The Spanish Interior minister, Juan Ignacio Zoido, has received an avalanche of criticism on social media because he didn't appear in public to give any information about the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils until 2 days after the events. Zoido did today give a press conference to announce that the terror alert level in Spain would be kept at level 4 out of 5.
Although he did travel to Barcelona on Thursday night, Zoido's ensuing silence has not pleased many internet users.
Anda, hay un tío que se llama Zoido que dice que es el ministro de Interior. ¿Dónde se había metido las últimas 48 horas?
— Eduard Voltas (@eduardvoltas) 19 of August 2017
"Come on, there's a guy called Zoido who they say is the Interior minister. Where's he got to these last 48 hours?"
Zoido a aparecido.
— indaleci llorens (@indadruida) 19 of August 2017
"Zoido has appeared"
I gairebé 48 hores després, compareix el Ministro del Interior. La desconnexió ja és màxima! Ells s'ho han fet solets!
— Eva Gené (@Eva_Gene) 19 of August 2017
"And almost 48 hours later, the Interior minister appears. The disconnection is now at a maximum! They've done it all by themselves!"
La comunitat internacional es deu estar preguntant per què el Ministro de Interior ha trigat quasi 48 hores a comparèixer públicament.
— Catalan (@catalanetcritic) 19 of August 2017
"The international community must be wondering why the Interior minister has taken almost 48 hours to appear in public."
En Zoido ha trigat 48h en comparéixer, evidenciant que ja no és ministre de res aquí
— Mireia Boya Busquet (@yeyaboya) 19 of August 2017
"Zoido has taken 48 hours to appear, proving he's no longer minister of anything here"
Zoido? Zoido? Em sona d'alguna cosa...
— Pep Montes i Sala (@Pep_Montes) 19 August 2017
"Zoido? Zoido? That rings a bell..."
Zoido?? Qui és??
— antoni casas (@casas_antoni) 19 of August 2017
Desaparegut durant 48h... i ara vol donar que??
"Zoido?? Who's he?? Disappeared for 48 hours... and now he wants to give explanations... about what??"
48 hores després apareix Zoido. I ens diuen que confiem en l'Estat espanyol. Tot plegat, un insult a la intel-ligència
— I am. Anonymous II*II (@blogsocietat) 19 of August 2017
"And 48 hours later Zoido appears. And they tell us to trust in the Spanish state. In all, an insult to our intelligence"
Un tal Zoido q diuen q és Ministre de l'interior apareix 48 h dp i fa unes declaracions!#PaísDePandereta #NoEstarALAlçada — Paranxeta (@paranxeta) 19 of August 2017
"Some Zoido who they say is the Interior minister appears 48 hours later and makes some statements!"