Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo

Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo y Peralta-Ramos, 13th Marchioness of Casa Fuerte
PP member of the Congess of Deputies since May 2019.

A Princess of Asturias prize for 'concord' to the promoters of 25% Spanish quota?

A Princess of Asturias prize for 'concord' to the promoters of 25% Spanish quota?

Ayuso, Álvarez de Toledo and Arrimadas want prestigious award to go to anti-Catalan immersion pressure group

John McAulay

Tuesday, 29 of march of 2022 - 20:58

Merkel and Macron show up Spanish politicians' inability to break with Francoism

Merkel and Macron show up Spanish politicians' inability to break with Francoism

Lluís Bou

Saturday, 30 of may of 2020 - 00:33

Aznar rides to the rescue of Álvarez de Toledo after her "terrorist" accusation

Aznar rides to the rescue of Álvarez de Toledo after her "terrorist" accusation

Nicolas Tomás

Friday, 29 of may of 2020 - 21:22

pastilla video
In Spanish Congress, PP politician tells deputy PM: "You are the son of a terrorist"

In Spanish Congress, PP politician tells deputy PM: "You are the son of a terrorist"

Nicolas Tomás

Wednesday, 27 of may of 2020 - 22:16

PP deputy says political situation was easier when ETA terrorists were active

PP deputy says political situation was easier when ETA terrorists were active

El Nacional

Sunday, 8 of december of 2019 - 19:16

An unbearable debate

An unbearable debate

José Antich

Wednesday, 6 of november of 2019 - 17:45

pastilla video
Leading PP candidate tells Catalan public broadcaster it took part in "coup against democracy"

Leading PP candidate tells Catalan public broadcaster it took part in "coup against democracy"

Jordi Palmer

Monday, 15 of april of 2019 - 19:44

PP candidate Álvarez de Toledo threatens to switch off Catalan television

PP candidate Álvarez de Toledo threatens to switch off Catalan television

El Nacional

Sunday, 24 of march of 2019 - 19:29

Cayetana, the marchioness

Cayetana, the marchioness

José Antich

Tuesday, 19 of march of 2019 - 17:32

PP's Catalan candidate shows "contempt for Catalonia", says party colleague

PP's Catalan candidate shows "contempt for Catalonia", says party colleague

Sunday, 17 of march of 2019 - 18:04