News Media

aka Press aka Newspapers...

ERC reports Sánchez for electoral law breach and calls for TVE interview to be dropped

ERC reports Sánchez for electoral law breach and calls for TVE interview to be dropped

ERC argues to electoral authority that Spanish PM's action was a "self-promotion" influencing Catalonia's election campaign

Malena Ramajo

Monday, 29 of april of 2024 - 19:33

Carles Puigdemont will leave active politics if he is not made president after Catalan election

Carles Puigdemont will leave active politics if he is not made president after Catalan election

The Junts+ Puigdemont candidate says that if he cannot be invested as Catalan president, he will leave active politics

Alba Solé Ingla

Tuesday, 9 of april of 2024 - 19:01

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Catalan TV weatherman Tomàs Molina enters politics with ERC to "do better against climate change"

Catalan TV weatherman Tomàs Molina enters politics with ERC to "do better against climate change"

Molina will be the number two ERC candidate in the 'Ara Repúbliques' coalition for the European Parliament in June

Nura Portella

Tuesday, 2 of april of 2024 - 22:49

Catalan Socialist leader Illa tells 'The Times' that Spain sees more danger in Vox than Puigdemont

Catalan Socialist leader Illa tells 'The Times' that Spain sees more danger in Vox than Puigdemont

Catalan election candidate Salvador Illa maintains that the far right is more feared in Spain than the independence movement

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Thursday, 28 of march of 2024 - 20:07

Carles Puigdemont's election candidature in Catalonia makes the international news

Carles Puigdemont's election candidature in Catalonia makes the international news

The media from around the world have covered the news that Puigdemont is running to be Catalan president

Judit Pellicer

Friday, 22 of march of 2024 - 21:20

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Ayuso plays down her chief of staff's threats to journalist from left-wing paper: "We'll crush you"

Ayuso plays down her chief of staff's threats to journalist from left-wing paper: "We'll crush you"

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez contacted '' following news about Ayuso's partner receiving commissions on face mask deals

Martí Odriozola i Marcé

Monday, 18 of march of 2024 - 23:23

The PSC picked in two polls to win the Catalan election, with Junts second

The PSC picked in two polls to win the Catalan election, with Junts second

Both En Comú Podem and the CUP lose ground, according to the polls published in 'La Razón' and 'El Español'

Judit Pellicer

Monday, 18 of march of 2024 - 19:18

200 Catalan cultural and media figures speak out against Tsunami terrorism accusations

200 Catalan cultural and media figures speak out against Tsunami terrorism accusations

Andreu Buenafuente, Jordi Basté and Ricard Ustrell, among 200 signatories against the "criminalization" of protest

Pedro Ruiz

Monday, 26 of february of 2024 - 21:01

Boye tells German media of the "madness" of a Russian plot in Catalonia: "It's a judge's fantasy"

Boye tells German media of the "madness" of a Russian plot in Catalonia: "It's a judge's fantasy"

In an interview with 'Neues Deutschland', Boye dismantles Spanish judge Aguirre who appeared on German TV

Nura Portella

Monday, 12 of february of 2024 - 21:17

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Surprising German TV appearance by judge in Volhov case, targeting Catalan independentists

Surprising German TV appearance by judge in Volhov case, targeting Catalan independentists

Judge Aguirre explains Russia's alleged attempt to infiltrate the Western European democracies through the Catalan process

Marta Lasalas

Tuesday, 30 of january of 2024 - 22:46

Spain's 'patriotic police' used a neighbour of pro-independence leader Jordi Sànchez to spy on him

Spain's 'patriotic police' used a neighbour of pro-independence leader Jordi Sànchez to spy on him

The head of police intelligence in Spain's interior ministry had a brother who lived in the same building as Sánchez

Vicenç Pagès

Wednesday, 24 of january of 2024 - 21:41

Catalan president tells Swiss TV that the amnesty law is the first step to resolving the conflict

Catalan president tells Swiss TV that the amnesty law is the first step to resolving the conflict

Pere Aragonès told an RTS interviewer that the will of Catalan people is to be able to decide their future in a referendum

Marta Sánchez Iranzo

Friday, 15 of december of 2023 - 20:31

Pujol, asked if the amnesty should cover him: "I've been targeted by people of hostile attitude"

Pujol, asked if the amnesty should cover him: "I've been targeted by people of hostile attitude"

The former Catalan president, who values the amnesty positively, assures that "every pro-negotiation attitude is good"

Jordi Martín

Thursday, 30 of november of 2023 - 23:12

"The revolutionary": Carles Puigdemont, among the most influential figures of the year, says 'Politico'

"The revolutionary": Carles Puigdemont, among the most influential figures of the year, says 'Politico'

The European publication ranks the exiled Catalan president as number 2 in its category of "Disruptors"

Vicenç Pagès

Tuesday, 28 of november of 2023 - 20:01

International media stress the Catalan independentist role in Pedro Sánchez's investiture

International media stress the Catalan independentist role in Pedro Sánchez's investiture

Media from Europe and the US report how the Catalan parties and the amnesty deal have shaped the new Spanish executive

Berto Sagrera

Thursday, 16 of november of 2023 - 20:36

'Financial Times': "An amnesty is the right policy for Catalonia and for Spain"

'Financial Times': "An amnesty is the right policy for Catalonia and for Spain"

The FT notes that Sánchez is seen as a "slippery politician", but "the public interest case for the amnesty is compelling"

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Monday, 6 of november of 2023 - 23:14

The board of Mediapro sacks Jaume Roures after 30 years at head of the Spanish audiovisual group

The board of Mediapro sacks Jaume Roures after 30 years at head of the Spanish audiovisual group

The rest of the Mediapro management team will remain with the company co-founded in Barcelona by Roure in 1994

Sara Casas

Friday, 27 of october of 2023 - 18:52

Spain's right-wing media turn up the heat for anti-amnesty protest called in Barcelona

Spain's right-wing media turn up the heat for anti-amnesty protest called in Barcelona

Radio hosts Federico Jiménez Losantos and Carlos Herrera condemn Pedro Sánchez for his negotiations with Carles Puigdmeont

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Tuesday, 3 of october of 2023 - 21:06

Aragonès puts the case for Catalan to be official in the EU: "A language that defines us as Europeans"

Aragonès puts the case for Catalan to be official in the EU: "A language that defines us as Europeans"

Catalonia's president publishes an article in four European media with the title 'Speaking Catalan in Europe'

Vicenç Pagès

Monday, 18 of september of 2023 - 19:40

Pedro Sánchez cuts down on meetings and goes all out on media clashes

Pedro Sánchez cuts down on meetings and goes all out on media clashes

The Spanish prime minister's strategists believe his TV interviews are getting good results

Abel Degà

Tuesday, 4 of july of 2023 - 22:05

First-class and second-class shipwrecks

First-class and second-class shipwrecks

José Antich

Thursday, 22 of june of 2023 - 15:28

More and more Spanish is spoken in Catalan TV's electoral debate: the triumph of diglossia

More and more Spanish is spoken in Catalan TV's electoral debate: the triumph of diglossia

Three representatives of Spanish nationalist parties spoke for 1,133 seconds in Castilian in the debate on Catalonia's TV3

Lluís Bou

Wednesday, 24 of may of 2023 - 21:27

Why does Spain always choose to ban rights?

Why does Spain always choose to ban rights?

José Antich

Wednesday, 24 of may of 2023 - 17:41

Leaked document reveals that Spain wants to ban end-to-end message encryption

Leaked document reveals that Spain wants to ban end-to-end message encryption

'Wired' magazine denounces the "extreme" posture of Spain in calling for state access to all messages between citizens

Tuesday, 23 of may of 2023 - 23:27

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Spanish TV networks eliminate Bruce Springsteen's on-stage reference to "Catalunya"

Spanish TV networks eliminate Bruce Springsteen's on-stage reference to "Catalunya"

Springsteen's warm greeting to the stadium crowd, "Hola Barcelona, hola Catalunya", was chopped off halfway by Spanish TV

Marta Sánchez Iranzo

Tuesday, 2 of may of 2023 - 21:14

Andalusian politician regrets "wave of Catalanophobia" over TV3 satire of Catholic icon

Andalusian politician regrets "wave of Catalanophobia" over TV3 satire of Catholic icon

Teresa Rodríguez regrets her criticism of the Catalan TV send-up of the Virgin of Rocío which prompted angry protests

Alba Solé Ingla

Wednesday, 12 of april of 2023 - 21:31

'The Economist' asserts that the Catalan language will benefit from the arrival of AI

'The Economist' asserts that the Catalan language will benefit from the arrival of AI

The British business weekly celebrates ChatGPT's technology which has levelled the playing field between languages

Lluís Bou

Wednesday, 5 of april of 2023 - 23:38

Ponsatí: "I haven't come to make a deal with the Spanish state but to carry on the fight"

Ponsatí: "I haven't come to make a deal with the Spanish state but to carry on the fight"

Speaking just as she returned home from exile, Clara Ponsatí had tough words for Catalan, Spanish and EU institutions

Marta Lasalas

Tuesday, 28 of march of 2023 - 19:19

What did Marta Rovira say about the 1st October referendum?

What did Marta Rovira say about the 1st October referendum?

Reflections by ERC's Marta Rovira on the 2017 Catalan independence referendum have led to controversy in the movement

Malena Ramajo

Monday, 27 of march of 2023 - 19:19

Ada Colau's Barcelona has "lost its way", says the 'Financial Times'

Ada Colau's Barcelona has "lost its way", says the 'Financial Times'

An extensive report in the leading British business daily backs the theory that the capital of Catalonia is in decline

Jordi Palmer

Friday, 10 of february of 2023 - 00:34

International media report Catalan pro-independence protests in Barcelona

International media report Catalan pro-independence protests in Barcelona

Leading media report the demonstrations against the Sánchez-Macron summit and the incidents that took place

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 19 of january of 2023 - 22:55

Emmanuel Macron: "There is a permanent dialectic between the Spanish and Catalan questions"

Emmanuel Macron: "There is a permanent dialectic between the Spanish and Catalan questions"

French president acknowledges in an interview that Catalonia is a conditioning factor in Spanish politics

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 19 of january of 2023 - 19:37

pastilla video
Boye, outspoken in German media: "Spain is not very different from Turkey"

Boye, outspoken in German media: "Spain is not very different from Turkey"

Lawyer notes that the European Court of Justice's decision on Puigdemont will be known in late February or early March

Lluís Bou

Friday, 30 of december of 2022 - 20:08

Spain, "in an institutional mess": verdict of 'The Economist' and 'Libération'

Spain, "in an institutional mess": verdict of 'The Economist' and 'Libération'

Leading European media watch aghast at a Spanish crisis that they saw coming in the bitter disputes centred on the judiciary

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 22 of december of 2022 - 22:19

Spain, in a systemic crisis

Spain, in a systemic crisis

José Antich

Thursday, 22 of december of 2022 - 18:00

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Ada Colau tells off a journalism student for asking about her clothes | VIDEO

Ada Colau tells off a journalism student for asking about her clothes | VIDEO

The Barcelona mayor later apologized to the student who had noted that she no longer wore T-shirts promoting political causes

Nura Portella

Thursday, 24 of november of 2022 - 22:42

Corinna strikes back: new podcast will air Juan Carlos I's dirty laundry in 8 episodes

Corinna strikes back: new podcast will air Juan Carlos I's dirty laundry in 8 episodes

Start of 'Corinna and the King' podcast coincides with UK court hearing of Spanish ex-monarch in case brought by former lover

Nura Portella

Wednesday, 2 of november of 2022 - 23:42

Catalan MP Dalmases leaves vice presidency of Junts over incident with TV3 journalist

Catalan MP Dalmases leaves vice presidency of Junts over incident with TV3 journalist

Francesc de Dalmases also leaves the parliamentary committee dealing with Catalonia's public broadcasting corporation

Marta Lasalas

Tuesday, 25 of october of 2022 - 19:07

The Oranich report: threats and pressure

The Oranich report: threats and pressure

José Antich

Tuesday, 25 of october of 2022 - 17:19

Lawyer Oranich accuses Borràs of pressuring her over Junts report on FAQs incident

Lawyer Oranich accuses Borràs of pressuring her over Junts report on FAQs incident

Magda Oranich's report concluded that Junts vicepresident Dalmases had "intimidated" a journalist from Catalan TV show FAQs

Sara Brull i Ortega

Monday, 24 of october of 2022 - 19:48