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On Saturday, June 17th, Catalonia's new town councils were constituted, with the councillors elected three weeks previously being sworn in, and then voting to choose their new mayors for the 2023-2027 mandate. Based on public data, has developed a search engine that allows you to see the elected leaders of all Catalan municipalities, with the final updating of the database since Saturday almost complete as the last mayors are added to the Spanish ministry's information base. You'll find the search engine below along with a collection of our other updated municipal maps and data on Catalonia.    

As of this Monday afternoon, the Catalan Republican Left (ERC) and Together for Catalonia (Junts) are the two parties that have managed to dominate the most mayoralties in Catalonia since the municipal elections. Either by absolute majority, relative majority or multi-party agreements, the two pro-independence parties have entered the municipal governments on more than 300 occasions each - most of the rural towns that occupy the majority of Catalonia's territory, and a proportion of the larger ones. The remaining municipalities have been divided among other candidacies. The third party that will govern the most councils in this new legislature is the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), with more than a hundred mayors - with reletively greater success in the medium and large cities - among which Barcelona city council stands out, after Saturday's PSC-Comuns-PP move to elect Jaume Collboni as head of the city government, shutting out election winner Xavier Trias. After the major parties, come a large collection of local candidacies of all kinds which have managed to position themselves at the head of almost eighty councils: mixed, left, centre, and the most controversial of them all, the far-right (and pro-independence) Aliança Catalana grouping which took control of the city of Ripoll under the Islamophobe Sílvia Orriols, after the other parties were unable to agree on an alternative pact.

Below, enter the name of the municipality to search for the name of the mayor.  

New mayors who have unseated the most voted party

Despite the declared intention of ERC and Junts to prioritize pro-independence accords after May 28th, the territorial realities of each municipality have shaken this strategy. It worked in Girona - facilitating, for the first time, a CUP mayoralty - and there was also pro-independence agreement in Barcelona, although the Socialist Jaume Collboni ended up as mayor. The other Catalan capitals, Tarragona and Lleida, also went to the Socialists. This map shows the new mayors in all the main cities (county seats, cities with population over 20,000, and all those in the metropolitan region):


To finish, a graph and a map that show the political evolution of Catalonia's municipalities:
Below, the graph of voting trends in all Catalan local council elections since 1980, showing how the PSC has recovered votes in 2023 and ERC lost the leadership in terms of votes that it had in 2019.   

Finally, this map allows comparison of the most voted party in each town between 2019 and 2023. As we've seen, bear in mind that most voted party is not necessarily the party which finally got to occupy the mayoral office.