President Carles Puigdemont has reacted to the success of the motion of no-confidence in prime minister Mariano Rajoy from Pedro Sánchez, saying that there is "still a long fight and a long road ahead to overcome the injustices, which are many and persistent". "Today we still can't celebrate anything," he warns.
Si nosaltres fóssim de venjança, avui ja ens podríem donar per satisfets. Però com que som de justícia, avui encara no podem celebrar res. Ens queda una llarga lluita i un llarg camí per vèncer les injustícies, que són moltes i persistents.
— Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) 1 de juny de 2018
Translation: If we were [a people] of revenge, today we could consider ourselves satisfied. But as we are [a people] of justice, today we still can't celebrate anything. We still have a long fight and a long road ahead to overcome the injustices, which are many and persistent.
Puigdemont, whose JxCat candidacy has distanced itself from the motion of no-confidence, says in his tweet that "if we were [a people] of revenge, today we could consider ourselves satisfied. But as we are [a people] of justice, today we still can't celebrate anything."