The Catalan president in exile, Carles Puigdemont, has made clear his will to continue taking a stand on debates that affect Catalan politics, despite his recent resignation from the presidency of Junts. He demonstrated this yesterday when he asserted that the meeting between Catalan minister Laura Vilagrà and her Spanish counterpart Félix Bolaños was a mistake, and today he developed the idea in a long tweet thread. The president asserted that it is useless for Catalan pro-independence forces to negotiate with the Spanish state without pre-established conditions, or methodology, or allowing the other side to decide who will take part, or going in a way that divides the independence movement. In fact, he warns that such movements cause "demobilization and despair." This is inevitable, he asserts, because Spain is not going to offer anything to such an encounter: "Many, many years have passed, and there is not a single Spanish proposal on the table to resolve the political conflict with Catalonia. Let's face it - they don't have one," he says.
16/18 No serveix de res més que per perdre el temps, contribuir a desmobilitzar i desesperançar. Han passat molts anys, massa, i damunt la taula no hi ha ni una sola proposta espanyola per resoldre el conflicte polític amb Catalunya. Admetem-ho d’una vegada: no en tenen cap.
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) June 23, 2022
The president again calls for the unity of the entire Catalan independence movement - "to carry out a rethink in order to be effective, and to regain strategy and initiative, rebuilding strength and trust and mutual respect" - because "everyone is necessary". "We carried out the referendum among all of us, we know the formula and we won that day," he said.
18/18 Ni els anomenats hiperventilats ni els acusats de traïció ni els titllats de processistes, lliristes i octubristes, ni els de la pagueta, ni els tuistars, ni els convergents… El referèndum el vam fer amb tots ells.
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) June 23, 2022
La fórmula la sabem.
I aquell dia vam guanyar.
Previously in the thread, Puigdemont set out a powerful critique of the situation of the rule of law in Spain, warning that any negotiation must start from this reality because ignoring it is "irresponsible". "They lie, spy, conspire, bribe, ruin banks in other countries... It is clear that when you get into dialogue with these people, all the precautions you can take are very few," he warns.
14/18 Hi hem de tractar partint de la realitat que abans he descrit, i ignorar-ho és una irresponsabilitat. Menteixen, espien, conspiren, corrompen, subornen, arruïnen bancs d’altres països... És evident que per anar a dialogar amb aquesta gent totes les precaucions són poques.
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) June 23, 2022
Puigdemont also leaves a reminder that the "dirty war" against pro-independence forces is not the exclusive property of the People's Party or what is usually defined as the Spanish right, "as the victims of the GAL" - the 1980s death squads authorised by the Socialists - "and all those spied on by order of the PSOE in the Catalangate scandal know well".
12/18 La guerra bruta no és patrimoni del PP, com saben bé les víctimes del GAL i com sabem tots els espiats per ordres del PSOE en l’escàndol del #CatalanGate, que es va fent més gran a mesura que més ferma és l’oposició socialista a investigar-ho. Tant se val PP com PSOE.
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) June 23, 2022
He also recalls that the participation in the dirty war against the Catalan independence movement has been not only by the Spanish judiciary but also by its press, which was responsible for publishing the fake reports that were prepared.
11/18 Jutges i periodisties patriòtics empastifen el bon nom de persones honestes com @josepalay i @boye_g sense cap mirament, vulnerant drets fonamentals només perquè ens estan fent costat, i en canvi són incapaços de menar una investigació profunda sobre les clavegueres.
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) June 23, 2022
"Patriotic judges and journalists tarnish the good name of honest people like @josepalay and @boye_g without a second thought, violating their fundamental rights just because those people support us, and on the other hand, are unable to conduct a thorough investigation into the [corrupt activities of the state sewers]."
3/18 La vam denunciar des del primer minut, però uns i altres van convenir fer caldo gros perquè tenien interessos comuns; no van tenir interès a recollir la denúncia d’uns fets que tothom sabia que s’estaven produint i sí a amplificar el relat dissenyat pels caps de la trama.
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) June 23, 2022
"It has been shown that ministers, MPs, police, prosecutors, judges, publishers and journalists have organized to attack the independence movement (businessmen and bankers are missing from this, but that will end up coming out): this is a real plot, still active, that Spain will never investigate."
"We denounced it from the very start, but they all agreed to let it go by because they had common interests; they had no interest in building up a detailed complaint of the actions that everyone knew were happening but rather it suited them to amplify the narrative scripted by the leaders of that network."