Berto Sagrera

What is Leonesism? The new 'independence' movement that could shake up the Spanish heartland

What is Leonesism? The new 'independence' movement that could shake up the Spanish heartland

After a landmark council vote in favour of León's independence from Castilla, we offer a brief guide to what's going on

Thursday, 27 of june of 2024 - 21:45

The 15 excuses of Gabriel Le Senne (Vox) for the scandal in the Balearic Parliament

The 15 excuses of Gabriel Le Senne (Vox) for the scandal in the Balearic Parliament

Extremist Balearic Parliament speaker neither resigns nor apologizes for his violent attitude towards two Socialist MPs

Wednesday, 19 of june of 2024 - 21:14

The six black flags on the Catalan coast for summer 2024: where are they?

The six black flags on the Catalan coast for summer 2024: where are they?

The Black Flags 2024 report lists the most serious environmental problem areas on the coast of Catalonia

Wednesday, 12 of june of 2024 - 23:23

An Israeli MP calls for the country to recognize the independence of Catalonia

An Israeli MP calls for the country to recognize the independence of Catalonia

The request comes after Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez announced that he will recognize the state of Palestine on May 28th

Thursday, 23 of may of 2024 - 20:37

Pro-independence ERC is to consult its members over Catalan presidential choice

Pro-independence ERC is to consult its members over Catalan presidential choice

The Republican Left will have to decide if it wants to support Carles Puigdemont, Salvador Illa, or no-one at all

Friday, 17 of may of 2024 - 21:51

The government-owned opinion pollsters that overestimated ERC and underestimated Junts

The government-owned opinion pollsters that overestimated ERC and underestimated Junts

Both Catalonia's CEO agency and Spain's CIS made spectacular errors in predictions for ERC and Junts in the Catalan election

Monday, 13 of may of 2024 - 23:15

US human rights report underlines Spain's Catalangate espionage and police rubber bullets case

US human rights report underlines Spain's Catalangate espionage and police rubber bullets case

As in recent years, the Catalan question and repressive Spanish responses are present in the 2023 US state department report

Tuesday, 23 of april of 2024 - 18:56

The Comuns will vote 'no' on Barcelona city's budget, pushing mayor Collboni toward confidence vote

The Comuns will vote 'no' on Barcelona city's budget, pushing mayor Collboni toward confidence vote

Barcelona en Comú say they'll reject the Catalan Socialist mayor's budget unless he forms a "majority left-wing" government

Tuesday, 19 of march of 2024 - 23:26

Humanitarian ship Open Arms and chef José Andrés are unloading food aid on Gaza coast | VIDEO

Humanitarian ship Open Arms and chef José Andrés are unloading food aid on Gaza coast | VIDEO

First maritime humanitarian corridor to Gaza is opened with Catalan vessel in key role, but it's far from sufficient

Friday, 15 of march of 2024 - 21:43

Who is Alberto González Amador, partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso?

Who is Alberto González Amador, partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso?

In 2021, the Madrid president found love in the healthcare world, one of the great sources of her controversies

Tuesday, 12 of march of 2024 - 20:28

Activists hose purple paint on façade of Barcelona's Episcopal Palace in Women's Day protest | VIDEO

Activists hose purple paint on façade of Barcelona's Episcopal Palace in Women's Day protest | VIDEO

Futuro Vegetal activists protest against the Catholic church's positions on abortion

Friday, 8 of march of 2024 - 19:16

Puigdemont, on amnesty: "We need to negotiate piece by piece, from a budget to self-determination"

Puigdemont, on amnesty: "We need to negotiate piece by piece, from a budget to self-determination"

President-in-exile recalls that the aim of the amnesty is to be able to negotiate with the Spanish government on equal terms

Thursday, 7 of march of 2024 - 23:04

Ponsatí and Graupera, to present a new Catalan pro-independence party

Ponsatí and Graupera, to present a new Catalan pro-independence party

The new party of Ponsatí and Graupera, known as Alhora, will be presented on April 23rd - Sant Jordi's Day - in Barcelona

Monday, 4 of march of 2024 - 23:20

Catalan farmers to keep some highways blockaded until Thursday after minister's no-show

Catalan farmers to keep some highways blockaded until Thursday after minister's no-show

Farmers feel 'disrespected' by not being able to meet Catalan minister, who excused himself for 'personal reasons'

Tuesday, 27 of february of 2024 - 23:21

pastilla video
Belarusian musician arrested for singing 'L'Estaca' by Catalan composer Lluís Llach

Belarusian musician arrested for singing 'L'Estaca' by Catalan composer Lluís Llach

Llach's 'L'Estaca', classified as "extremist material" by Belarus police, was sung by the country's freedom movement in 2020

Tuesday, 27 of february of 2024 - 21:21

VIDEOS: Tension with police as activists try to halt multiple flat evictions in Barcelona's El Raval

VIDEOS: Tension with police as activists try to halt multiple flat evictions in Barcelona's El Raval

As police physically removed the activists blockading the homes, one person was injured and was evacuated in an ambulance

Wednesday, 21 of february of 2024 - 23:29

Two-thirds of all Catalans either immigrated to Catalonia or have at least one parent who did

Two-thirds of all Catalans either immigrated to Catalonia or have at least one parent who did

65.8% of the population are immigrants or descendants of immigrants, either from other parts of the state or internationally

Friday, 16 of february of 2024 - 01:54

pastilla video
Catalan farmers vow to keep AP-7 motorway blocked until governments make concessions

Catalan farmers vow to keep AP-7 motorway blocked until governments make concessions

Protests blocking the AP-7 and N-2 in Girona, along with a blockade of the Port of Tarragona, are continuing overnight

Tuesday, 13 of february of 2024 - 22:38

Judge Baltasar Garzón speaks out: "It's clear that there is lawfare in Spain"

Judge Baltasar Garzón speaks out: "It's clear that there is lawfare in Spain"

Despite "expressions of horror" made by some, the disbarred "superjudge" has no doubt that lawfare exists in Spain

Thursday, 25 of january of 2024 - 12:04

pastilla video
Spanish judiciary asserts that documents such as Pegasus espionage files must remain classified

Spanish judiciary asserts that documents such as Pegasus espionage files must remain classified

The head of the CGPJ asks the Spanish government not to foster "disagreements by declassifying" documents

Wednesday, 20 of december of 2023 - 20:39

The PP and Vox definitively de-Catalanize the 'Diada' of Mallorca

The PP and Vox definitively de-Catalanize the 'Diada' of Mallorca

The PP-Vox majority on Mallorca's council has shifted the island's annual festive day from December 31st to September 12th

Thursday, 14 of december of 2023 - 23:16

International media stress the Catalan independentist role in Pedro Sánchez's investiture

International media stress the Catalan independentist role in Pedro Sánchez's investiture

Media from Europe and the US report how the Catalan parties and the amnesty deal have shaped the new Spanish executive

Thursday, 16 of november of 2023 - 20:36

pastilla video
Ayuso calls Sánchez a "son of a bitch" in Spanish parliament

Ayuso calls Sánchez a "son of a bitch" in Spanish parliament

The Madrid politician voiced the words from Congress's guest seating when Sánchez linked her to an alleged PP corruption case

Wednesday, 15 of november of 2023 - 19:55

Who is Tucker Carlson and what might his close ties to Spain's Vox mean?

Who is Tucker Carlson and what might his close ties to Spain's Vox mean?

The far-right presenter, whose lies about US voter fraud cost Fox News $700 million, appears in Madrid with Vox leaders

Tuesday, 14 of november of 2023 - 22:52

European Commission asks Spanish government for information on the amnesty

European Commission asks Spanish government for information on the amnesty

Reynders has written to Bolaños and Llop to request "detailed" information on the law that PSOE is negotiating with Junts

Wednesday, 8 of november of 2023 - 21:28

Socialists expect to register amnesty bill within days and invest Sánchez as Spanish PM next week

Socialists expect to register amnesty bill within days and invest Sánchez as Spanish PM next week

Once the party accords are finalised, the amnesty bill will be registered jointly by all seven parties supporting it

Tuesday, 31 of october of 2023 - 19:31

pastilla video
Pope Francis, surprised to be blessing La Moreneta de Girona in Spanish: "Shouldn't it be in Catalan?"

Pope Francis, surprised to be blessing La Moreneta de Girona in Spanish: "Shouldn't it be in Catalan?"

"Shouldn't it be in Catalan?": Cardinal Joan Josep Omella's answer to Pope Francis was a clear "no"

Monday, 16 of october of 2023 - 20:55

Spanish interior minister Marlaska changes views about amnesty: "The wounds need to heal"

Spanish interior minister Marlaska changes views about amnesty: "The wounds need to heal"

Fernando Grande-Marlaska is convinced that there will be a "successful" investiture of Pedro Sánchez

Wednesday, 4 of october of 2023 - 21:55

Temperatures reach 42 degrees in the worst day of Catalonia's heat wave

Temperatures reach 42 degrees in the worst day of Catalonia's heat wave

Although temperatures will start to normalize on Friday, severe storms are expected to affect Catalonia over the weekend

Wednesday, 23 of august of 2023 - 23:13

Jennifer Hermoso demands "exemplary measures" against Luis Rubiales for non-consensual kiss

Jennifer Hermoso demands "exemplary measures" against Luis Rubiales for non-consensual kiss

Jennifer Hermoso's trade union, Futpro, and her agency are in charge of defending her "interests" in the Rubiales case

Wednesday, 23 of august of 2023 - 21:55

Catalonia's heat wave will continue until Friday

Catalonia's heat wave will continue until Friday

Temperatures of over 40 degrees C will carry on for a few more days in several parts of Catalonia, warns Meteocat

Monday, 21 of august of 2023 - 21:50

Pep Guardiola's demand over Catalonia's 2017 terror attacks: "We want to know the truth"

Pep Guardiola's demand over Catalonia's 2017 terror attacks: "We want to know the truth"

The Catalan football coach is critical of the authorities on the terror attack's anniversary: "Shame. That's what I feel"

Thursday, 17 of august of 2023 - 19:29

Spain will have to respond after Human Rights court admits new appeal by Josep Costa

Spain will have to respond after Human Rights court admits new appeal by Josep Costa

Pro-independence politician argues that the Spanish government and Constitutional Court persecuted the Catalan Parliament

Thursday, 3 of august of 2023 - 22:54

Covid-19 is on the rise again in Catalonia: doctors explain why and call for "common sense"

Covid-19 is on the rise again in Catalonia: doctors explain why and call for "common sense"

The reason for the increase in Covid-19 cases is quite simple: at this time of the year "there is more mobility"

Thursday, 3 of august of 2023 - 21:17

pastilla video
Newly-elected PP council in Palma vetoes Catalan-language play about eating disorders

Newly-elected PP council in Palma vetoes Catalan-language play about eating disorders

'Nua', by Ann Perelló, won't take place because "it's not in the line of spectacles" wanted by Mallorcan city's new council

Monday, 3 of july of 2023 - 23:08

Drastic measures in France over street violence: bus services suspended, city curfews imposed

Drastic measures in France over street violence: bus services suspended, city curfews imposed

The measures could go much further: French government is considering a declaration of a state of emergency

Friday, 30 of june of 2023 - 20:12

Spain slips the Catalan independence movement into a Europol terrorist list

Spain slips the Catalan independence movement into a Europol terrorist list

Europol explains that the information to include Catalan independence in the terrorist list was provided by Spain

Thursday, 29 of june of 2023 - 21:51

These are the six black flags on the Catalan coast for summer 2023

These are the six black flags on the Catalan coast for summer 2023

The Black Flags 2023 report exposes 6 of the worst cases of pollution and environmental mismanagement on the Catalan coast

Thursday, 15 of june of 2023 - 00:37

pastilla video
Landslide at Montserrat monastery due to heavy rain: a road closed and the hotel evacuated

Landslide at Montserrat monastery due to heavy rain: a road closed and the hotel evacuated

A scare on the emblematic Catalan mountain as rocks tumble from above Montserrat monastery amid heavy rain

Friday, 9 of june of 2023 - 18:46

Court annuls Catalan parliamentary decisions on self-determination and monarchy

Court annuls Catalan parliamentary decisions on self-determination and monarchy

Spain's Constitutional Court annuls 2019 decisions made by the Catalan Parliament's Bureau in a case brought by Ciudadanos

Wednesday, 10 of may of 2023 - 20:08

Pro-independence figures denounce treatment of jailed Catalan rapper Pablo Hasél

Pro-independence figures denounce treatment of jailed Catalan rapper Pablo Hasél

Protesters including Clara Ponsatí, Dolors Feliu and cultural figures accuse Catalan government of acting as "jailers"

Friday, 14 of april of 2023 - 20:01

A Barcelona court is to investigate mayor Ada Colau over the city's superblocks

A Barcelona court is to investigate mayor Ada Colau over the city's superblocks

Complaint asserts that Barcelona's superblocks create serious access problems and are in breach of the planning process

Friday, 24 of march of 2023 - 20:35

US gives credence to the reports on Spain's Pegasus use against the independence movement

US gives credence to the reports on Spain's Pegasus use against the independence movement

US State Department's annual report on human rights highlights Citizen Lab's analysis of the Catalangate espionage

Monday, 20 of march of 2023 - 22:57

Spain fails to comply with UN resolution on rights of Catalan political prisoners

Spain fails to comply with UN resolution on rights of Catalan political prisoners

Asked by the UN to take measures to avoid repeat violations of rights, the Spanish government said that no action was needed

Monday, 6 of march of 2023 - 20:33

Architect of Barcelona's Olympic era lays complaint against Colau over city's Superblocks

Architect of Barcelona's Olympic era lays complaint against Colau over city's Superblocks

Josep Antoni Acebillo, ex-chief city architect files a complaint against mayor Ada Colau for the Eixample Superblocks

Friday, 3 of march of 2023 - 19:46

European Parliament to send mission to Spain to investigate Pegasus espionage scandal

European Parliament to send mission to Spain to investigate Pegasus espionage scandal

Finally, the initiative is moving forward after the mandate of the committee has been extended for another three months

Tuesday, 24 of january of 2023 - 19:09

PP prevails in Spain's judiciary, as choice of 2 new constitutional judges ends deadlock

PP prevails in Spain's judiciary, as choice of 2 new constitutional judges ends deadlock

General Council of the Judiciary opts unanimously for two judges proposed by the conservative judicial wing

Tuesday, 27 of december of 2022 - 23:06

Google asks users for examples of search engine's discrimination against Catalan

Google asks users for examples of search engine's discrimination against Catalan

Digital giant seeks users' help after complaints that search queries made in Catalan prioritised results in other languages

Friday, 23 of december of 2022 - 21:16