Marta Lasalas

Marta Lasalas
pastilla video
Puigdemont, Alay and Boye lay complaint against judge Aguirre, seeking his removal from Volhov case

Puigdemont, Alay and Boye lay complaint against judge Aguirre, seeking his removal from Volhov case

The "Russia plot" judge has been accused of abuse of authority and misuse of funds over his moves to dodge the amnesty law

Tuesday, 2 of july of 2024 - 19:30

The historical Catalan documents that Alay investigated in Moscow, which the judge hasn't looked at

The historical Catalan documents that Alay investigated in Moscow, which the judge hasn't looked at

Alay collected historical documents from the Russian state archive which he has made available to the judge

Thursday, 27 of june of 2024 - 22:49

Puigdemont appears before French justice over Tsunami case

Puigdemont appears before French justice over Tsunami case

The Catalan president-in-exile voluntarily appears before the French authorities in Paris

Tuesday, 18 of june of 2024 - 21:04

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Josep Rull, elected new speaker of the Catalan Parliament with votes of Junts, ERC and the CUP

Josep Rull, elected new speaker of the Catalan Parliament with votes of Junts, ERC and the CUP

Rull defeats the PSC candidate in the second round while ERC and CUP voted in blank in the first round

Monday, 10 of june of 2024 - 17:56

Laura Borràs, assaulted during a Junts campaign event for the European elections

Laura Borràs, assaulted during a Junts campaign event for the European elections

A woman attacked Borràs from behind during a lunch; the pro-independence leader has filed a complaint for a hate crime

Wednesday, 5 of june of 2024 - 20:17

Puigdemont defends the "intelligent confrontation" role of the Catalan exiles in Europe

Puigdemont defends the "intelligent confrontation" role of the Catalan exiles in Europe

Puigdemont, with Toni Comín and Gonzalo Boye, explained the role the pro-independence politicians have played from exile

Friday, 31 of may of 2024 - 22:30

Puigdemont: "Catalan exile will not end due to EU efforts, but to Sánchez's need for Junts votes"

Puigdemont: "Catalan exile will not end due to EU efforts, but to Sánchez's need for Junts votes"

Puigdemont and fellow exile Toni Comín regret the "poor quality of Spanish democracy" at Junts campaign event in Belgium

Friday, 24 of may of 2024 - 20:23

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Puigdemont affirms he will fight "until the end" to govern, but is ready for a repeat election

Puigdemont affirms he will fight "until the end" to govern, but is ready for a repeat election

The Junts leader says that a repeat election would not be the party's preferred option, but they do not fear it

Thursday, 16 of may of 2024 - 19:10

Puigdemont calls first meeting of new Junts parliamentary group to define strategy

Puigdemont calls first meeting of new Junts parliamentary group to define strategy

The Junts candidate summons the 35 new deputies and the leadership of the party to Northern Catalonia

Tuesday, 14 of may of 2024 - 23:15

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Puigdemont plans to present candidacy to lead a minority government in Catalonia

Puigdemont plans to present candidacy to lead a minority government in Catalonia

The Socialists' mooted pacts are impossible, he argues, and a Junts-ERC-CUP accord would be the largest "coherent" grouping

Monday, 13 of may of 2024 - 19:47

Puigdemont, not giving in: "We are in a position to build a solid government of Catalan loyalty"

Puigdemont, not giving in: "We are in a position to build a solid government of Catalan loyalty"

Puigdemont warns that the gap between his party and the PSC is no different from that between the PSOE and the PP in Madrid

Monday, 13 of may of 2024 - 00:36

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Puigdemont calls for a vote of revolt and indignation: "I won't be saying sorry to any judge"

Puigdemont calls for a vote of revolt and indignation: "I won't be saying sorry to any judge"

Puigdemont: "We cannot have a future if they steal our hope and take away the fruits of your efforts"

Tuesday, 7 of may of 2024 - 23:14

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Puigdemont responds clearly to the Catalan Socialists: "We won't make a deal with Illa"

Puigdemont responds clearly to the Catalan Socialists: "We won't make a deal with Illa"

Puigdemont says that if no-one has an absolute majority after Catalonia's May 12th vote, Junts will be best placed to govern

Thursday, 2 of may of 2024 - 19:52

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The death of Puigdemont's mother shows how Catalan exile has been dehumanized while Sánchez is glorified

The death of Puigdemont's mother shows how Catalan exile has been dehumanized while Sánchez is glorified

Pro-independence parties are perplexed by Socialist calls for empathy after the indifference they faced in jail and exile

Tuesday, 30 of april of 2024 - 20:34

Death of Núria Casamajó, mother of Carles Puigdemont, weeks before Catalan president's return

Death of Núria Casamajó, mother of Carles Puigdemont, weeks before Catalan president's return

The mother of the exiled Catalan president died this Monday morning in Girona

Monday, 29 of april of 2024 - 13:55

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Puigdemont demands that 100% of Catalan tax goes to Generalitat as price for Spanish budget support

Puigdemont demands that 100% of Catalan tax goes to Generalitat as price for Spanish budget support

Puigdemont proposes 100 measures to reactivate Catalonia and make the most of its ability to influence Congress

Friday, 26 of april of 2024 - 19:37

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Carles Puigdemont: "If Illa does a Collboni, you know what the consequences are for Pedro Sánchez"

Carles Puigdemont: "If Illa does a Collboni, you know what the consequences are for Pedro Sánchez"

In part two of our interview, the Junts candidate rules out negotiations with Illa after 12-M: "He'll know what he has to do"

Friday, 19 of april of 2024 - 01:46

Puigdemont's campaign slogan for May 12th: "Catalonia needs leadership"

Puigdemont's campaign slogan for May 12th: "Catalonia needs leadership"

Junts asserts that the election race is between Puigdemont and Illa, between "being a nation or a branch office"

Wednesday, 17 of april of 2024 - 20:40

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Puigdemont: "I am alarmed by Catalonia's regression as a country and its poor quality government"

Puigdemont: "I am alarmed by Catalonia's regression as a country and its poor quality government"

'' interviews the exiled Catalan president as he begins his return and his new run for office

Monday, 15 of april of 2024 - 21:36

Puigdemont shifts to Vallespir, just north of French-Spanish border, to fight Catalan election

Puigdemont shifts to Vallespir, just north of French-Spanish border, to fight Catalan election

Pro-independence leader moves from Waterloo (Belgium) to Northern Catalonia (France), from where he hopes to end his exile

Friday, 5 of april of 2024 - 19:32

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Puigdemont announces that he will be the Junts candidate for the presidency of Catalonia

Puigdemont announces that he will be the Junts candidate for the presidency of Catalonia

In the Northern Catalonia town of Elna, Carles Puigdemont confirms his decision to run in Catalonia's election of May 12th

Thursday, 21 of march of 2024 - 20:26

Here's why Puigdemont can return to Catalonia when the amnesty is passed, without awaiting a judge

Here's why Puigdemont can return to Catalonia when the amnesty is passed, without awaiting a judge

Spain's amnesty measure, likely to enter into law at the end of May, will mean the immediate lifting of arrest warrants

Friday, 15 of march of 2024 - 20:34

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Pere Aragonès calls a snap election in Catalonia for May 12th

Pere Aragonès calls a snap election in Catalonia for May 12th

President of minority government calls an early election after Catalan Parliament rejects his budget proposal

Wednesday, 13 of march of 2024 - 17:48

Jordi Turull, admitted to hospital after suffering a heart attack

Jordi Turull, admitted to hospital after suffering a heart attack

The general secretary of Together for Catalonia (Junts) was taken to Bellvitge hospital after feeling unwell

Monday, 26 of february of 2024 - 18:04

Fine print of prosecutor's text again puts Puigdemont in the hands of judge García-Castellón

Fine print of prosecutor's text again puts Puigdemont in the hands of judge García-Castellón

Spain's number two prosecutor doesn't find evidence of terrorism, but says the investigation is incomplete and should go on

Thursday, 22 of february of 2024 - 22:07

Junts tells PSOE that it rejects Carmen Calvo's nomination to preside over Spain's Council of State

Junts tells PSOE that it rejects Carmen Calvo's nomination to preside over Spain's Council of State

Suitability of former deputy PM to lead senior consultative organ will be assessed by Congress's constitutional committee

Wednesday, 21 of february of 2024 - 21:32

Boye denounces that judge Aguirre leaked 'Russia plot' details and calls for his removal from case

Boye denounces that judge Aguirre leaked 'Russia plot' details and calls for his removal from case

Lawyer for pro-independence politicians says leak of confidential information must be investigated by a different judge

Thursday, 15 of february of 2024 - 19:51

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Villarejo claims in ministerial memos that he interfered in the Catalan and Galician elections

Villarejo claims in ministerial memos that he interfered in the Catalan and Galician elections

Informative memos to Spanish interior ministry detail the actions that Villarejo took to influence the election results

Monday, 12 of february of 2024 - 22:27

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Memos explain how Spain's patriotic police spent "millions" on "uncontrolled" phone espionage

Memos explain how Spain's patriotic police spent "millions" on "uncontrolled" phone espionage

Villarejo memo said 60% of phone tapping was for an ex-policeman's firm; 10% to spy on journalists and do "favours to judges"

Friday, 9 of february of 2024 - 21:29

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A video camera left running in court shows up the practices of judge García-Castellón

A video camera left running in court shows up the practices of judge García-Castellón

Images show prosecutors and judge laughing hysterically after a testimony and how the prosecutor tells the judge what to do

Wednesday, 31 of january of 2024 - 22:01

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Surprising German TV appearance by judge in Volhov case, targeting Catalan independentists

Surprising German TV appearance by judge in Volhov case, targeting Catalan independentists

Judge Aguirre explains Russia's alleged attempt to infiltrate the Western European democracies through the Catalan process

Tuesday, 30 of january of 2024 - 22:46

Prosecution service to investigate Operation Catalonia over attacks on prosecutor Rodríguez Sol

Prosecution service to investigate Operation Catalonia over attacks on prosecutor Rodríguez Sol

Prosecutors order investigation to determine the veracity of persecution actions revealed in the Operation Catalonia papers

Monday, 22 of january of 2024 - 19:33

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Extortion as method in Operation Catalonia: "Whether we stop this inspection is in your hands"

Extortion as method in Operation Catalonia: "Whether we stop this inspection is in your hands"

Audio recording shows the threats used by Spain's politicised police to the owners and the CEO of the BPA bank

Thursday, 18 of january of 2024 - 21:59

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The Spanish interior ministry document that set the lines for investigation of the Pujol family

The Spanish interior ministry document that set the lines for investigation of the Pujol family

The 'patriotic police' investigation also targeted top Catalan prosecutor Rodríguez Sol, and businesswoman Sol Daurella

Tuesday, 16 of january of 2024 - 19:54

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Operation Catalonia investigated the Sagrada Família and stumbled on a royal infidelity

Operation Catalonia investigated the Sagrada Família and stumbled on a royal infidelity

Reports and audios show how widely the so-called 'Patriotic Police' cast their investigative net across Catalan society

Tuesday, 16 of january of 2024 - 01:52

Avoiding declaration of full drought emergency is "almost impossible", says Catalan government

Avoiding declaration of full drought emergency is "almost impossible", says Catalan government

Catalan government is optimistic about passing a budget for the third consecutive year - a feat not achieved for a decade

Wednesday, 3 of january of 2024 - 20:17

Aragonès and Sánchez agree to hold new dialogue table meeting and strengthen Catalan language

Aragonès and Sánchez agree to hold new dialogue table meeting and strengthen Catalan language

The two leaders discussed implementation of investiture accords and agreed to reinforce Catalonia's language immersion system

Thursday, 21 of december of 2023 - 19:41

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Civil Guard includes Palau de la Música concert, with pro-independence chants, in Tsunami case

Civil Guard includes Palau de la Música concert, with pro-independence chants, in Tsunami case

Terrorism investigation summary includes protest at end of traditional Orfeó choral concert on December 26th, 2019

Friday, 15 of december of 2023 - 22:47

Spain denies to Strasbourg court that it suppressed rights of the Catalan Parliament

Spain denies to Strasbourg court that it suppressed rights of the Catalan Parliament

Spain notes to Human Rights court that, in any case, the Catalan chamber went ahead, voted on and passed the resolutions

Friday, 15 of december of 2023 - 21:53

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Puigdemont warns Sánchez over Catalan language: "Missed chances can have unpleasant consequences"

Puigdemont warns Sánchez over Catalan language: "Missed chances can have unpleasant consequences"

Puigdemont spotlighted Spain's failure to achieve official status for Catalan under its EU presidency

Wednesday, 13 of december of 2023 - 19:25

Puigdemont warns that Catalan's path at the EU is irreversible, even if a court battle is needed

Puigdemont warns that Catalan's path at the EU is irreversible, even if a court battle is needed

Politician in exile says that one of the main barriers has been years of work by the PP and PSOE against Catalan in the EU

Tuesday, 12 of december of 2023 - 20:30

Puigdemont marks out the territory ahead of Saturday's meeting with Sánchez's negotiators

Puigdemont marks out the territory ahead of Saturday's meeting with Sánchez's negotiators

Days before the next meeting between the two parties and the mediators, the president in exile sends a warning to the PSOE

Wednesday, 29 of november of 2023 - 23:10

Catalan MP Aurora Madaula's accusations of "silent sexism" re-open old conflicts in Junts

Catalan MP Aurora Madaula's accusations of "silent sexism" re-open old conflicts in Junts

Party president Laura Borràs and general secretary Jordi Turull disagree on the continuity of the Bureau member

Tuesday, 28 of november of 2023 - 22:35

Aragonès to ask Sánchez for a Catalonia financing package outside the common regime

Aragonès to ask Sánchez for a Catalonia financing package outside the common regime

Catalan president warns that the path of the Spanish legislature will depend on the fulfillment of its commitments

Thursday, 23 of november of 2023 - 19:36

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Head-on clash in the European Parliament over the Catalan amnesty

Head-on clash in the European Parliament over the Catalan amnesty

Defenders and detractors of Spain's proposed amnesty law spent 2 hours scrapping with each other in the Strasbourg chamber

Wednesday, 22 of november of 2023 - 22:39

Irritation in Junts over Sánchez's discourse on the amnesty

Irritation in Junts over Sánchez's discourse on the amnesty

Míriam Nogueras communicates the pro-independence party's concern about the speech to PSOE's Santos Cerdán

Wednesday, 15 of november of 2023 - 23:05

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Laura Borràs: "The conflict has stopped being between Catalans. Now the conflict is between Spaniards."

Laura Borràs: "The conflict has stopped being between Catalans. Now the conflict is between Spaniards."

The Junts president warns that the legislature will depend on compliance with agreements according to a timetable

Monday, 13 of november of 2023 - 22:35

What's included in Spain's amnesty law: from independence process leaders to protest actions

What's included in Spain's amnesty law: from independence process leaders to protest actions

Courts will have to apply the law "preferentially and urgently" within a maximum of two months

Monday, 13 of november of 2023 - 18:59