
For stories relating to refugees, immigrants and expats.

Immigration boosts Catalonia's economic growth but worsens its fiscal deficit

Immigration boosts Catalonia's economic growth but worsens its fiscal deficit

Catalonia is growing faster than the Spanish and European average thanks to the arrival of 255,000 new residents in two years

Xavier Alegret

Thursday, 27 of june of 2024 - 20:35

Spain calls time on 'golden visa' which gave residency to non-EU nationals if they bought property

Spain calls time on 'golden visa' which gave residency to non-EU nationals if they bought property

Minister noted that the scheme had raised housing prices in Barcelona where "5% of housing sales are linked to it"

Germán Aranda

Tuesday, 9 of april of 2024 - 22:17

Bill to regularize 500,000 migrants in Spain, admitted to Congress with votes of Junts and ERC

Bill to regularize 500,000 migrants in Spain, admitted to Congress with votes of Junts and ERC

Popular legislative initiative proposed by 'Regularización Ya' movement passes its first test in Congress

Martí Odriozola i Marcé

Tuesday, 9 of april of 2024 - 21:21

No valid visas: the 69 Bolivian cruise passengers in Barcelona disembark to begin deportation process

No valid visas: the 69 Bolivian cruise passengers in Barcelona disembark to begin deportation process

The MSC cruise continues its route after the Bolivians without valid visas were transferred to another ship in Barcelona port

Nura Portella

Thursday, 4 of april of 2024 - 19:01

Cruise ship held in Barcelona with 1,500 on board due to presence of 69 Bolivians without valid visas

Cruise ship held in Barcelona with 1,500 on board due to presence of 69 Bolivians without valid visas

Bolivian authorities assert that the cruise company failed in duty to check documents and must provide an immediate solution

El Nacional

Wednesday, 3 of april of 2024 - 20:13

The majority of Catalans believe that immigration is positive for the economy, says CEO survey

The majority of Catalans believe that immigration is positive for the economy, says CEO survey

The Comuns, the CUP and the PSC have the most favourable view of immigrants and those of Junts, the PP and Vox, the least

Ketty Calatayud

Wednesday, 21 of february of 2024 - 22:46

Two-thirds of all Catalans either immigrated to Catalonia or have at least one parent who did

Two-thirds of all Catalans either immigrated to Catalonia or have at least one parent who did

65.8% of the population are immigrants or descendants of immigrants, either from other parts of the state or internationally

Berto Sagrera

Friday, 16 of february of 2024 - 01:54

Spanish government opens up option of devolving immigration powers to all autonomous communities

Spanish government opens up option of devolving immigration powers to all autonomous communities

The PP asserts that its autonomous presidents will not ask for authority on immigration issues

Malena Ramajo

Friday, 12 of january of 2024 - 20:38

The aftermath of the PSOE-Junts accord

The aftermath of the PSOE-Junts accord

José Antich

Friday, 12 of january of 2024 - 17:53

What does the Junts-PSOE deal imply for the delegation of immigration matters to Catalonia?

What does the Junts-PSOE deal imply for the delegation of immigration matters to Catalonia?

Delegation of immigration powers to Catalonia can occur under Article 150.2 of the Constitution and will require a new law

Pedro Ruiz

Thursday, 11 of january of 2024 - 20:07

Eighteen people a day died trying to reach Spain in 2023: a total of 6,618 migrant deaths

Eighteen people a day died trying to reach Spain in 2023: a total of 6,618 migrant deaths

The figure almost triples the total for 2022, when 2,390 migrants lost their lives in the seas around the Spanish coasts

El Nacional

Wednesday, 10 of january of 2024 - 23:20

Junts's deal with the PSOE: protect amnesty, devolve immigration, tax transparency

Junts's deal with the PSOE: protect amnesty, devolve immigration, tax transparency

Deal with the PSOE also includes a law change to facilitate the return of firms who changed business addresses in 2017

Pedro Ruiz

Wednesday, 10 of january of 2024 - 21:22

Spanish interior minister warns not to link "irregular immigration" to "terrorist phenomenon"

Spanish interior minister warns not to link "irregular immigration" to "terrorist phenomenon"

Marlaska meets with political parties following this week's decision to reinforce Spain's Level 4 out of 5 terrorism alert

Jaume Vich

Friday, 20 of october of 2023 - 21:19

Why are more and more migrant boats arriving in the Canary Islands?

Why are more and more migrant boats arriving in the Canary Islands?

Tiny and remote El Hierro is now receiving the largest volume of migrant boats in the Canaries: what has changed?

Judit Pellicer

Friday, 13 of october of 2023 - 21:17

Migration crisis: Canary Islands government demands help from Sánchez "as if it were in Catalonia"

Migration crisis: Canary Islands government demands help from Sánchez "as if it were in Catalonia"

The Canarian executive is concerned about the arrival of 1,200 sub-Saharan migrants in two days

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Thursday, 5 of october of 2023 - 22:01

Barcelona's 'top manta' street sellers denounce a return to "brutal" police persecution

Barcelona's 'top manta' street sellers denounce a return to "brutal" police persecution

City council law and order head, Albert Batlle, defends the "pressure" but says it has been "continuous since 2019"


Friday, 11 of august of 2023 - 21:28

One year on from Melilla migrant tragedy, Amnesty demands justice from Spain and Morocco

One year on from Melilla migrant tragedy, Amnesty demands justice from Spain and Morocco

Amnesty International raises the number of deaths to more than 100, four times more than the official version

Saturday, 24 of june of 2023 - 14:04

First-class and second-class shipwrecks

First-class and second-class shipwrecks

José Antich

Thursday, 22 of june of 2023 - 15:28

pastilla video
Contradictions in Junts over 'cordon sanitaire' against anti-immigrant party in Ripoll

Contradictions in Junts over 'cordon sanitaire' against anti-immigrant party in Ripoll

Local branch of Junts denies that there is a multi-party agreement to keep far-rightist Sílvia Orriols from being mayor

Pedro Ruiz

Monday, 12 of june of 2023 - 23:22

Pedro Sánchez speaks on Morocco, but won't explain why he abandoned Western Sahara

Pedro Sánchez speaks on Morocco, but won't explain why he abandoned Western Sahara

Spanish PM appeared specifically to talk about Morocco but refused to delve into the mystery of Spain's foreign policy U-turn

Abel Degà

Wednesday, 19 of april of 2023 - 23:01

A year since Ukrainian refugees began to arrive: 21,000 people have settled in Catalonia

A year since Ukrainian refugees began to arrive: 21,000 people have settled in Catalonia

The EU directive for Ukrainian arrivals shows that "another model is possible" for refugees, says Catalan equality ministry

Judit Pellicer

Monday, 20 of february of 2023 - 22:13

Graphic videos of events at Melilla border could spell the end for minister Marlaska

Graphic videos of events at Melilla border could spell the end for minister Marlaska

Loud calls for Spanish interior minister's departure over deaths of up to 70 migrants on Spanish-Morrocan border in June

Lluís Bou

Friday, 25 of november of 2022 - 22:29

200 Russian deserters ask for asylum in Spain to avoid being sent to Ukraine war

200 Russian deserters ask for asylum in Spain to avoid being sent to Ukraine war

Spanish officials estimate that 464 Russian citizens have requested international protection in Spain, half of them deserters

Sara Brull i Ortega

Monday, 21 of november of 2022 - 21:36

Catalan Parliament backs Mohammed Said Badaoui and denounces Spain's Islamophobia

Catalan Parliament backs Mohammed Said Badaoui and denounces Spain's Islamophobia

In an opaque action, Spanish intelligence has ordered the deportation of Badaoui, a resident of Catalonia for 30 years

Marta Sánchez Iranzo

Wednesday, 19 of october of 2022 - 20:53

Ombudsman critical of Spanish role in Melilla migrant deaths: risk was "foreseeable"

Ombudsman critical of Spanish role in Melilla migrant deaths: risk was "foreseeable"

Report on tragedy finds a failure to comply with Spanish and international legal guarantees of migrants' human rights

Sara Brull i Ortega

Friday, 14 of october of 2022 - 21:46

And Morocco once again ensnared Pedro Sánchez

And Morocco once again ensnared Pedro Sánchez

José Antich

Friday, 14 of october of 2022 - 17:06

Pedro Sánchez, blunt with Morocco: "Ceuta and Melilla are Spain, full stop"

Pedro Sánchez, blunt with Morocco: "Ceuta and Melilla are Spain, full stop"

The Spanish prime minister responds to Morocco, which stated that "Melilla is a prison occupied by Spain"

Malena Ramajo

Thursday, 13 of october of 2022 - 20:16

Morocco, to the UN: "Melilla is a prison occupied by Spain"

Morocco, to the UN: "Melilla is a prison occupied by Spain"

"The kingdom of Morocco does not have land borders with Spain," the Rabat government writes to the UN Human Rights Council

Malena Ramajo

Thursday, 13 of october of 2022 - 19:22

Mohammed VI's embrace of Spain

Mohammed VI's embrace of Spain

José Antich

Monday, 22 of august of 2022 - 17:21

Morocco sentences 13 migrants to two years' jail over Melilla border tragedy

Morocco sentences 13 migrants to two years' jail over Melilla border tragedy

A total of 60 migrants have already been sentenced, with courts expected to rule on 15 more in a few weeks

John McAulay

Thursday, 18 of august of 2022 - 19:50

pastilla video
Biden and Sánchez to work jointly for "safe and orderly migration" in North Africa

Biden and Sánchez to work jointly for "safe and orderly migration" in North Africa

Days after dozens of migrants died at Spain's border, the two leaders promise to work for "just and humane" migrant treatment

Pedro Ruiz

Tuesday, 28 of june of 2022 - 23:46

Spanish government spokesperson refuses to let Podemos minister answer on Melilla

Spanish government spokesperson refuses to let Podemos minister answer on Melilla

PSOE minister Rodríguez answers all questions on the Melilla migrant deaths, even those addressed to Podemos' Irene Montero

Nura Portella

Monday, 27 of june of 2022 - 19:12

Eighteen migrants killed trying to cross Morocco-Spain border into Melilla enclave

Eighteen migrants killed trying to cross Morocco-Spain border into Melilla enclave

Reports say that some were crushed as hundreds tried to storm border fence of Spain's North African territory

Joel Carrasco Albertus

Saturday, 25 of june of 2022 - 12:26

pastilla video
Sánchez and Mohammed VI seal handover of Sahara to Morocco at dinner in Rabat

Sánchez and Mohammed VI seal handover of Sahara to Morocco at dinner in Rabat

Spain and Morocco stage a rapprochement in their relationship after Sánchez abandons UN line on Western Sahara issue

Sara Brull i Ortega

Thursday, 7 of april of 2022 - 23:46

Sánchez in dire straits: from Morocco to food product shortages

Sánchez in dire straits: from Morocco to food product shortages

José Antich

Thursday, 24 of march of 2022 - 17:06

Ukraine, 10 million people displaced

Ukraine, 10 million people displaced

José Antich

Monday, 21 of march of 2022 - 17:47

pastilla video
Queues and confusion as Barcelona's Ukrainian refugee centre opens

Queues and confusion as Barcelona's Ukrainian refugee centre opens

On the reception centre's first day, staff were unable to attend to many of those seeking help

Alba Solé Ingla

Friday, 18 of march of 2022 - 21:11

pastilla video
Barcelona trade fair complex will be major centre for receiving Ukrainian refugees

Barcelona trade fair complex will be major centre for receiving Ukrainian refugees

Of 5,900 Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in Catalonia, 151 are unaccompanied minors, for whom there is a new protocol

El Nacional

Tuesday, 15 of march of 2022 - 22:08

pastilla video
Catalonia has already received 1,200 refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine

Catalonia has already received 1,200 refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine

Catalan government calls top channel humanitarian aid through organizations already working on the ground

Marta Lasalas

Tuesday, 8 of march of 2022 - 19:24

Reception centres for Ukrainian refugees to open in Barcelona, Madrid and Alicante

Reception centres for Ukrainian refugees to open in Barcelona, Madrid and Alicante

Spanish minister Escrivá announces 3 refugee arrival centres, admitting demand is unknown "but we must be prepared"

Núria Casas

Monday, 7 of march of 2022 - 19:43