Read in Catalan

President Carles Puigdemont has reacted to the success of the motion of no-confidence in prime minister Mariano Rajoy from Pedro Sánchez, saying that there is "still a long fight and a long road ahead to overcome the injustices, which are many and persistent". "Today we still can't celebrate anything," he warns.

Translation: If we were [a people] of revenge, today we could consider ourselves satisfied. But as we are [a people] of justice, today we still can't celebrate anything. We still have a long fight and a long road ahead to overcome the injustices, which are many and persistent.

Puigdemont, whose JxCat candidacy has distanced itself from the motion of no-confidence, says in his tweet that "if we were [a people] of revenge, today we could consider ourselves satisfied. But as we are [a people] of justice, today we still can't celebrate anything."