"Let's take back the streets". That was one of the catch-cries as, for the second Tuesday in a row, demonstrations were held across Catalonia. Today, protesters from the left-wing, pro-independence CDR groups and CUP party filled many squares around Catalonia to demand that "life be placed ahead of capital" during the recovery from the coronavirus crisis and in response to the "cutbacks in rights and freedoms". Correct health protocols and respect for safety distances were clear features of today's protests, which began at the standardised time of 8pm.
Participants in the different rallies also demanded an end to health cuts, and to "police brutality", among other things. People voiced a determination that "this crisis must not be paid for by the workers, who always pay for the crises". Anti-fascist posters were seen during the demonstrations, and organizers celebrated that several pro-independence organizations such as Arran, Alerta Solidària, the ANC and the SEPC had declared their support for the protest manifesto.
Protesters state that, as well as defending the right to demonstrate during Spain's constitutionally-exceptional state of alarm, which "drowns us with so much death and precariousness", these protests are a tool to force changes in the political situation in Catalonia.
Protest at the Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia. Víctor Antich
Retallar la sanitat mata!
— CDR Sant Andreu✊🏿🎗️ (@CDRstap) May 26, 2020
Aquesta crisi no la tonrarem a pagar les treballadores.
Ens hi trobaran de cara!! ✊🏾#RecuperemElsCarrers 🔥#LaVidaAbansQueElCapital pic.twitter.com/rQVxfk7TdS
"Health cuts kill! This time the crisis will not be paid for by the workers. They will find us facing them down!! Let's #TakeBackTheStreets, #Life Before Capital"— CDR Sant Andreu
— CDR Terrassa (@CDR_Trs) May 26, 2020
Avui ens hem trobat al davant de l’Ajuntament de Terrassa amb els companys i companyes de @trsxlaindepe per reivindicar els nostres drets.
Aquesta crisi no la pagarem.
Les nostres vides, valen més que el seus beneficis!#RecuperemElsCarrers https://t.co/96Jy3XMFfL pic.twitter.com/hRBHKOVr1k
"LIFE BEFORE CAPITAL !!! Today we met in front of the Terrassa town hall with companions from @trsxlaindepe to claim our rights. We won't pay for this crisis. Our lives are worth more than their profits! #TakeBackTheStreets" — CDR Terrassa
Avui un centenar de persones ens concentren a la Plaça Mercadal en resposta a les retallades de drets i llibertats. #RecuperemElsCarrers! ✊ pic.twitter.com/6TWmBFgIpz
— CUP Reus (@CUPReus) May 26, 2020
"Today a hundred people have gathered in the Plaça Mercadal in response to the cuts in rights and freedoms. #TakeBackTheStreets."— CUP Reus
The demand to "take back the streets" is also a response to the right-wing demonstrations demanding the resignation of the Spanish government which originated in the Salamanca district of Madrid.
This Tuesday's demonstrations took place in more than thirty municipalities around Catalonia: several neighbourhoods in Barcelona, as well as in cities such as Sabadell, Granollers, Tarragona, Lleida and Vilanova i la Geltrú.
The rallies were mostly small in terms of the individual numbers, but in total, thousands of people protested across Catalonia. In all cases, social distancing and health safety measures imposed during the state of alarm have been respected.
In the case of the mobilization in the Plaça de la Paeria in the city of Lleida, the Catalan Mossos police demanded the ID details of the protester who read the manifesto. Facing him were about thirty people who had gathered respecting safety distances.
A #Lleida #RecuperemElsCarrers perquè aquesta crisi no la pagarem els de sempre i volem sortir-ne amb #DretsILlibertats! pic.twitter.com/stbj8X8tcs
— CDRs de Lleida (@CDRsLleida) May 26, 2020
"In #Lleida #WeTakeBackTheStreets because we who always pay will not pay for the crisis and we want to come out of this with #RightsAndLiberties!"— CDRs de Lleida
🔴 Canviem els balcons per places i carrers!
— SEPC (@SEPC_nacional) May 26, 2020
✊🏾 Avui sortim arreu del territori, perquè no ens vulnerin més drets!
La vida abans que el capital! No pagarem amb les nostres vides la seva crisi! 🔥 pic.twitter.com/S8sqqFiaq3
"We're changing the balconies for the squares and streets! Today we're going to protest all over the territory, so that no more of our rights are violated! Life before capital! We will not pay with our lives for their crisis!" - SEPC