Mallorca, 2019. After two years, bullfights have returned to the Balearic Islands' capital, Palma de Mallorca, sparking opposition protests. Fans of the tradition reportedly responded by playings songs including the Spanish anthem and giving the fascist salute. The video below appears to show a loudspeaker playing Cara al Sol, a Franco-era anthem, outside the stadium.
Fans of bull-fighting singing fascist songs on Mallorca, making the fascist salute. Not in 1940, but in 2019. Spanish authorities standing by.... @pacmacatalunya @Foreign_Cat
— Auke Zeldenrust (@aukezel) August 10, 2019
In 2017, the Parliament of the Balearic Islands had passed a "law on the regulation of bullfights and the protection of the animals of the Balearic Islands". Last December, however, the Constitutional Court struck down the articles which banned harming or killing bulls for entertainment.
At least 300 animal rights protesters opposed yesterday's first fight of the return; pro-bullfight protesters defended them as part of Spain's culture and a "national festival".
Tenien un altaveu dins el recinte apuntant cap a noltros del qual sonaven tonades com el "Cara al Sol" i l'himne d'espanya entre d'altres.
— Arran Palma (@ArranPalma) August 10, 2019
Barrem-los el pas! No passaran! El feixisme avança si no se'l combat!!!
The first place in Spain bullfights were de facto banned was on the Canary Islands in 1991. A ban came into force in Catalonia in 2012; it was overturned by the Constitutional Court in 2016, but no new fights have yet been held. The running of the bulls (correbous), in which the animals are not killed, remains legal and common, however.
Unidas Podemos protests
Following reports about yesterday's event, left-wing party Unidas Podemos has criticised the "disgraceful public spectacle of glorifying and apologism for Francoism". Referring to the playing of Cara al sol, they have urged the relevant authorities to take the appropriate action in response to this "insult towards the victims of the dictatorship and their families".
Poner a todo trapo el himno falangista 'Cara al sol' puede vulnerar la Ley de Memoria Democrática y es un insulto a las víctimas de la dictadura y sus familias.
— Podemos Illes Balears (@PdmIllesBalears) August 10, 2019
Hemos instado al Govern a que tome cartas en el asunto y tome medidas.