Read in Catalan

The president of Together for Catalonia (Junts), Laura Borràs, was assaulted this Wednesday during a visit to the Terres de l'Ebre county, as part of the Junts campaign for the European elections, can intorm. The attack occurred at a campaign lunch in the southern Catalonia town of Ampolla with party members and supporters, when a woman approached her and attacked her from behind. However, some of those present anticipated the woman's intentions and were able to restrain her. Borràs has filed a hate crime complaint with the Mossos d'Esquadra, given that the attacker called her an "indepe de merda" - "separatist shit".

The attack caught the former speaker of Parliament off guard, as she was standing with her back to her attacker. The woman used an ice bucket full of ice and water to attack her, throwing it over the pro-independence leader, at the same time calling her "corrupt", according to those present at the event.

Hate crime

The Junts president was accompanied by, among others, the party's organizational secretary, David Torrents, who is a police officer by profession, and who took charge of presenting the complaint at the Mossos police station in Ametlla de Mar.

Junts has confirmed the aggression through a press release in which it condemns the aggression and expresses support for the party president. According to the party, after making the complaint, Borràs continued with her scheduled campaign activities.

Several members of Junts denounced the aggression against Borràs cia social media and sent messages of support to the party president. "It's savage. The dehumanization of political opponents has serious consequences", lamented deputy Josep Rull. As well, Catalan Socialist leader Salvador Illa condemned the attack: "Respect and coexistence are democratic values ​​that we must all preserve," he said in a social media post.