Read in Catalan

Carles Puigdemont has faced down Marine Le Pen from the city of Paris. The Catalan president in exile responded to the threats of the French extreme right leader, who this Monday referred to him while campaigning. In an interview with the newspaper El Periódico, Le Pen stated that, if she wins the elections, she will not allow Puigdemont to operate freely in the French republic. "We will be relentless with all those who attack the legitimate institutions of their country, especially if those are friendly and partner countries," added the leader of the National Rally. For his part, Puigdemont, who is in Paris, posted a message on x calling Le Pen a "puppet of the Francoists from Vox" and went as far as to warn that he will not stand idly but will combat such assertions. "Not only do I plan to return, but I will stand up to all attempts to apply Francoist laws that prevent the freedom of movement of European citizens," said the Catalan president in exile.

At the moment, Le Pen is the favourite to win the French legislative elections on June 30th. The elections were called by the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, after Le Pen's National Rally doubled its party's votes in the European elections on 9th June.

Translation: "This thing said by Marine Le Pen, who has acted like a puppet of the Francoists from Vox, I came across precisely when I was in Paris. Not only do I plan to return, but I will face down all attempts to apply Francoist laws that prevent the freedom of movement of European citizens."- Carles Puigdemont

In the interview, the leader of the French far right affirmed that it is "shameful and humiliating for France" that Puigdemont had his base of operations in Northern Catalonia - that is, the part of the Catalan-speaking lands that are on French territory - during the Catalan election campaign. On the other hand, when asked about Pedro Sánchez's leadership, the far-right leader added that if she were Spanish, "she would undoubtedly fight alongside Vox against an extremist socialist government, which not only attacks the interests of their country, but also fosters a particularly poisonous European policy."

The French left takes to the streets to stop Le Pen

Thousands of French people have taken to the streets to show their rejection of the extreme right, which threatens to take more power in the Elysée Palace and even the government. The latest demonstration was held last Saturday and brought together 250,000 people opposed to Le Pen.