Read in Catalan

Another aggression against a taxi driver in Barcelona. It happened in Can Peixauet, in the Santa Coloma de Gramenet municipality, on the city's north-eastern rim, and as can be seen in video images that the Elite Taxi taxi drivers' association has released today, four young women assault the taxi driver, near his vehicle. They chase him, punch him and knock him to the ground.

One of the four does not attack the male driver, but takes the opportunity to vandalise one of the vehicle's mirrors. At present it is unclear what motivated this aggression, which was recorded by a bystander, whose images have gone viral. The driver does not defend himself very actively, but he is outnumbered and ends up on the ground in the video.

No complaints lodged, up till now

The incident, at this point in time, has not been reported to the local police in Santa Coloma, the municipality where the assault took place, and neither do Catalonia's Mossos d'Esquadra police have any complaint or investigation open. However, the Mossos are analyzing the case and do not rule out opening an ex-officio investigation to clarify the facts even though there is still no formal complaint, either from the driver or the four women.

It is not ruled out that such a development could occur now, with the video having come to light, although it is not clear when it was recorded. The Elite Taxi association subsequently explained that the images were recorded months ago. The drivers' association, which gave a longer statement at noon this Thursday, asserts that the women attacked the man after refusing to pay him for the ride.


Elite demands cameras in taxis

In any case, the Elite Taxi group, who claim that they do not know what started the confrontation and the attack, but stress that they condemn all kinds of violence, have taken advantage of the images to repeat a frequent drivers' demand, that taxis in ​​Barcelona be permitted to make use of security cameras inside the vehicle, a fact that, with this case, would make it possible to know the circumstances preceding the attack seen in the images: whether there was a confrontation, argument or fight inside the taxi . The Elite Taxi group also notes with regret that in the attack one of the women damaged the vehicle, the taxi driver's work tool.