Public protests have been seen around Catalonia after the latest, and most surprising, chapter of Spanish politics and justice. Thousands of people left their workplaces at 12pm, to protest against the imprisonment of the presidents of ANC (Catalan National Assembly), Jordi Sànchez, and of Òmnium, Jordi Cuixart. Many shut streets around their offices to call for their freedom.
In Barcelona's plaça Sant Jaume, the Catalan government and Barcelona City Council met in front of their buildings with the Taula per la Democràcia (Board for Democracy, made up of some 90 entities including ANC and Òmnium) and a number of other public figures to condemn the imprisonment of "the Jordis".
Imatge de l’aturada a plaça Sant Jaume per reclamar la llibertat de @jcuixart i @jordisanchezp #LlibertatSancheziCuixart
— Roc Fernàndez (@rocfernandez) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Translation: Image of the standstill in plaça Sant Jaume to call for the release of Cuixart and Sànchez.
There were also gatherings on Barcelona's passeig de Gràcia, shutting the road in a number of places, like the area by hotel Majestic.
Various other places around the Catalan capital saw roads closed. The intersection of carrer Berlín and carrer Numància, for example, was closed for some 15 minutes, whilst employees of different companies shouted "freedom".
Els treballadors del @meteocat pronostiquem #llibertat. #llibertatjordis @assemblea @omnium
— Jordi Toda Savall (@jorditoda) 17 d’octubre de 2017
The workers of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia forecast #freedom.
On the campuses of different universities, students and professors also gathered at midday. At the Autonomous University of Barcelona, for example, those gathered sang Els Segadors, the Catalan anthem, almost whispering for a quiet protest.
L'himne en veu baixeta, aturada silenciosa @UABBarcelona @unisxrepublica per la #LlibertatJordis #LlibertatCuixartSanchez #presospolitics
— Mariona #llibertat! (@lamarionamiret) 17 d’octubre de 2017
The anthem quietly, silent standstill
At the Diagonal campus of the University of Barcelona, a number of students and teaching staff also took to the streets, some of them even blocking the tram lines.
Aturada al Campus Diagonal @UniBarcelona #LlibertatJordis #CCiT-UB
— Marietta BF (@marietta_bf) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Meanwhile, at Blanquerna (part of Ramon Llull University), students and professors filled the area in front of their faculty's doors.
Aturada davant de @BlanquernaFCRI #LlibertatJordis
— Enric Xicoy (@enricxicoy) 17 d’octubre de 2017
A large group of lawyers met in front of the courts in Lleida (western Catalonia) wearing their robes, after Abogacía por la Democracia (Lawyers for Democracy) called for gathering in front of the courts in the city and those in Balaguer, Cervera, La Seu d’Urgell, Solsona, Tremp and Vielha.
Aturada laboral davant dels jutjats de Lleida. #LlibertatPresosPolítics @pdecatpaeria @CCULLERE
— Toni Postius (@antonipostius) 17 d’octubre de 2017
In fact, groups from all sectors joined the movement in the streets around Catalonia.
Aturada de treballadors, delegats i afiliats de MC per reclamar la llibertat dels presidents d'@omnium i @assemblea #LlibertatJordis
— Metges de Catalunya (@metgescatalunya) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Standstill by workers, delegates and people affiliated to Metges de Catalunya [Doctors of Catalonia] to call for the release of the presidents
Aturada amb els #bombers de #NouBarris
— aurora cupane (@auroracupane) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Standstill with #firefighters in #NouBarris
Towns and cities around Catalonia have come together against what they see as an injustice: that two people should go to prison for only defending their political ideals.
Some of the places to see rallies were Tarragona, capital of one of Catalonia's four provinces:
Aturada unitària #Tarragona @govern. @peregrauV #ANC: “Un cop fort les detencions, la justícia és ara un instrument al servei Estat”.
— Coia Ballesté (@coiaballest) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Castellolí, a tiny village some 50km from Barcelona:
Aturada a les 12h i lectura del manifest de l’ @AMI__cat i l’ @ANCAnoia davant l’ @ACastelloli, demanant la #llibertadjordis.
— joan serra muset (@1jserra) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Roses, a town popular with tourists in the north of Catalonia:
L'Ajuntament s'ha adherit a la convocatòria d'aturada com a mostra de rebuig per l'empresonament dels presidents d'@omnium i l'@assemblea.
— Ajuntament de Roses (@AjRoses) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Those in the streets around Catalonia included health workers who were able to take a few minutes off.
Hospital del Mar.Orgull de país!
— Marissa Morilla (@marissa_morilla) 17 d’octubre de 2017
L’#HospitalPalamós i Palamós Gent Gran #ssibepgg fan una aturada de 5 minuts en suport a #LliberatJordis #LlibertatCuixartiSanchez
— SSIBE actualitat (@comssibe) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Aturada al Hospital de Valls per la democràcia i la llibertat de cuixart i Gonzalez.
— Montse Escoda (@MontseEscoda10) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Avui l'aturada m'enganxa aquí @hbellvitge#LlibertatJordis #CatalanRepublic
— Jordi Pujadas (@Puji1976) 17 d’octubre de 2017
Even a number of deputies from the Spanish Congress joined in, like the leader of En Comú Podem (Together We Can), Xavier Domènech, and the leader of Compromís (Commitment), Joan Baldoví.
Al @Congreso_Es ens afegim a l’aturada de País contra les detencions de @jcuixart i @jordisanchezp i per exigir-ne l’alliberament immediat
— Lourdes Ciuro (@lciuro) 17 d’octubre de 2017