Spain's deputy prime minister, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, has provoked a wave of protests after asking today in the Congress "is it so hard to sacrifice a Catalan?", alluding to the president-in-exile, Carles Puigdemont. Santamaría was responding to a question from ERC deputy Joan Tardà.
Many people have criticised the comment, and protests have spread around social media. The italics under a tweet is its translation.
Sacrificar al primer catalán les costará un poco. Para los siguientes ya se habrán ido acostumbrando y será todo mas fluido. Hay que ir normalizando el sacrificio de catalanes.
— Albert Mercadé (@amercade) 7 de febrer de 2018
Este lo dejamos en el exilio eterno. En pocos meses ya introduciremos la hoguera.
Although the last time I took on Soraya Santamaría it cost me an imputation by the public prosecutor for a hate crime, I can't avoid pointing out that this is an inquisition and religion, not politics.
Sacrificing the first Catalan will be a bit tricky for them. For the following ones they'll already have gotten used to it and everything will be more fluid. They have to start normalising the sacrifice of Catalans. This one, we're leaving him in eternal exile. In a few months we'll introduce the bonfire.
"Tanto cuesta sacrificar a un catalán?" (Soraya Sáez de Santamaría. Vicepresidente del Gobierno de España) Esta pregunta pasará a los libros de texto cuando traten de esta época que padecemos, no?
— Suso De Toro (@SusodeToro1) 7 de febrer de 2018
This question will pass into the textbooks when discussing this era we're enduring, won't it?
La hostia Soraya parlant de sacrificar un Català com si fóssim bestiar que es porta al escorxador. Soraya per aquestes paraules tindria que dimitir ja. I en tot cas donada la corrupció del Sr? Rajoy ja és hora de que dimiteixi no cal que que sigui sacrificat .
— JOAN JORDANA (@jordana_joan) 7 de febrer de 2018
Soraya talking of sacrificing a Catalan as if we were livestock being taken to the slaughterhouse. Soraya, for these words, should have to resign now. In any case, given the corruption of Mr Rajoy it's already time for him to resign, he doesn't have to be sacrificed.
SACRIFICAR UN CATALA!!!! Però nena, t'has tornat boja?? A veure si t'atreveixes a dir sacrificar a un espanyol. No haguessis durant ni 24h.
— Pujadas||*|| (@carmeps4422) 7 de febrer de 2018
Sacrificing a Catalan! But have you gone mad? Let's see if you dare talk of sacrificing a Spaniard.
No ens ha d'estranyar que una descendent del franquisme no entengui q no volguem sacrificar un català. Els seus van sacrificar un munt de persones durant la guerra i la dictadura i mai han volgut condemnar i jutjar tots aquells crims d'estat...
— Miquel Sola Suris (@MiquelSolaSuris) 7 de febrer de 2018
We shouldn't be surprised that a descendent of Francoism doesn't understand that we don't want to sacrifice a Catalan. They sacrificed a whole load of people during the war and the dictatorship and have never wanted to condemn or try all those crimes...
Quan costa sacrificar a un català? Qui diu un, diu tots els que calgui.
— Maribel Garcia (@Maribelgraposo) 7 de febrer de 2018
How hard is it to sacrifice one Catalan? Whoever says one, says all those necessary.
Arribem a dir nosaltres: " tanto cuesta sacrificar un español?" i ens tanquen a tot@s per delicte d' odi.
— Lur Rosinés (@lurrosines) 7 de febrer de 2018
Ho ha dit la Soraya d' un català i aquí trenta deu.
I així, tot.
We go as far as saying: "How is it so hard to sacrifice a Spaniard?" and they lock us all up for hate crimes.
@Sorayapp a @JoanTarda:
— Pamtumakamadafaka (@Pamtumakamadafa) 7 de febrer de 2018
"¿Tanto cuesta sacrificar un catalán?"
¡¡¡Venga #vegano y anti #especista, a por ella!!!