Jordi Puigneró

Jordi Puigneró i Ferrer, Catalan vice president 2021- , digital policies minister 2018- . Junts per Catalunya. 

Aragonès rejects latest proposal from Junts, without reinstatement of Puigneró

Aragonès rejects latest proposal from Junts, without reinstatement of Puigneró

Catalan president doesn't agree with importance given to exile body Council of the Republic and calls for "serious proposals"

Nicolas Tomás

Monday, 3 of october of 2022 - 17:55

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Catalan president Aragonès sacks his number two Puigneró in grave coalition crisis

Catalan president Aragonès sacks his number two Puigneró in grave coalition crisis

President of pro-independence government hopes Junts will propose a substitute and says he wants the coalition to continue

Marta Lasalas

Thursday, 29 of september of 2022 - 00:51

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Aragonès and Puigneró demand action by Spanish minister on skipped Catalan investments

Aragonès and Puigneró demand action by Spanish minister on skipped Catalan investments

Transport minister Raquel Sánchez's explanations over the investments were completely insufficient for the Catalan leaders

Adrià Rovira

Wednesday, 1 of june of 2022 - 19:33

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Aragonès speaks only of "damaged" trust with Sánchez after CatalanGate exposé

Aragonès speaks only of "damaged" trust with Sánchez after CatalanGate exposé

Catalan president has demanded a "face-to-face" meeting with Sánchez to clarify his responsibility

Carme Rocamora

Tuesday, 19 of april of 2022 - 21:34

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A call for Catalan speakers to help machines speak their language

A call for Catalan speakers to help machines speak their language

Government seeks a diverse range of Catalan speakers to read texts aloud, to enable use of the language with machines

Abel Degà

Tuesday, 15 of february of 2022 - 22:35

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Puigneró: Spain's "new disloyalty" and ERC's "errors" after airport about-turn

Puigneró: Spain's "new disloyalty" and ERC's "errors" after airport about-turn

Marta Lasalas

Wednesday, 8 of september of 2021 - 22:33

The Catalan government must explain in Parliament

The Catalan government must explain in Parliament

José Antich

Wednesday, 4 of august of 2021 - 16:55

Agreement reached to expand Barcelona's El Prat airport into "intercontinental hub"

Agreement reached to expand Barcelona's El Prat airport into "intercontinental hub"

Nicolas Tomás

Monday, 2 of august of 2021 - 21:30

The Enxaneta is in orbit: Catalonia launches satellite named for “human towers” sport

The Enxaneta is in orbit: Catalonia launches satellite named for “human towers” sport

Alba Domingo

Monday, 22 of march of 2021 - 22:06

AINA: a project to avoid the digital extinction of the Catalan language

AINA: a project to avoid the digital extinction of the Catalan language

Marta Lasalas

Friday, 11 of december of 2020 - 00:05

The creation of the Catalan Digital Republic, as envisioned by minister Puigneró

The creation of the Catalan Digital Republic, as envisioned by minister Puigneró

Marta Lasalas

Thursday, 4 of june of 2020 - 23:50

Jordi Puigneró: "Maybe the problem was we were trying to create a 20th century state"

Jordi Puigneró: "Maybe the problem was we were trying to create a 20th century state"

Antoni Maria Piqué

Sunday, 17 of june of 2018 - 23:44