As of today, Catalonia's national flag, the senyera, is flying over Dublin's City Hall, and the Irish capital's Lord Mayor Mícheál Mac Donncha has posed for an informal photo with journalist Martí Estruch to record the start of a month when the bars of the Catalan flag will fly over the city's historic municipal building.
Des d'avui i durant un mes, la senyera oneja sobre l'Ajuntament de Dublín en suport a la causa catalana i per reivindicar l'alliberament dels presos polítics. Go raibh maith agat @michealmacdoncha!
— Martí Estruch (@MartiEstruch) 4 of January 2018
"From today and for the next month the senyera will fly over the Dublin City Hall in support of the Catalan cause and to demand the liberation of the political prisoners", explained Estruch in a tweet, concluding with a "thank you" in Irish to mayor MacDonncha.
On 13th December, the Dublin City Council debated a motion proposed by anticapitalist left group People Before Profit to fly the Catalan flag for a month, in solidarity with Catalonia. The motion passed by 21 votes to 18.