The clashes between police and protesters on Saturday night in downtown Barcelona have led to the return of burning barricades to the streets, even though the city council had removed all rubbish containers from the centre of the city. Some protesters went further afield to find suitable material.
The first barricade was lit in Passeig de Gràcia close to Plaça Catalunya, and there was a second in Plaça Urquinaona near Carrer Pau Claris.
The Mossos' anti-riot teams tried to break up groups of protesters who had originated in the Via Laietana protest outside the Spanish National Police station (see earlier report). But after forcing protesters into nearby Plaça Urquinaona and then dispersing them further, a climate of confusion was created for a time, because the tension then moved to the streets of the Eixample on which traffic was circulating.
By 11.15pm it seemed normality was returning. The volunteer medical team Sanitaris per la República reported that they had assisted 40 people during the night, and the emergency medical services said they had attended a total of 15 people. A number of arrests were also made.