Read in Catalan

Yolanda Fontanillas did not plan on waving any flag during today's demonstration in condemnation of the terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils on 17th August. As she told El Nacional, she planned on adhering to the rule of not bringing flags as she believed that "today wasn't the day".

"I took out the estelada (Catalan pro-independence flag) on seeing the Spanish flags", she said. Behind her, a couple of people were waving the red and yellow of Spain and a few paces ahead was a placard that read "Spain against terrorism, thank you majesty".

With regard to the words of gratitude from king Felipe VI, Fontanillas denounced his presence at the demonstration and also that of the Spanish government who, she says, "are behaving badly", especially in their treatment of the Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police).

The demonstration, organised by the Catalan government and the city council of Barcelona, took place this Saturday at 6pm. With shouts of "No tinc por" ("I'm not scared"), thousands of Catalans left the Jardinets de Gràcia gardens and walked to plaça Catalunya in the centre of Barcelona to protest against the attacks of nine days ago.