This year's Sant Jordi (St George's Day) has been marked by the delicate political situation in Catalonia. The political prisoners have written messages for the festival, the day of Catalonia's patron saint, from the prisons of Alcalá Meco, Estremera and Soto del Real. Like the government in exile, the prisoners have sent statements charged with emotion for their first Sant Jordi behind bars, the first Sant Jordi under article 155.
Two of the most keenly-awaited messages were those from Jordi Sànchez, second on Junts per Catalunya's electoral list and former president of the Catalan National Assembly, and Jordi Cuixart, president of Òmnium Cultural, who have been in prison for over six months. Sànchez wrote a letter to his wife, Susanna Barreda, expressing regret he cannot give her a rose this year, the first Sant Jordi they've spent apart in 27 years. Later, he published a more political message on Twitter:
Sobretot, sortiu i gaudiu d'aquest #SantJordi. Regaleu-vos llibres i roses. L'any que ve seré entre vosaltres, gaudint d'aquest dia tan especial #llibertat
— Jordi Sànchez (@jordialapreso) 23 d'abril de 2018
Translation: Above all, go out and enjoy this Sant Jordi. Give each other books and roses. Next year, I'll be with you, enjoying this very special day.
Missatge des de Soto del Real:
— Jordi Cuixart (@jcuixart) 23 d’abril de 2018
Bona diada de #SantJordi2018: cultura, amor i llibertat que rememoro amb moments màgics com el de la foto. Avui, acompanyats d'un mar de roses grogues de dignitat col·lectiva. Cal que neixin flors a cada instant. Us estimo #SantJordiGroc
Message from Soto del Real: Happy Sant Jordi 2018: culture, love and liberty which I remember with magic moments like that in the photo. Today, accompanied by a sea of yellow roses of collective dignity. Flowers have to be born at every moment. I love you.
As for Cuixart, on the eve of Sant Jordi yesterday, coinciding with the 43rd anniversary of Òmnium Cultural, he had already given a first message relating to today's celebrations: "Not being able to experience this Sant Jordi with you will be an additional punishment."
The imprisoned government, one month behind bars
Today marks one month since the hearing in which the Supreme Court judge decided to imprison ministers Jordi Turull, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull and Dolors Bassa, as well as former speaker of the Catalan Parliament, Carme Forcadell.
The five all published their own comments on Twitter for Sant Jordi. Turull thanked his colleagues for their present, a new release from the journalist Antoni Bassas, Bon dia, són les vuit (literally "Good morning, it's eight o'clock"), a memoir about his popular, long-running radio show.
Missatge de Jordi Turull:
— Jordi Turull i Negre (@jorditurull) 22 d'abril de 2018
"En Quim, en Josep, en Raul i l'Oriol m'han regalat un llibre per Sant Jordi: 'Bon dia, són les vuit!" d' @antonibassas. No sabeu la il·lusió que m'ha fet! Gràcies!" #elmeucosalapresoelmeucoracatalunya
Ah! I visca el color groc!
Message from Jordi Turull: "[Fellow ministers and prisoners] Quim, Josep, Raul and Oriol have given me a book for Sant Jordi: 'Bon dia, són les vuit!' by Antoni Bassas. You don't know how excited it's made me! Thank you! Oh, and long live the colour yellow!
Raül: "Cadascú té el seu Sant Jordi. El meu és la meva família. Gràcies Diana, Elda i Noah per fer-me'l viure també a Estremera. I gràcies a totes i tots els que seguiu escrivint i enviant cartes; amb vosaltres el vivim cada dia."
— Raül Romeva i Rueda (@raulromeva) 22 d'abril de 2018
Raul: "Everyone has their Sant Jordi. Mine is my family. Thanks Diana, Elda and Noah for making it experience it from Estremera too. And thanks to everyone who continues writing and sending letters; with you we experience it every day."
Dolors Bassa, from Alcalá-Meco womens' prison, thanked for the gifts of roses she has received. One of the ministers in exile, Clara Ponsatí, had sent the three imprisoned Jordis (Turull, Cuixart and Sànchez) roses painted yellow for their name day.
Dolors B. : "Gràcies per fer que la diada de Sant Jordi arribi fins Alcalà-Meco. Fa dies que rebem precioses roses pintades de tots colors. Bona diada a tothom! " #SantJordi2018
— Dolors Bassa (@dolorsbassac) 22 d'abril de 2018
Dolors B: "Thank you for making Sant Jordi reach Alcalá-Meco. For days we've been recieving beautiful roses painted all colours. Happy Sant Jordi to all!"
Jordis @jorditurull @jordialapreso @jcuixart !
— Clara Ponsatí (@ClaraPonsati) 23 d'abril de 2018
Missatge de la presidenta Forcadell:
— Carme Forcadell (@ForcadellCarme) 23 d’abril de 2018
"Enguany és un #SantJordi diferent, estrany, que passaré injustament lluny de casa. Us animo a gaudir d'un dels dies més especials de l'any i a estimar a tota aquella gent que us importa. L'amor, la cultura i la llibertat sempre guanyen!"
Message from speaker Forcadell: "This year is a different, strange Sant Jordi, which I will unjustly spend far from home. I encourage you to enjoy one of the most special days of the year and to love all those people who matter to you. Love, culture and liberty always win!"
For their part, vice-president Oriol Junqueras and interior minister Joaquim Forn are coming up on six months in prison themselves.
Sant Jordi sempre ha estat la millor mostra del què som com a poble, la nostra essència. Aquest any no el podré celebrar com sempre. Des de la presó us dic que gaudiu del dia i que sigui més que mai això: cultura, civisme i reivindicació.#SantJordi2018
— Joaquim Forn (@quimforn) 23 d'abril de 2018
Sant Jordi has always been the best demonstration of who we are as a people, our essence. This year I won't be able to celebrate it as I always do. From prison let me tell you to enjoy the day and for it to be, more than ever: culture, civility and claims.