
aka armed forces

The rattle of Spanish sabres: ex-military personnel call for Sánchez's sacking and new elections

The rattle of Spanish sabres: ex-military personnel call for Sánchez's sacking and new elections

Manifesto is published the day after the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as Spanish prime minister

Alba Solé Ingla

Friday, 17 of november of 2023 - 19:20

Help Spain through a coup d'etat, demands far-right letter circulating in military barracks

Help Spain through a coup d'etat, demands far-right letter circulating in military barracks

The letter asks Spanish military and police to act "according to the dictates of their conscience"

John McAulay

Monday, 6 of november of 2023 - 20:21

Former Spanish soldier: "An amnesty is legal, they gave me one, and under the 1978 Constitution"

Former Spanish soldier: "An amnesty is legal, they gave me one, and under the 1978 Constitution"

José Ignacio Domínguez benefited from the Law of Rehabilitation that was passed in 1987, promoted by Alfonso Guerra

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Thursday, 21 of september of 2023 - 23:11

Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group?

Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group?

From being "Putin's chef" to becoming the main threat to the Russian president: the story of Prigozhin's oligarchic rise

Judit Pellicer

Saturday, 24 of june of 2023 - 20:08

Spanish defence minister demands expulsion of soldiers who raffled prostitute's services

Spanish defence minister demands expulsion of soldiers who raffled prostitute's services

Margarita Robles clarified that it took place in a private WhatsApp chat absolutely outside the structure of the army

Marta Sánchez Iranzo

Friday, 9 of december of 2022 - 22:57

Is it necessary to increase the defence budget by 25%?

Is it necessary to increase the defence budget by 25%?

José Antich

Wednesday, 5 of october of 2022 - 17:26

Spain won't send its tanks to Ukraine as they are in "absolutely deplorable" state

Spain won't send its tanks to Ukraine as they are in "absolutely deplorable" state

Spanish defence minister Robles asserts that the army's combat vehicles would be more of a liability than a help

Joel Carrasco Albertus

Tuesday, 2 of august of 2022 - 21:03

Ex-Spanish army head: "Against the 2017 Catalan referendum, all options were ready"

Ex-Spanish army head: "Against the 2017 Catalan referendum, all options were ready"

Spanish general says that the military had a "scalable operation" prepared for use in Catalonia in 2017

Joel Carrasco Albertus

Monday, 7 of march of 2022 - 21:17

Ukrainian consul in Barcelona calls for no-fly zone "to avoid nuclear catastrophe"

Ukrainian consul in Barcelona calls for no-fly zone "to avoid nuclear catastrophe"

Only an air-exclusion zone can make nuclear facilities secure, argues consul Vorobiov at Catalan government event

Marta Lasalas / Sergi Alcàzar

Thursday, 3 of march of 2022 - 19:24

pastilla video
Catalan president backs sending arms to Ukraine, but ERC's Rufián and the CUP disagree

Catalan president backs sending arms to Ukraine, but ERC's Rufián and the CUP disagree

Lack of unanimity on arms issue among Catalan pro-independence voices is also replicated in Spain's PSOE-Podemos executive

El Nacional

Wednesday, 2 of march of 2022 - 20:44

Russia-Ukraine war | Spain is to send more troops to Russian border

Russia-Ukraine war | Spain is to send more troops to Russian border

Defence minister Margarita Robles says that more Spanish troops are to be deployed in NATO countries bordering Russia

Judit Pellicer

Monday, 28 of february of 2022 - 18:58

Spain continues commitment to NATO effort, as it sends 6 fighters to Lithuania

Spain continues commitment to NATO effort, as it sends 6 fighters to Lithuania

Pedro Sánchez increases his commitment to the Atlantic Alliance, with rhetoric stressing defence of "territorial integrity"

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 10 of february of 2022 - 20:42

Spain offers fighter planes to NATO as tension grows with Russia over Ukraine

Spain offers fighter planes to NATO as tension grows with Russia over Ukraine

A Spanish naval vessel is already en route to the Black Sea and two more will be sent

Sara Brull i Ortega

Thursday, 20 of january of 2022 - 21:45

Europe looks the other way over far-right infiltration in Spanish military

Europe looks the other way over far-right infiltration in Spanish military

Marta Lasalas

Friday, 23 of april of 2021 - 22:21

Spanish military staff have received Pfizer jabs although AstraZeneca was assigned

Spanish military staff have received Pfizer jabs although AstraZeneca was assigned

Núria Casas

Monday, 5 of april of 2021 - 23:41

pastilla video
Comín: "Spain is leading the EU to disaster, and you are the face of that, Mr Borrell"

Comín: "Spain is leading the EU to disaster, and you are the face of that, Mr Borrell"

Núria Casas

Thursday, 11 of february of 2021 - 22:07

Felipe VI and his silences: the coup chat and the decamped king

Felipe VI and his silences: the coup chat and the decamped king

José Antich

Thursday, 7 of january of 2021 - 17:30

The rattling of sabres in 2020

The rattling of sabres in 2020

José Antich

Friday, 4 of december of 2020 - 18:03

Former Spanish air force officers proposed coups, purges and bombings in chat group

Former Spanish air force officers proposed coups, purges and bombings in chat group

Jordi Palmer

Thursday, 3 of december of 2020 - 22:56

pastilla video
Spanish Legion: 100 years of history. 100 years of barbarism

Spanish Legion: 100 years of history. 100 years of barbarism

Gustau Nerín

Saturday, 22 of february of 2020 - 21:48

Spain confirms it continues to give military support to Turkey

Spain confirms it continues to give military support to Turkey

El Nacional

Sunday, 19 of january of 2020 - 19:19

Russian TV focuses on injustices and discriminations in the Spanish army

Russian TV focuses on injustices and discriminations in the Spanish army

El Nacional

Sunday, 8 of december of 2019 - 20:19

pastilla video
Full text: the speech by Spain's top judge on Catalans "blinded by irrationality"

Full text: the speech by Spain's top judge on Catalans "blinded by irrationality"

El Nacional

Wednesday, 30 of october of 2019 - 18:38

Spanish soldiers with beers and weapons at Catalan bar: ministry to investigate

Spanish soldiers with beers and weapons at Catalan bar: ministry to investigate

El Nacional

Sunday, 29 of september of 2019 - 18:51

Spanish naval vessel Audaz, still awaiting instructions

Spanish naval vessel Audaz, still awaiting instructions

El Nacional

Sunday, 25 of august of 2019 - 22:07

Spanish naval ship returns to Colombia with past cocaine cargo shrouded in fog

Spanish naval ship returns to Colombia with past cocaine cargo shrouded in fog

Jordi Palmer

Saturday, 2 of march of 2019 - 21:32

Spain's defence minister: armed forces are the "principal guarantor of the constitutional order"

Spain's defence minister: armed forces are the "principal guarantor of the constitutional order"

Nicolas Tomás

Sunday, 6 of january of 2019 - 19:57

Felipe VI's ode to the Spanish flag: "It's the symbol of unity"

Felipe VI's ode to the Spanish flag: "It's the symbol of unity"

Nicolas Tomás

Sunday, 6 of january of 2019 - 18:43

Video: Spanish navy ship in Gibraltar waters, apparently playing Spanish anthem

Video: Spanish navy ship in Gibraltar waters, apparently playing Spanish anthem

El Nacional

Tuesday, 4 of december of 2018 - 22:31

pastilla video
Norway blames design error in Spanish-built ship for sinking

Norway blames design error in Spanish-built ship for sinking

El Nacional

Friday, 30 of november of 2018 - 20:57

Most influential US conservative think tank warns over Spain's help for the Russian navy

Most influential US conservative think tank warns over Spain's help for the Russian navy

Antoni Maria Piqué

Friday, 9 of november of 2018 - 21:54

Spanish Congress turns down suspending arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Spanish Congress turns down suspending arms sales to Saudi Arabia

El Nacional

Tuesday, 23 of october of 2018 - 20:44

Spanish military officer threatens an "armed solution" for Catalonia

Spanish military officer threatens an "armed solution" for Catalonia

El Nacional

Saturday, 1 of september of 2018 - 22:52

Spanish general defends Franco regime crimes as being "legal" at the time

Spanish general defends Franco regime crimes as being "legal" at the time

El Nacional

Wednesday, 22 of august of 2018 - 23:07

Former Spanish army chief joins praise of Franco

Former Spanish army chief joins praise of Franco

Jordi Palmer

Tuesday, 21 of august of 2018 - 20:47

Franco is still among us

Franco is still among us

José Antich

Sunday, 19 of august of 2018 - 17:13

What are Spanish jets doing in Estonia? Margallo knows

What are Spanish jets doing in Estonia? Margallo knows

Jordi Palmer

Wednesday, 8 of august of 2018 - 19:06

Spanish jet fires missile by mistake in Estonian air space

Spanish jet fires missile by mistake in Estonian air space

El Nacional

Tuesday, 7 of august of 2018 - 22:13

Spanish colonel who led Catalan referendum clampdown is made a general

Spanish colonel who led Catalan referendum clampdown is made a general

El Nacional

Saturday, 24 of february of 2018 - 20:14

Catalan MEPs denounce possible use of the army in Catalonia

Catalan MEPs denounce possible use of the army in Catalonia

El Nacional

Monday, 15 of january of 2018 - 18:18