Carme Rocamora

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Laura Borràs rebukes ERC, PSC and CUP over her suspension: "Hypocritical judges"

Laura Borràs rebukes ERC, PSC and CUP over her suspension: "Hypocritical judges"

Suspended speaker of Catalan Parliament will keep fighting to avoid normalizing an "unjust decision that harms democracy"

Thursday, 28 of july of 2022 - 20:14

Laura Borràs suspended as speaker of Catalan Parliament due to pending trial

Laura Borràs suspended as speaker of Catalan Parliament due to pending trial

After weeks of pressuring Borràs to resign over split contracts case, the PSC, ERC and the CUP have voted for her suspension

Thursday, 28 of july of 2022 - 18:33

Junts and CUP see dialogue table as a losing strategy, while PSC, ERC and Comuns celebrate it

Junts and CUP see dialogue table as a losing strategy, while PSC, ERC and Comuns celebrate it

Today's accords between Spanish and Catalan executives are an "essential" step forward in resolving the conflict, says ERC

Wednesday, 27 of july of 2022 - 20:47

Anna Gabriel appears before the Supreme Court after 4 years of exile in Switzerland

Anna Gabriel appears before the Supreme Court after 4 years of exile in Switzerland

Anna Gabriel voluntarily appears before the Supreme Court to regularize her procedural situation.

Tuesday, 19 of july of 2022 - 19:11

ERC and Sánchez bicker over dialogue days before the meeting between governments

ERC and Sánchez bicker over dialogue days before the meeting between governments

Rufián to Sánchez: "Do you want to go down in history as the one who solved the conflict, or as just another prime minister?"

Wednesday, 13 of july of 2022 - 14:55

Sánchez tiptoes around Catalan conflict in State of the Nation Address

Sánchez tiptoes around Catalan conflict in State of the Nation Address

The Spanish prime minister tiptoed around the Catalan issue during his speech at the State of the Nation Address

Tuesday, 12 of july of 2022 - 19:23

"Surprise" action planned for Barcelona visit by Catalan leaders' trial judge Marchena

"Surprise" action planned for Barcelona visit by Catalan leaders' trial judge Marchena

Legal body has invited judge who sentenced Catalan political prisoners for a July 4th talk on artificial intelligence

Thursday, 30 of june of 2022 - 22:11

Court rejects Catalan government's appeal against imposition of 25% Spanish quota

Court rejects Catalan government's appeal against imposition of 25% Spanish quota

As school year ends, legal battle continues over court's "immediate" imposition of Spanish language quota in classrooms

Wednesday, 22 of june of 2022 - 21:06

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Catalan Parliament finally passes its language law amid judicial "25%" offensive

Catalan Parliament finally passes its language law amid judicial "25%" offensive

The new regulatory framework establishes Catalan as "vehicular" language and Spanish as "curricular" language

Wednesday, 8 of june of 2022 - 23:12

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Catalan language law wins statutory body's approval, defeating right-wing blockade

Catalan language law wins statutory body's approval, defeating right-wing blockade

New language bill agreed by PSC, ERC, Junts and Comuns had been blocked by the parties of the Spanish right: Vox, Cs and PP

Tuesday, 7 of june of 2022 - 20:06

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Òmnium to appear in "absurd" 25% Spanish case "in defence of all students in Catalonia"

Òmnium to appear in "absurd" 25% Spanish case "in defence of all students in Catalonia"

Xavier Antich: "As the leading civil society entity in the country, Òmnium wants to appear in court as an interested party"

Friday, 13 of may of 2022 - 22:28

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Ultimatum on 25% Spanish is "aberrant" and schools should relax, says Catalan minister

Ultimatum on 25% Spanish is "aberrant" and schools should relax, says Catalan minister

Cambray says court has exceeded powers in imposing language quota with 2 week deadline and teachers won't have to change

Monday, 9 of may of 2022 - 20:52

Aragonès, "pained" that Sánchez's response on Catalangate is destroying dialogue

Aragonès, "pained" that Sánchez's response on Catalangate is destroying dialogue

Catalan president says his commitment to dialogue is "rock-solid", but warns Spanish PM that a "turning point" is needed

Wednesday, 4 of may of 2022 - 19:42

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Aragonès speaks only of "damaged" trust with Sánchez after CatalanGate exposé

Aragonès speaks only of "damaged" trust with Sánchez after CatalanGate exposé

Catalan president has demanded a "face-to-face" meeting with Sánchez to clarify his responsibility

Tuesday, 19 of april of 2022 - 21:34

Aragonès seeks broad party support to obtain crisis financing from Spanish state

Aragonès seeks broad party support to obtain crisis financing from Spanish state

Catalan president calls opposition parties to "consensus" meeting over Ukraine crisis

Tuesday, 12 of april of 2022 - 23:09

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Junts will only back Catalan language agreement if it has social consensus

Junts will only back Catalan language agreement if it has social consensus

Spokesperson Rius stresses that Junts "stopped the reform so as to improve the text", and other parties have now come round

Monday, 11 of april of 2022 - 18:32

Council for the Catalan Republic presents its new leadership: all the names

Council for the Catalan Republic presents its new leadership: all the names

Puigdemont is to chair exile body alongside exiled ministers, members of Junts, Poble Lliure, Demòcrates and civil society

Friday, 8 of april of 2022 - 19:28

CEO poll: PSC and ERC fight for victory in Catalonia and Junts slips back

CEO poll: PSC and ERC fight for victory in Catalonia and Junts slips back

Released political prisoner Oriol Junqueras is the highest ranked leader with exiled Carles Puigdemont, the best-known

Thursday, 7 of april of 2022 - 19:36

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Catalonia's Pyrenean counties to hold July 24th vote on hosting Winter Olympics

Catalonia's Pyrenean counties to hold July 24th vote on hosting Winter Olympics

Catalan government says only in-person voting will be allowed in consultation in middle of holiday period

Monday, 4 of april of 2022 - 19:13

"Pride in the resilience of exile": Òmnium leader Xavier Antich visits Puigdemont

"Pride in the resilience of exile": Òmnium leader Xavier Antich visits Puigdemont

Antich, new president of the key pro-independence organization, has met with Catalan political exiles in Waterloo

Friday, 1 of april of 2022 - 22:43

Four parties agree to amend law to avoid 25% Spanish quota in Catalan classrooms

Four parties agree to amend law to avoid 25% Spanish quota in Catalan classrooms

Proposal by ERC, Junts, PSC and Comuns, to allow each school to set its own language balance, is already controversial

Thursday, 24 of march of 2022 - 22:13

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ERC denies a normalization of relations with Spanish government: "Wishful thinking"

ERC denies a normalization of relations with Spanish government: "Wishful thinking"

Catalan party reaffirms that "dialogue is the path", but admits the dialogue table still has no planned meeting date

Monday, 14 of march of 2022 - 22:32

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A message from Catalonia's Parliament to Ukraine's 'Rada': "You are not alone"

A message from Catalonia's Parliament to Ukraine's 'Rada': "You are not alone"

Laura Borràs, speaker of the house, sends a message of Catalan solidarity to her Ukrainian counterpart, Ruslan Stefanchuk

Thursday, 10 of march of 2022 - 23:21

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Borràs says public servants acted wrongly in Juvillà case and proposes rule change

Borràs says public servants acted wrongly in Juvillà case and proposes rule change

Speaker of Catalan Parliament tells committee that officials' actions on Juvillà issue were due to "fear of repression"

Monday, 14 of february of 2022 - 20:06

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Banned Catalan MP Pau Juvillà: "If someone has to shoulder the blame, I will"

Banned Catalan MP Pau Juvillà: "If someone has to shoulder the blame, I will"

Spain's repression ultimately caused the controversy, says Juvillà, rejecting that the CUP sought to leave Borràs exposed

Tuesday, 8 of february of 2022 - 20:41

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Catalan speaker Borràs says ERC and CUP avoided "collective action" in Juvillà case

Catalan speaker Borràs says ERC and CUP avoided "collective action" in Juvillà case

Speaker Borràs says that she felt "uselessly exposed" and argues that her proposal was the right one

Monday, 7 of february of 2022 - 19:54

With Juvillà now an ex-MP, Catalan speaker Borràs denies claims of opacity

With Juvillà now an ex-MP, Catalan speaker Borràs denies claims of opacity

Amid opposition demands and mutual recriminations, Juvillà calls on pro-independence parties to avoid dishing out blame

Friday, 4 of february of 2022 - 20:59

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As Catalan Parliament defends Juvillà, secretary general orders removal of seat

As Catalan Parliament defends Juvillà, secretary general orders removal of seat

MP Pau Juvillà was not called to Thursday's session of Parliament that dealt with the issue of his seat

Thursday, 3 of february of 2022 - 22:53

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Committee maintains backing for besieged Catalan MP, while shielding civil servants

Committee maintains backing for besieged Catalan MP, while shielding civil servants

Four Catalan parties - ERC, Junts, CUP and Comuns - approve text concluding that Pau Juvillà is still an MP

Wednesday, 2 of february of 2022 - 21:29

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Catalan pro-independence parties bring Parliament to a stop in support of Juvillà

Catalan pro-independence parties bring Parliament to a stop in support of Juvillà

Speaker Borràs will call MPs' Committee on Thursday to defend the seat of Pau Juvillà, threatened by electoral board

Tuesday, 1 of february of 2022 - 23:18

Banned Catalan MP Juvillà takes leave due to health problem but retains his seat

Banned Catalan MP Juvillà takes leave due to health problem but retains his seat

The CUP party deputy will not be able to attend the meeting of Parliament's Bureau on Tuesday for this reason

Monday, 31 of january of 2022 - 21:22

Ex-president Montilla blames independence movement for Catalan language decline

Ex-president Montilla blames independence movement for Catalan language decline

Former Socialist leader downplays risks to Catalan, saying it has "the same problems as any small European language"

Friday, 28 of january of 2022 - 20:48

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Catalan Parliament rejects compliance with 25% Spanish language quota in schools

Catalan Parliament rejects compliance with 25% Spanish language quota in schools

Socialists voted with PP, Cs, and Vox in favour of motion asking Catalan government to apply court's language ruling

Thursday, 27 of january of 2022 - 19:20

Borràs ends controversial Age Leave regime for Catalan Parliament's employees

Borràs ends controversial Age Leave regime for Catalan Parliament's employees

Tuesday, 25 of january of 2022 - 19:53

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Pau Juvillà and Catalan Parliament will battle at Supreme Court to retain MP's seat

Pau Juvillà and Catalan Parliament will battle at Supreme Court to retain MP's seat

CUP deputy asserts that they will fight the decision all the way and thanks speaker Borràs for her "firmness"

Friday, 21 of january of 2022 - 21:48

Golden privileges for civil servants at Catalan Parliament are to end, Bureau agrees

Golden privileges for civil servants at Catalan Parliament are to end, Bureau agrees

Deputies agree to end 'age leave' regime which, since 2008, has allowed some employees to be paid without working

Tuesday, 18 of january of 2022 - 22:23

Spanish government does not clarify whether it will investigate Villarejo's statements

Spanish government does not clarify whether it will investigate Villarejo's statements

Cunillera says the Spanish government has worked honestly: "The real problem lies with those who give him credibility".

Wednesday, 12 of january of 2022 - 22:38

Aragonès promises to devote the coming weeks to bringing the CUP back onboard

Aragonès promises to devote the coming weeks to bringing the CUP back onboard

Friday, 31 of december of 2021 - 21:09

Cs takes to court the Catalan government's campaign in favour of the Catalan language

Cs takes to court the Catalan government's campaign in favour of the Catalan language

The hatred of the Spanish right-wing against the Catalan language is unrestrained

Friday, 31 of december of 2021 - 21:09

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"Catalan, into action": a call to reactivate the language in El Nacional's debate

"Catalan, into action": a call to reactivate the language in El Nacional's debate

Thursday, 16 of december of 2021 - 20:05

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Catalan speaker Borràs commits to protect seat of MP Juvillà, banned over "ribbons"

Catalan speaker Borràs commits to protect seat of MP Juvillà, banned over "ribbons"

Tuesday, 14 of december of 2021 - 19:40

New Catalan government offer to the CUP: a working group for the referendum

New Catalan government offer to the CUP: a working group for the referendum

Friday, 19 of november of 2021 - 22:04

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The CUP votes to reject Catalan budget as it stands but will continue talks

The CUP votes to reject Catalan budget as it stands but will continue talks

Tuesday, 16 of november of 2021 - 19:15

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Borràs: "A provocation" to arrest Costa on anniversary of Catalonia's UDI

Borràs: "A provocation" to arrest Costa on anniversary of Catalonia's UDI

Wednesday, 27 of october of 2021 - 19:37

ERC will reject Spanish budget unless Catalan language is protected

ERC will reject Spanish budget unless Catalan language is protected

Monday, 25 of october of 2021 - 20:24

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Catalan president says Spain continues to attack, 81 years after predecessor was killed

Catalan president says Spain continues to attack, 81 years after predecessor was killed

Friday, 15 of october of 2021 - 22:55

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Love culture? Want to learn Catalan? Òmnium's 'Tàndem Cultural' could be for you

Love culture? Want to learn Catalan? Òmnium's 'Tàndem Cultural' could be for you

Wednesday, 13 of october of 2021 - 23:58

Catalan government sees "ridicule of Spanish justice" in freeing of Puigdemont

Catalan government sees "ridicule of Spanish justice" in freeing of Puigdemont

Tuesday, 5 of october of 2021 - 20:12