As Catalan civic leaders Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez pass the appalling milestone of 600 days in pre-trial jail, and with the recent release of the UN Working Group report giving yet more damning confirmation that the pair are indeed political prisoners and must be released immediately by Spain, Cuixart has sent a tweet with a video message which, though not new, resounds more than ever.
Philosopher Noam Chomsky, football coach Pep Guardiola, activist Angela Davis and lawyer Ben Emmerson are among those who simply "demand justice and freedom" in the video produced by Òmnium Cultural. They speak out against the Catalan independence trial - due to end in a matter of days - and demand the end of the Spanish repression in Catalonia, and the release of all prisoners. In addition, the participants call for a peaceful solution and reaffirm their commitment to dialogue.
Jordi Cuixart wrote: "After 600 days in prison, the State's repression continues to be the best loudspeaker of our universal struggle for human, civil and political rights, for self-determination. We're not giving up anything, they'll never be able to imprison life nor liberty!".
Missatge des de Soto del Real:
— Jordi Cuixart (@jcuixart) 8 de juny de 2019
Després de 600 dies de presó, la repressió de l'Estat continua sent el millor altaveu de la nostra lluita universal pels drets humans, civils i polítics, per l'autodeterminació. Cap renúncia, mai podran empresonar ni la llibertat ni la vida!