Lluís Companys

Lluís Companys i Jover​, Catalan president from 1933-1940. Proclaimed Catalan Republic on October 6th, 1934. Executed by a firing squad after a Francoist military trial on October 15th, 1940. 

pastilla video
Catalan president says Spain continues to attack, 81 years after predecessor was killed

Catalan president says Spain continues to attack, 81 years after predecessor was killed

Carme Rocamora

Friday, 15 of october of 2021 - 22:55

Torra calls on Spain to "accept its responsibilities" as Germany has done

Torra calls on Spain to "accept its responsibilities" as Germany has done

El Nacional

Friday, 11 of september of 2020 - 11:07

Homage to executed Catalan president Companys in Uruguay

Homage to executed Catalan president Companys in Uruguay

Cèlia Forment i Bori

Sunday, 22 of september of 2019 - 21:40

The Spanish government, in Barcelona, avoids discussing the Catalan prisoners

The Spanish government, in Barcelona, avoids discussing the Catalan prisoners

Marta Lasalas

Friday, 21 of december of 2018 - 21:16

pastilla video
Arrimadas denies that the Spanish state executed Catalan president Companys

Arrimadas denies that the Spanish state executed Catalan president Companys

El Nacional

Friday, 19 of october of 2018 - 19:01

Catalan president Torra: "We're prepared to fight to the end"

Catalan president Torra: "We're prepared to fight to the end"

Carlota Camps

Monday, 15 of october of 2018 - 20:22

A whole government behind bars (1934-2017)

A whole government behind bars (1934-2017)

Joan Safont

Saturday, 4 of november of 2017 - 20:26

Puigdemont reflects on 1930s predecessor Companys: "He was killed in the name of the law"

Puigdemont reflects on 1930s predecessor Companys: "He was killed in the name of the law"

Albert Acín

Sunday, 15 of october of 2017 - 17:44

The four Catalan republics: 1641, 1873, 1931 and 1934

The four Catalan republics: 1641, 1873, 1931 and 1934

Marc Pons

Sunday, 24 of september of 2017 - 23:38