Marta Torrecilla was working in a polling station in Pau Claris school in Barcelona. When Spanish National Police arrived to seize the ballot boxes, she was protecting and helping the older members of the public in the building. After getting past all the people resisting at the doors and on the stairs, the agents arrived at the top and attacked her. Warning: the images of the attack are difficult to watch.

Without any consideration, the officers grabbed her, pulled at her clothes and dragged her down the stairs. At that moment, they broke the fingers of her hand one by one whilst her clothes were rumpled up around her chest. They also touched her breasts, laughing in front of everyone, according to her own testimony. "That's a lot of malice", repeated Marta between tears and with her arm bandaged up.
Her testimony, in Catalan, is below:
Translation: ...I was defending the elderly with my arms open. I was doing nothing more than defending the elderly, because they've hit children, they've hit the elderly. They grabbed me, they pulled me down the stairs, they pulled things, they broke the fingers on my hand, on purpose, one-by-one. Halfway down the stairs, with my clothes rumpled up, they touched my breasts and laughed and they hit me. Explain it, Laura, explain what they're doing, please, so everyone understands. And they broke the fingers of my hand one-by-one on purpose. I mean, that's a lot of malice, a lot of malice, a lot of malice, a lot..."
Kicks, punches and pulled hair
At the same school, scenes of extreme violence had been seen just moments earlier. Images show Spanish police viciously attacking members of the public who are defending their right to vote. They show one agent jumping onto on voter, people being thrown down the stairs and how the officers thrash left and right in the face of peaceful resistence from the public.