a classroom occupancy of 30% of capacity.
- School extracurricular activities are open for all ages.
- Overnight stays are allowed on school outings as long as they involve the classroom bubble group.
- NEW: Spaces for children's play activities can now reopen to 30% of normal capacity, without restaurant services.
- Cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and concert halls can continue to open for regular programming.
- Special cultural events can be held: the earlier prohibition on festivals, galas and awards ceremonies has been lifted.
- Popular and traditional culture is allowed as long as activities are static and take place within perimeters or enclosed spaces, with the same capacity limitations as cultural activities, and with the audience seated.
- Gambling halls, bingo halls and casinos can open with a maximum of 100 people, or occupancy of up to 30% of maximum if they are ventilated spaces.
- Museums, libraries and exhibition halls may also open.
- Capacity must always be limited to 50% of normal maximum, with an absolute maximum of 500 people. If there is optimal ventilation, this can be extended to 1,000 people
- "Civic centre" activities have been resumed for those over 60 in the open air and with a maximum of six people.
And with regard to religious events, they must be celebrated as follows:
- NEW: Religious events and acts can be held at 50% of the normal maximum capacity. Previouisly the limit was 30%.
- The absolute maximum number of people at an indoor event is 500, while those outdoors or with optimal ventilation have a maximum of 1,000.
Main image: Shopping area in Figueres / ACN