Spanish justice has decided to lock them up properly again. The penitentiary surveillance judge at Catalonia's Lledoners prison has today ordered that several of the convicted pro-independence leaders have to return to a full custodial jail regime, after her decision to suspend the work leave provisions and open prison arrangements that they have been granted recently. The prisoners have returned to jail this evening, and won't be let out again at least until an application made today by prosecutors has been heard. This development comes as a result of a ruling by the Spanish Supreme Court last Thursday in relation to the work leave granted to one of the Catalan political prisoners, former parliamentary speaker Carme Forcadell, and the same doctrine is now being applied to others.
In the ruling, the judge suspended both the "third level" open prison regime and the work leave provisions granted to the former Catalan vice president, Oriol Junqueras, ex-ministers Joaquim Forn and Raül Romeva, and civil society leaders Jordi Cuixart (president of Òmnium Cultural) and Jordi Sànchez (former president of the ANC). She also annulled the open prison regime granted to Carme Forcadell, who had already lost her work leave provision on 23rd July. The prosecutors are still working on appeals with regard to the remaining three political prisoners, former Catalan government ministers Josep Rull, Jordi Turull and Dolors Bassa, suggesting they will encounter the same procedure in the next few days.
El juzgado de vigilancia penitenciaria 5 de Catalunya recibe el recurso del ministerio público contra el tercer grado de cinco de los internos condenados por el #TS y acuerda la suspensión de esta calificación mientras se tramita el recurso, tal y como prevé la ley
— TSJCat (@tsj_cat) July 28, 2020
"Penitentiary Surveillance Court 5 of Catalonia has received the appeal of the public prosecution service against the "third level" prison regime of five of the inmates convicted by the Supreme Court and has agreed to the suspension of this regime while the appeal is heard, as provided by law"— TSJCat (High Court of Catalonia)
The High Court of Catalonia (TSJC) has processed the appeal rapidly and has ruled that while the matter is being resolved, the third-level prison regime will be suspended for the pro-independence prisoners. This is in line with the doctrine created by the Supreme Court in the case of Carme Forcadell last week. That court ruled that it had the power to make final rulings on the prison regime to be served by those it had convicted, and also that the mere presentation by prosecutors of an appeal against the prison leave provisions would trigger the suspension of the provisions while the appeal was heard. Thus, the open prison regime, which the Catalan prisoners only began on July 17th - allowing them to spend the weekend at home - is now suspended.
Catalan president Quim Torra, due to speak along with other pro-independence leaders outside Lledoners prison this evening, responded to the news on Twitter, stating bluntly: "No, the law does not provide for revenge as a response. Is this the dialogue that Spain is offering?"
No, la llei no preveu la venjança com a resposta. Aquest és el diàleg que ofereix Espanya?
— Quim Torra i Pla (@QuimTorraiPla) July 28, 2020
ERC party leader and former Catalan vice president Oriol Junqueras remarked that today it has once again been shown "that they are very afraid of us and want us locked up". "People do get out of prison, and we will get out to win and to take this country to liberty," he added.
Avui tornem a constatar que ens tenen molta por i ens volen tancats. Nosaltres sabem que això forma part del camí. De la presó se'n surt, i en sortirem per guanyar i per portar aquest país a la llibertat.
— Oriol Junqueras 🎗️ (@junqueras) July 28, 2020
For his part, ex-minister Raül Romeva stated that it was "inevitable" and he explained why: "they are returning us to prison because they are unable to return to politics. The revenge is not stopping."
Raül: "Era previsible. Ens tornen a la presó perquè són incapaços de tornar a la política. La venjança no s'atura."
— Raül Romeva i Rueda (@raulromeva) July 28, 2020
Parliamentarian for the pro-independence CUP party Eulàlia Regüant stated: "This is called criminal law for the enemy."
D'aixo se'n diu dret penal de l'enemic.
— Eulàlia Reguant Cura (@aramateix) July 28, 2020
Exiled Catalan minister and MEP Clara Ponsatí affirmed: "A principle of reality: while we are arguing about who is the best, they go to work and make it clear who is the worst".
Principi de realitat: Mentre badem discutint a veure qui es el mes bo, ells van per feina i deixen clar qui es el dolent. #posemnoslespiles
— Clara Ponsatí (@ClaraPonsati) July 28, 2020
Òmnium vice-president Marcel Mauri stated that the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, "now has what he wanted". "It was his prosecution service who asked for it. If the Spanish government does not demand the immediate withdrawal of the [prosecutors'] appeal, not only will it be clear that it has no will to undertake dialogue, it will also show that it endorses and promotes repression."
Pedro Sánchez ja té el que volia. Era la seva fiscalia qui ho demanava. Si el govern espanyol no exigeix la retirada immediata del recurs, no només es farà evident que no té cap voluntat de diàleg, també demostrarà que avala i propicia la repressió.
— Marcel Mauri de los Rios (@marcelmauri) July 28, 2020
ERC secretary general Marta Rovira, in exile in Switzerland since 2017, also spoke out, quoting a candid line uttered by former Spanish interior minister Jorge Fernández Díaz on the methods of Spanish state powers: "Remember that line "the prosecution will fine-tune it for you"? Well, it never fails. Today the prosecution has also done the work for the Spanish government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos. Today the PSOE and UP have done away with politics, democratic resolution and have endorsed political repression. They are clearly showing us the path to follow."
Recordeu allò de "la fiscalia te lo afina?"
— Marta Rovira Vergés🎗 (@martarovira) July 28, 2020
Doncs no falla mai. Avui fiscalia també ha fet la feina pel govern espanyol del PSOE i Unidas Podemos.
Avui el PSOE i UP dinamiten la política, la resolució democràtica i avalen la repressió política. Ens deixen clar el camí.