Sailors have seen and filmed a whale, estimated to be between 12 and 15 metres long, in Valencia's Marina. It's the first time a whale of such size has been spotted within the harbour.

Second-largest species on the planet

The whale is a young balaenoptera physalus or fin whale, also known in English by names including the common rorqual, herring whale and razorback whale. When fully-grown they can reach 27 metres.

Spotted to surprise this Tuesday around noon, after half an hour, the whale was able to find its way out by itself and "in perfect condition", the sailors say. It's assumed it's also passed close to beaches nearby along the coast.

The fin whale, whose conservation status is listed as vulnerable, can be found in all major oceans, only avoiding the water closest to the ice at the poles. They are common in the Mediterranean. There are two recognised subspecies: one in the North Atlantic, the other in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the second-largest species on Earth after the blue whale.