Read in Catalan

The village of Amer, near Girona, where exiled Catalan president Carles Puigdemont was born and grew up, has let out a call for his restoration. This Sunday, Amer held a programme of events in honour of its famous son, including an address by political scientist Ramón Cotarelo and a live video connection with Puigdemont himself from Waterloo, Belgium.

However, the most emotional moment of the day was the unveiling of a giant mural featuring a portrait of Carles Puigdemont and the phrase "No surrender".

"Always with the people of Catalonia! Today in Amer, at homage to the Right Honourable President Carles Puigdemont.
Always with you, President @KRLS, No surrender. Thanks." — CRIDA NACIONAL EIXAMPLE

"Come to Amer and we'll prepare the revolution. In Amer, the bad and the good are born. Porcioles [Franco-era mayor of Barcelona] was born there. Puigdemont, too." — Salvador Clarà Pons 

The village event culminated in a "yellow lunch" in support of the Catalan political prisoners and exiles.

Amer Puigdemont Isabel Marín