Announced today, the platform Tsunami Democràtic (literally, "democratic tsunami") aims to promote "non-violence and civil disobedience" in response to the sentences in the cases following the 2017 independence referendum.
The initiative, promoted by figures from politics and civil society, warns that the upcoming sentences from the Supreme Court could "aggravate even further" the "disorientation and frustration accumulated by the consequences of [Spain's] repression".
🌊Comença la nova onada i n'ets protagonista. Canviem l'estat de les coses. Tu ets el tsunami!
— Tsunami Democràtic (@tsunami_dem) September 2, 2019
In a statement presenting itself, Tsunami Democràtic says that "everything's at stake" arguing the need to "get moving". "We'll do it peacefully, with serenity and conviction. We'll do it democratically, with determination and in an organised manner," the manifesto says.
They propose using "non-violence and civil disobedience as transformative strategies". "No violence, but all determination," they emphasise.
Per què un #TsunamiDemocràtic?
— Tsunami Democràtic (@tsunami_dem) September 2, 2019
The campaign got underway this Monday on social media, receiving immediate support from presidents Carles Puigdemont and Quim Torra, political prisoners Oriol Junqueras, and a wide range of other figures. It has no public faces, wanting supporters to be the "protagonists [of this] new wave".
Cal recuperar la iniciativa, i en tots els àmbits. Aquesta és una bona manera, intel·ligent. El compromís amb la no violència ens fa més forts, que ningú en tingui cap dubte. I sí, ara comença el temps de la represa.
— Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) September 2, 2019
Translation: "We have to take back the initiative, and in all areas. This is a good, intelligent way [to do so]. Our commitment to non-violence makes use stronger, let nobody doubt it."
Els drets, si no s'exerceixen, perden sentit. La defensa de la democràcia i dels nostres drets civils, polítics i socials, inclòs el dret d’autodeterminació s’ha de fer cada dia. Hi estem compromesos. Sort i endavant #TsunamiDemocràtic
— Quim Torra i Pla (@QuimTorraiPla) September 2, 2019
"Rights, if not exercised, lose sense. The defence of democracy and our civil, political and social rights, including the right to self-determination, has to be made every day. We're committed to it"
Junqueras: Votar no és delicte! La democràcia prevaldrà per sobre de tot i ens conjurem per defensar-la! Sempre! #tsunamidemocratic
— Oriol Junqueras 🎗️ (@junqueras) September 2, 2019
"Junqueras: Voting is not a crime! Democracy will prevail over everything and we're ??? to defend it! Always!"
Tal com vam sortir a defensar les urnes i el dret a vot, sortirem a defensar la democràcia i exercir els drets i llibertats tantes vegades com faci falta.
— Marta Rovira Vergés🎗 (@martarovira) September 2, 2019
Fer un referèndum no és cap delicte. Defensar la independència, tampoc. #TsunamiDemocràtic
"As we came out to defend the ballot boxes and the right to vote, we will come out in defence of democracy and exercising our rights and liberties as many times as necessary. Holding a referendum is no crime. Defending independence, neither."
Alerta de tsunami
— Ruben Wagensberg (@wagensberg) September 2, 2019
"Tsunami warning"
Contra els huracans de repressió, tsunamis democràtics. Benvinguts @tsunami_dem per respondre democràticament i pacíficament a una injustícia històrica.
— Alfred Bosch🎗 (@AlfredBosch) September 2, 2019
"Against the hurricanes of repression, democratic tsunamis. Welcome Tsunami Democràtic to respond democratically and peacefully to a historic injustice."