The ANC (Catalan National Assembly) has proposed a massive gathering of vehicles for the 21st December this year. That day, the Spanish cabinet is planning to meet in Barcelona.
Via social media, they have called people from around Catalonia to come "calmly" by car to Barcelona as the ministers are meeting in Llotja de Mar. They add that "We'll say loudly and clearly that they're not welcome" and that "protesting is a right".
⬛️⬜️El #21D, units i organitzats:
— Assemblea Nacional 🚩 (@assemblea) December 13, 2018
⏰De bon matí sortirem d’arreu amb cotxe 🚗 i tranquil·lament anirem cap a BCN a fer una concentració massiva de vehicles 👉Direm ben clar que no són benvinguts
🕘A les 9 serem amb #RogerEspañol a la Ciutat de la Justícia
Protestar és un dret!
Translation: On 21st December, united and organised. Bright and early, we'll leave from everywhere by car and we'll head calmly to Barcelona for a massive gathering of vehicles. We'll say loudly and clearly that they're not welcome. At 9am we'll be with Roger Español at court. Protesting is a right!
Other gatherings
This action organised by the ANC joins others announced by Òmnium, students groups and the CDR (Committees for Defence of the Republic).
Òmnium Cultural has organised a "popular cabinet meeting" at 11am. The CDR has also called its supporters to gather at Llotja de Mar early that morning.
Divendres 21 fem sentir la nostra veu al carrer! 📣
— Òmnium Cultural (@omnium) December 13, 2018
Sortim a protestar, de forma pacífica i determinada, per la presència del govern espanyol a Barcelona.
📆 21 de desembre
🕚 11 h
📍En els propers dies concretarem el lloc de l'acte#21DConsellPopular
Translation: On Friday 21st, let's make our voices heard in the streets! Let's go out to protest, peacefully and resolutely, against the presence of the Spanish government in Barcelona. In the coming days we'll set the event's location.
El #21D serem ingovernables!
— CDR Catalunya (@CDRCatOficial) December 10, 2018
Guarda't la data i segueix els canals oficials.
Prenem els carrers!
Organitzem la resposta i preparem-nos per resistir!#TombemElRègim#ElPoderDelPoble#CDRenXarxa
Translation: On 21st December we'll be ungovernable! Save the date and follow our official channels. Let's take the streets! Let's organise our response and prepare ourselves to resist! #Let'sToppleTheRegime #ThePowerOfThePeople #CDROnline
Unis per la República (Unis for the Republic) has proposed emptying classrooms on Friday 21st for their protest, an idea seconded by SEPC (Union of Students from the Catalan Countries).
✊ El proper #21D tombem el règim!
— SEPC (@SEPC_nacional) December 13, 2018
Des del @SEPC_nacional fem una crida a buidar les aules i organitzar-se als carrers de la mà dels @CDRCatOficial i la resta d'organitzacions per aturar en consell de ministres!
Translation: On 21st December, let's topple the regime! From SEPC we're calling [students] to empty their classrooms and organise in the streets together with the CDRs and the other organisations to stop the cabinet meeting!