Castilla y León

León wants independence

León wants independence

José Antich

Friday, 28 of june of 2024 - 17:37

What is Leonesism? The new 'independence' movement that could shake up the Spanish heartland

What is Leonesism? The new 'independence' movement that could shake up the Spanish heartland

After a landmark council vote in favour of León's independence from Castilla, we offer a brief guide to what's going on

Berto Sagrera

Thursday, 27 of june of 2024 - 21:45

Threat of anti-abortion protocol in Castilla y León prompts Spanish ministerial orders

Threat of anti-abortion protocol in Castilla y León prompts Spanish ministerial orders

Unclear women's health initiatives proposed by conservative Castilla y León executive alarm the Madrid government

Abel Degà

Tuesday, 17 of january of 2023 - 21:37

Feijóo's PP embraces Vox

Feijóo's PP embraces Vox

José Antich

Tuesday, 12 of april of 2022 - 17:39

Mañueco (PP) embraces Vox's discourse to form coalition in Spain's Castilla y León

Mañueco (PP) embraces Vox's discourse to form coalition in Spain's Castilla y León

PP leader says that regional coalition government with far-right party will "improve democratic quality"

John McAulay

Monday, 11 of april of 2022 - 21:08

Feijóo's PP gets into bed with Vox

Feijóo's PP gets into bed with Vox

José Antich

Friday, 11 of march of 2022 - 18:18

European PP reprimands Spanish PP for pact with far-right Vox

European PP reprimands Spanish PP for pact with far-right Vox

Donald Tusk says the PP-Vox deal to govern the large Castilla y León region together was a "sad surprise"

Berto Sagrera

Thursday, 10 of march of 2022 - 21:10

Vox wins, the PP freezes and the PSOE loses

Vox wins, the PP freezes and the PSOE loses

José Antich

Monday, 14 of february of 2022 - 17:17

The PP, in Vox's hands in a further Spanish region after Castilla y León elections

The PP, in Vox's hands in a further Spanish region after Castilla y León elections

Socialists lose first place, Cs become residual and 'España Vaciada' makes an impact

Nicolas Tomás

Monday, 14 of february of 2022 - 10:35

Campaigning for 'Empty Spain': "Politicians will visit a farm - to talk about Catalonia"

Campaigning for 'Empty Spain': "Politicians will visit a farm - to talk about Catalonia"

Platform focusing on Spain's rural depopulation hopes to influence Castilla y León elections on Sunday

Nicolas Tomás

Friday, 11 of february of 2022 - 19:26