Read in Catalan

The Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) believes that Catalonia's society has "already overcome" projects such as that of the president in exile, Carles Puigdemont. During the presentation of party's slogan and image for the pre-campaign to the May 12th election, the deputy first secretary and campaign head, Lluïsa Moret, criticized Junts+ Puigdemont for Catalonia because "Catalonia has overcome personalist logic". In this regard, she compared the Socialist proposal with that of Junts, claiming that "solid and collective projects that put the interests of Catalans at the centre" are now needed: "We must overcome that lost decade, there is no more time to waste".

In fact, Moret appealed to this idea to refer to the new pre-campaign slogan of the Socialists, which is Unir i servir - "Unite and serve". This is a message that the PSC first secretary, Salvador Illa, already used during his speeches in the recent 15th Congress of the party. As the campaign head explained, the use of these two verbs seeks to convey that theirs is a "transversal" project and that it is aimed at "all Catalans, regardless of what they think, feel or the language they speak". "It must mark a new phase aimed at generating prosperity, overcoming the deficiencies we have and making a priority of public services", she remarked, stressing that it also illustrates the objective of "winning the elections and governing the Generalitat".


At the same time, Lluïsa Moret argued that voting for the PSC is "brave and careful", something that is "in tune" with the style of candidate Salvador Illa: "We will present ambitious political initiatives, to recover the energy of the country and give effective answers to the country's problems; but they will not be pipe dreams, but possibilistic, sensitive and realistic proposals. Illa does not make promises, he commits and delivers."

The pre-campaign image of the PSC for the May 12th election / Photo: PSC

A conference to present the country model

During the presentation of the pre-campaign image, Lluïsa Moret insisted that they had divided this path "toward the Generalitat" into three moments: "The first was with the congress, with the slogan Ara toca Catalunya - "Now it's Catalonia's turn", where we focused on our priority, which is to govern this country to rectify the lost decade. Now, in the pre-campaign, we use the slogan Unir i servir, to emphasize what unites us and show why we want to govern Catalonia." The third moment, she said, will be known on the night of April 25 - the start of the campaign -  "when we will present a new motto and new image." Before that, Salvador Illa, will present his "country project" for Catalonia in a conference this Thursday at the Barcelona Maritime Museum, she explained. "He will put on the table the proposals and actions to be developed by the Catalan government on a model of a country that wants to recover institutional normalization and puts public services and good management at the centre".