Read in Catalan

Catalonia's Tsunami Democràtic (Democratic Tsunami) is not stopping. Today, the platform has issued a statement announcing its priorities for the next few days. The first is to make the Marches for Liberty which started today and are set to last until Friday a success. They say they are "working so that each of the more than 275,000 droplets which already form part of our network concentrate their efforts" on the marches as they make their way to Barcelona.

The second priority is to make sure as many people as possible download and install their app. Currently only available on Android, they say they are working on a version for iPhone. Once downloaded, users need to find people with a QR code to activate the app. The statement says that the "application will allow us to act with greater precision and efficacy on the long path of civil, non-violent disobedience which is just starting now." 

Finally, their third priority states that: "despite the police brutality of these days, [which is] completely unacceptable and for which we demand political responsibility be taken, it must always be prevented, in any action, that anyone can promote violence or turn action into violent acts."

They say that "non-violence is a fundamental strategy of our movement" and that Tsunami Democràtic themselves will "only promote actions within [this] framework". The statement also argues that "non-violence is the most powerful tool we have to show the fear of democracy of the Spanish state, which so far has only used force, violence and repression to deal with this political conflict."