John McAulay

Belgian presidency of the EU ends with no news on the official status of the Catalan language

Belgian presidency of the EU ends with no news on the official status of the Catalan language

The last meeting of the General Affairs Council under Belgian Presidency also fails to address the official status of Catalan

Tuesday, 25 of june of 2024 - 22:27

Drought restrictions greatly eased in Barcelona and Girona as reservoir levels rise

Drought restrictions greatly eased in Barcelona and Girona as reservoir levels rise

The Ter-Llobregat reservoirs move out of Exceptionality status and water restrictions are eased

Tuesday, 18 of june of 2024 - 23:24

Lluís Llach and Xavier Antich open a new period of collaboration between the ANC and Òmnium

Lluís Llach and Xavier Antich open a new period of collaboration between the ANC and Òmnium

The leaders of the two major NGOs of the Catalan independence movement have met, days after Llach became ANC president

Monday, 10 of june of 2024 - 22:48

Taylor Swift spreads Covid: thousand of fans fall ill after Madrid and Paris concerts

Taylor Swift spreads Covid: thousand of fans fall ill after Madrid and Paris concerts

More than just the music was viral as Taylor Swift concerts in Madrid and Paris ended with thousands of fans ill with Covid

Thursday, 6 of june of 2024 - 23:11

Which of the European Parliament mega-groups will Catalan MEPs join up with, after June 9th?

Which of the European Parliament mega-groups will Catalan MEPs join up with, after June 9th?

These are the EU parliamentary groups with whom the Catalan MEPs will be allied after the European elections

Tuesday, 28 of may of 2024 - 23:25

The Comuns' dilemma: discordance with Illa's model, but hopes of joining him in a left coalition

The Comuns' dilemma: discordance with Illa's model, but hopes of joining him in a left coalition

The Comuns accuse the Catalan Socialists of being right wing, but after May 12th, hope to join them in a left-wing coalition

Friday, 3 of may of 2024 - 01:00

Far-left CUP aims to once again hold the key to a pro-independence government after May12th

Far-left CUP aims to once again hold the key to a pro-independence government after May12th

Although the CUP's refoundation process is incomplete, its campaign will place more emphasis on environmental issues

Tuesday, 30 of april of 2024 - 23:23

Reservoirs serving Barcelona and Girona benefit from rain, but drought restrictions continue

Reservoirs serving Barcelona and Girona benefit from rain, but drought restrictions continue

Water reserves in the Ter-Llobregat system have exceeded 100hm³, the threshold level for the drought emergency phase

Thursday, 28 of march of 2024 - 20:51

Catalan government cools down minister Mascort's haste to ease water restrictions after rain

Catalan government cools down minister Mascort's haste to ease water restrictions after rain

Executive spokesperson says it wouldn't make sense to exit drought emergency "for a very short period" just to re-enter it

Tuesday, 26 of march of 2024 - 22:43

Official status for Catalan, again ignored at the EU: 10 minutes of presentation and no comments

Official status for Catalan, again ignored at the EU: 10 minutes of presentation and no comments

Latest meeting of General Affairs Council spent less than 10 minutes on Catalan language issue, without any debate

Tuesday, 19 of march of 2024 - 20:21

Farmers shake up the Catalan Parliament with demands on water restrictions and Hard Rock resort

Farmers shake up the Catalan Parliament with demands on water restrictions and Hard Rock resort

Farmer group 'Plataforma Pagesa' complains of decades of "bad management" by governments with "nefarious policies"

Tuesday, 5 of march of 2024 - 20:44

Catalan government concedes to farmers' demands and will alter water restrictions due to drought

Catalan government concedes to farmers' demands and will alter water restrictions due to drought

Minister David Mascort also agrees with farmers on "bureaucratic simplification of agricultural sector"​​​​​​

Wednesday, 14 of february of 2024 - 22:59

pastilla video
Catalan farmers bring their anger to Barcelona: "We suffer so that you in the city can eat"

Catalan farmers bring their anger to Barcelona: "We suffer so that you in the city can eat"

'' speaks to four farmers who made the journey to the Catalan capital, who say they are "scorned"

Thursday, 8 of february of 2024 - 11:05

Catalonia declares a drought emergency, with six million people affected

Catalonia declares a drought emergency, with six million people affected

The entire Ter-Llobregat system, with 202 municipalities including Barcelona, now enters the most extreme drought level

Thursday, 1 of february of 2024 - 20:31

Drought level drops a notch in two Pyrenean catchments: Noguera Pallaresa and Ribagorçana

Drought level drops a notch in two Pyrenean catchments: Noguera Pallaresa and Ribagorçana

Two western Catalonia basins are at 43.21% of their capacity, but a third - the Segre basin - remains in emergency status

Monday, 8 of january of 2024 - 23:18

MEPs make clear the bias of their Catalan language mission, citing Spanish nationalist arguments

MEPs make clear the bias of their Catalan language mission, citing Spanish nationalist arguments

Mission leader Yana Toom regrets that parents who sought 25% Spanish quota suffer "social exclusion and intimidation"

Wednesday, 20 of december of 2023 - 22:11

DOCUMENT: Fundació Bofill report to MEPs stresses "educational equity" of Catalan school model

DOCUMENT: Fundació Bofill report to MEPs stresses "educational equity" of Catalan school model

Education think tank's report to MEPs says that Catalan system is a "basic pillar of coexistence" and "bilingually efficient"

Tuesday, 19 of december of 2023 - 22:13

Education coalition Somescola debunks the falsehoods over Catalan school system in report for MEPs

Education coalition Somescola debunks the falsehoods over Catalan school system in report for MEPs

The platform recalls "the massive consensus, absolutely transversal" which supports the Catalan language immersion model

Tuesday, 19 of december of 2023 - 20:20

These are the voices who will speak against Catalan language immersion to the mission of MEPs

These are the voices who will speak against Catalan language immersion to the mission of MEPs

The EU mission, organized by Spanish nationalist parties, is tailor-made to agitate for the rejection of the Catalan model

Monday, 18 of december of 2023 - 20:14

European Parliament calls on Commission to clarify if Spain is able to use Pegasus spyware

European Parliament calls on Commission to clarify if Spain is able to use Pegasus spyware

EU chamber also censures Israel for impeding the investigation into the use of Pegasus in Spain

Thursday, 23 of november of 2023 - 21:18

New Spanish slip-up obliges meeting over Catalan in the EU to be closed after 2 minutes

New Spanish slip-up obliges meeting over Catalan in the EU to be closed after 2 minutes

Member states remained silent because new Spanish proposal on EU status for languages was only circulated at last minute

Wednesday, 15 of november of 2023 - 21:55

Civil Guard officers opposed to the Junts-PSOE deal: "We're ready to shed blood for Spain"

Civil Guard officers opposed to the Junts-PSOE deal: "We're ready to shed blood for Spain"

A leading Civil Guard officers association says it trusts that the judiciary will succeed in "preserving the rule of law"

Friday, 10 of november of 2023 - 18:55

'Revuelta': the Vox white label that is calling Spanish youth to protest outside Socialist HQs

'Revuelta': the Vox white label that is calling Spanish youth to protest outside Socialist HQs

The organization calls for continuing mobilization against the Catalan amnesty "and the traitorous Spanish government"

Tuesday, 7 of november of 2023 - 21:45

Help Spain through a coup d'etat, demands far-right letter circulating in military barracks

Help Spain through a coup d'etat, demands far-right letter circulating in military barracks

The letter asks Spanish military and police to act "according to the dictates of their conscience"

Monday, 6 of november of 2023 - 20:21

pastilla video
Marie Costa: "History will condemn France and Spain: they cannot deny Catalan identity"

Marie Costa: "History will condemn France and Spain: they cannot deny Catalan identity"

The mayor of Els Banys d'Arles hopes to put France "against the ropes" over the ban on using Catalan at council meetings

Tuesday, 11 of july of 2023 - 17:00

A "second and final" Catalan independence process proposed by 57 groups at conference

A "second and final" Catalan independence process proposed by 57 groups at conference

The ANC-organized National Conference of the Civil Independence Movement explored a new unilateral path to Catalan liberation

Monday, 13 of march of 2023 - 23:01

ANC vice president Pesarrodona and 13 members of secretariat leave posts

ANC vice president Pesarrodona and 13 members of secretariat leave posts

Threatened division in the Catalan pro-independence body is, in the end, partially consummated

Monday, 20 of february of 2023 - 23:00

ANC's Uriel Bertran renounces role in bid to avoid a split in the pro-independence body

ANC's Uriel Bertran renounces role in bid to avoid a split in the pro-independence body

Bertran's 'no' to taking over the vice presidency, a move that was decided on last year, attempts to calm the ANC waters

Friday, 17 of february of 2023 - 23:11

Surprise in Catalan National Assembly at emergence of an internal critical current

Surprise in Catalan National Assembly at emergence of an internal critical current

Appearance of new wing in Catalan pro-independence group follows close defeat of plan to form a non-party electoral list

Wednesday, 8 of february of 2023 - 20:07

Heated ANC debate on proposal for a non-party electoral list leads to a resignation

Heated ANC debate on proposal for a non-party electoral list leads to a resignation

Catalan pro-independence body's proposal to mount a non-party electoral candidacy is narrowly rejected by leadership

Thursday, 2 of february of 2023 - 22:37

Catalan government and opposition Socialists complete the 2023 budget deal

Catalan government and opposition Socialists complete the 2023 budget deal

After 3 months of talks, Pere Aragonès can now bring the budget to Parliament thanks to the support of the PSC and Commons

Wednesday, 1 of february of 2023 - 20:22

Thousands of Catalan independence supporters whistle their disapproval to Sánchez and Macron

Thousands of Catalan independence supporters whistle their disapproval to Sánchez and Macron

Around 30,000 people, according to the organizers, send a clear message: "The independence process is not over"

Thursday, 19 of january of 2023 - 14:18

pastilla video
A call for unity in the Catalan independence movement as 30 groups join summit protest

A call for unity in the Catalan independence movement as 30 groups join summit protest

Sovereignist groups demand a "forceful response" to "provocation" of Spanish leaders who say the independence process is over

Friday, 13 of january of 2023 - 22:49

Spanish right uses Brazilian assault for new attack on Catalan independence movement

Spanish right uses Brazilian assault for new attack on Catalan independence movement

Spanish nationalism compares Brasília coup attempt to 2018 incidents in Catalan Parliament and sedition reform

Monday, 9 of january of 2023 - 21:16

Basque Parliament will vote on a proposal to promote a referendum on the monarchy

Basque Parliament will vote on a proposal to promote a referendum on the monarchy

The initiative urges the Spanish Parliament to reform the Constitution and promote a state-wide consultation.

Thursday, 5 of january of 2023 - 21:33

Spanish presidency minister Bolaños vindicates PSOE's strategy for Catalonia: "it will be an electoral asset"

Spanish presidency minister Bolaños vindicates PSOE's strategy for Catalonia: "it will be an electoral asset"

"We have ensured there is no pro-independence problem", says the minister in response to criticism from Socialist barons.

Thursday, 5 of january of 2023 - 19:27

Catalan government does not budge and once again ignores PSC's demands to approve the budget

Catalan government does not budge and once again ignores PSC's demands to approve the budget

Vilagrà says Hard Rock project can't be a condition for the budget and Foreign Action plays with opening new delegations

Wednesday, 4 of january of 2023 - 21:20

Alícia Romero: "There is no budget agreement with the Catalan government, trust is being broken"

Alícia Romero: "There is no budget agreement with the Catalan government, trust is being broken"

The PSC spokesperson says the Catalan government is "cheating" with the figures, and warns it will have to cede some ground.

Tuesday, 3 of january of 2023 - 21:15

pastilla video
Feijóo blames crisis on Sánchez's deals with Catalan independence movement

Feijóo blames crisis on Sánchez's deals with Catalan independence movement

Leader of Spanish right praises court intervention and calls on Sánchez to reject ERC and join with PP on a bipartisan basis

Tuesday, 20 of december of 2022 - 19:21

pastilla video
Thousands reject the reform of public disorder laws in Barcelona protest

Thousands reject the reform of public disorder laws in Barcelona protest

Imposing ANC demonstration against law change vents its discontent with the Catalan government, chanting "Aragonès, resign"

Wednesday, 7 of december of 2022 - 11:12

Saskia Bricmont, MEP: "Spain tried to silence the victims of Catalangate"

Saskia Bricmont, MEP: "Spain tried to silence the victims of Catalangate"

Greens MEP on the Pegasus committee criticizes Spain for its refusal to explain the espionage on Catalan independentism

Monday, 5 of december of 2022 - 23:42

pastilla video
ANC calls public to protest a Spanish sedition reform that "increases repressive powers"

ANC calls public to protest a Spanish sedition reform that "increases repressive powers"

Catalan pro-independence group appeals to a "transversal crowd" for Dec 6th march against the "criminalization of protest"

Friday, 2 of december of 2022 - 22:36

Catalangate victims denounce Spain's espionage at the European Parliament

Catalangate victims denounce Spain's espionage at the European Parliament

Despite facing a cynical veto, pro-independence Catalans told an EU Parliament event how Spain had spied on them with Pegasus

Tuesday, 29 of november of 2022 - 19:11

Catalan Parliament will send MPs to European chamber to denounce Catalangate case

Catalan Parliament will send MPs to European chamber to denounce Catalangate case

Catalan MPs seek to contribute to the European chamber's public hearing next Tuesday on Pegasus spyware use by Spain

Wednesday, 23 of november of 2022 - 21:04

pastilla video
ERC, alone again: Catalan Parliament confirms its "loss of confidence" in Aragonès

ERC, alone again: Catalan Parliament confirms its "loss of confidence" in Aragonès

PSC, Junts, CUP and Comuns all voted to express their loss of confidence in ERC, without moving a no-confidence motion

Thursday, 10 of november of 2022 - 19:23

An evasive Junts warns of an ERC-PSC-Comuns tripartite in the Catalan Parliament

An evasive Junts warns of an ERC-PSC-Comuns tripartite in the Catalan Parliament

Mònica Sales (Junts) accuses ERC leader Oriol Junqueras of having "lifted the veto" against the PSC

Tuesday, 8 of november of 2022 - 23:09

Catalan government meets with PSC over budget support: "A long way to go"

Catalan government meets with PSC over budget support: "A long way to go"

Catalan government downplays importance of the meeting and reiterates its wish to prioritize deals with Junts and Comuns

Monday, 7 of november of 2022 - 22:46

ANC calls protesters to camp in central Barcelona against Spain's "rotten" justice

ANC calls protesters to camp in central Barcelona against Spain's "rotten" justice

The pro-independence ANC aims to fill Plaça Catalunya with tents this weekend in campaign called "We accuse Spanish justice"

Thursday, 13 of october of 2022 - 23:05