Ada Colau will be the winner of the 2023 municipal elections in Barcelona, according to the poll carried out this Sunday by Catalan public broadcaster TV3 and Forta, and released when the polling stations closed at 8pm. The survey, commissioned by the demoscopic company GAD3, indicates that sitting mayor Colau would win again with 21% of the vote, a percentage that would translate into 10 councillors. The second position will go to the Catalan Socialist (PSC) candidate Jaume Collboni, with 20% of votes and 9-10 councillors, falling short of the vote haul of the Barcelona en Comú candidate. The third place would be obtained by Xavier Trias, who would collect 18% of the ballots and his Trias for Barcelona team, oriented towards the pro-independence Together for Catalonia (Junts), would win 8-9 representatives. In fourth place would be Republican Left (ERC) candidate Ernest Maragall, of the pro-independence centre-left, who would gather 14% of support and 6 seats in the Catalan capital's town hall.
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Parties of the Spanish right would also win places in the Barcelona council according to the poll, with the conservative People's Party (PP) and far-right Vox completing the council for the 2023-2027 term. The survey indicates that the PP's Daniel Sirera would build on its 2019 results to win 9% of the vote and 4 councillors. The final party with representation would be Vox (7% votes and 3 councillors), meaning that the extreme right would break into the Barcelona council for the first time. With this result, the arithmetic would lead to the need for pacts in order to form a city government. Colau would remain with the same number of councillors as in 2019, Collboni would increase by 1 or 2, Trias would gain between 3 and 4 seats over the Junts result in 2019, and Maragall would lose 4. For its part, the PP would double its result . The party that will disappear from the city council is Ciudadanos, and the group that spun off from its 2019 candidacy, Valents. At the same time, the far-left pro-independence CUP has,according to the TV3 poll, failed to recover the city council represrentation it lost in 2019, remaining below the 5% vote threshold to enter.
