Within minutes of the news breaking of the judge's decision to imprison independence leaders Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, a large-scale cassolada exploded around Catalonia. In many neighbourhoods of the city of Barcelona and further afield, residents could be heard banging on pots and pans, some shouting "the Jordis will always be ours".
This spontaneous cassolada, loud protest, preceded one already called by the pro-independence entities for 10pm tonight. The original plan also went ahead, and could be heard for more than a quarter of an hour.
Many cars joined the pots and pans on the balconies with their horns.
The cassolada from the Barcelona neighbourhood of Gràcia / LB
It could be also heard in the Guinardó neighbourhood / RL
From Via Augusta / MC
Residents in the Les Corts neighbourhood joined in too / AS
Around Catalonia
Outside of Barcelona, pots and pans could be heard in towns and cities around Catalonia.
Near the famous monastery of Montserrat
In Vilassar de Mar, a small, coastal town, just north of Barcelona
In front of the town hall in Terrassa, Catalonia's fourth largest city