The announcement that Spain's king emeritus Juan Carlos I intends to go into exile because of the scandal caused by his alleged links with corrupt business affairs has provoked an immediate response among Catalan politicians who interpret his decision as an attempt to escape from the Spanish authorities.
Jordi Sànchez of the JxCat party called for the Spanish justice system to withdraw Juan Carlos I's passport. Sànchez recalls that he was imprisoned by judge Carmen Lamela "for calling a demonstration" and "I'm still there due to a risk of flight" after voluntarily presenting himself at the court to testify. "Where is the justice in Spain?" he asks.
A què espera l’Audiència Nacional a retirar el passaport a Juan Carlos I. A mi per convocar una manifestació la jutge Lamela em va tancar a la presó i encara hi soc per risc de fugida després de presentar-me voluntàriament a declarar. On és la justícia a Espanya?
— Jordi Sànchez (@jordialapreso) August 3, 2020
Another of the Catalan political prisoners, ERC president Oriol Junqueras sarcastically declares that "the law is the same for everyone": "that's why the king allows his corrupt father to leave and gives no explanations, the [Spanish] government looks the other way and the judges of the Supreme Court don't care, because the emeritus is not a pro-independence activist." "The same unreformable and corrupt Spain as always," he concludes.
La llei és igual per a tots. Per això el rei permet que el seu pare corrupte marxi i no dóni explicacions, el Govern mira a una altra banda i els jutges del Suprem passen perqie l’emèrit no és independentista. La Espanya irreformable i corrupte de sempre.
— Oriol Junqueras 🎗️ (@junqueras) August 3, 2020
The president of the ERC group in the Catalan Parliament, Sergi Sabrià, affirms that "thieves must be arrested, tried and imprisoned". “This journey away to holidays with the cash he stole from us, with the red carpet laid out for him by his little boy, who is trying to save his own arse, and while the "most progressive Prime Minister in history" applauds,” retorts Sabrià.
Als lladres se’ls ha de detenir, jutjar i engarjolar. Aquest marxa de vacances amb la pasta que ens ha robat, amb una catifa vermella q li posa el fillet mentre mira de salvar-se el cul i amb el president del Govern més ‘progressista de la història’ aplaudint #Democràciademerda
— Sergi Sabrià (@sergisabria) August 3, 2020
The head of the ERC party in Congress, Gabriel Rufián, dedicated a couple of sarcastic tweets to the king emeritus's decision.
Tenía un chiste sobre las corruptelas de Juan Carlos pero se me ha escapado.
— Gabriel Rufián (@gabrielrufian) August 3, 2020
"I was going to tell a joke about Juan Carlos I's corruption but it escapes me", he wrote, before a second tweet comparing international headlines on the matter. All of them say "Juan Carlos flees Spain", except for that of Spain itself, where the media say "Juan Carlos leaves Spain".
🇮🇹 Juan Carlos I huye de España
— Gabriel Rufián (@gabrielrufian) August 3, 2020
🇩🇪 Juan Carlos I huye de España
🇵🇹 Juan Carlos I huye de España
🇬🇧 Juan Carlos I huye de España
🇺🇸 Juan Carlos I huye de España
🇧🇪 Juan Carlos I huye de España
🇧🇷 Juan Carlos I huye de España
🇪🇸 Juan Carlos I abandona España
JxCat spokesperson in the Spanish Congress, Laura Borràs, asked whether the "emeritus king" will become the "fugitive king".
Ara serà “el rey fugado”?
— Laura Borràs 🎗 (@LauraBorras) August 3, 2020
From the CUP party, the MP Vidal Aragonès jokes that he "wouldn't wish a monarchy on anyone!" before making another comparison: "Franco's heir and the head of state's father goes on holiday" but leaves "his Regime the same as it was when they built it". By contrast, "we'll leave their State and their Regime constructing the Catalan Republic."
No li desitjo una monarquia a ningú!
— Vidal Aragonés (@VidalAragones) August 3, 2020
Marxa "de vacances" l'hereu de Franco i pare del Cap de l'Estat espanyol però deixa el seu Règim com ells ho van construir.
Nosaltres marxarem del seu Estat i del seu Règim construint la República catalana.#PareIfill #CoronaCiao
Also from the CUP, Albert Botran warns that "they are trying to isolate the problem", but the "Spanish monarchy makes corruption its raison d'être".
Intenten aïllar el problema: no sabien res d’Urdangarin i ara Felip no sap res de Joan Carles. Massa casualitats que evidencien que la Monarquia borbònica espanyola fa de la corrupció raó de ser. Que caigui i que s’obri pas la independència i la República Catalana! #Pareifill
— Albert Botran Pahissa (@albertbotran) August 3, 2020
"They are trying to isolate the problem: they knew nothing about the Urdangarin affair and now Felipe knows nothing about Juan Carlos. Too many coincidences that show up that the Spanish Bourbon monarchy makes corruption its raison d'être. Let them fall and open the way for independence and the Catalan Republic!" says Botran,