Storm Glòria has brought howling winds to the east coast of Spain, from Catalonia through Valencia to Murcia, and snow to very low altitudes. So far, four people have died, thousands of kids have had their schools closed, roads have been closed and flights from Valencia and Alicante cancelled.
Low snow
Whilst common at this time of year in the Pyrenees, snow is a less common sight further south in Catalonia, at lower altitudes. In some areas, however, it's been sticking today at 500 metres above sea level or less (1600ft).
Continua la nevada als Ports. Així ho fa ala cota 600m però a la cota 1000m ja s'han acumulat uns 20cm. Vídeo i dades de Joel Durà.
— Meteo Garraf (@meteo_garraf) January 20, 2020
Més paisatges blancs. Nevada intensa a la Pobla de Massaluca, també a la Terra Alta (vídeo: Jaume Cuadrado)
— ARA Méteo (@ARAmeteo) January 20, 2020
Paisatges nevats al Massís dels ports. Una delícia 🤩. @terresebretur @ARAmeteo #324eltemps @nestor_meteo @eltempsTV3 @Vakapiupiu @tiempobrasero @ElTiempoA3 #tutiempo @HimarGonzalez @aquilatierratve @jacobpetrus_tve @Cat_Meteo @marcredondo @AruserosLaSexta @el_tiempohoy
— pili rius. (@piliriuss) January 19, 2020
It's not just in the countryside. Certain towns have seen notable snowfall too. Some children have taken advantage of their closed schools to play outside; some adults have seen significant disruptions to their days.
I segueix nevant en garvo!! #Arnes #TerraAlta #NEUCAT @meteocat @gemmapuigf @TomasMolinaB @meteorac1 @meteofarnell @MeteoMauri @canalte @eloicordomi @ARAmeteo @eltempsTV3
— Sara Gil Llombart 🎗 (@saragilllo) January 20, 2020
[VÍDEO] La nevada ja qualla als carrers de la capital de la Terra Alta. +info: #Gandesa
— ebredigital (@ebredigitalcat) January 20, 2020
[VÍDEO] La carretera d'Horta de Sant Joan a Bot, una de les més afectades per la nevada a la #TerraAlta. +info:
— ebredigital (@ebredigitalcat) January 20, 2020
Some social media users even managed to record the snow as it was falling, on occasion blown down at sharp angles by the strong winds.
Per al massís de les cadiretes la neu ja agafa per sobre els 450 m i es fa espessa i bonica @eltempsTV3 @Vakapiupiu @AEMET_Cat @TomasMolinaB @meteocat @AlfredRPico @ARAmeteo @AEMET_Cat
— Jordi Soler (@Jordisolerramio) January 20, 2020
It's not just on land the effects of the storm are making themselves felt. At points along the coast, waves up to 8m high have been reported.
ESPECTACULAR.. Força excepcional.. negocis primera línia patint.. Ones graaaans #324eltemps #Sitges
— Meteo Garraf (@meteo_garraf) January 20, 2020
Així pica al passeig de La Punta de #SantPol. @TomasMolinaB @emergenciescat @meteocat
— Pol Hernández (@Pol_HdzT) January 20, 2020
Temporal que ja és aquí, amb vent entre tramuntana i gregal. Quan giri a Llevant, entrarà amb més força. Calella de Palafrugell #arameteo #meteocat #324eltemps . 🎥 Andreu Colls
— Margarida Bonet (@margab61) January 20, 2020
The winds, meanwhile, blowing at over 100km/h at times (60mph), are causing their own problems around Catalonia, with dozens of calls to the emergency services..
Fins les 4 de la tarda, Bombers han realitzat 194 assistències a Catalunya. Mataró és una de les zones més afectades. El temporal de vent afecta sobretot arbres i branques. A les imatges, una palmera caiguda al costat d'un restaurant del Passeig del Callao de #Mataró
— Mataró Notícies (@MataroNoticies) January 19, 2020