Oriol Junqueras

The bans remain: Spanish Supreme Court rules out amnesty for Junqueras, Turull, Romeva and Bassa

The bans remain: Spanish Supreme Court rules out amnesty for Junqueras, Turull, Romeva and Bassa

Court maintains Catalan leaders' long bans on holding office, arguing that misuse of funds offences cannot be amnestied

Mayte Piulachs / Nura Portella

Monday, 1 of july of 2024 - 21:59

300 ERC members call for "renewal of party leadership" in a manifesto signed by ministers

300 ERC members call for "renewal of party leadership" in a manifesto signed by ministers

Among the signatories are ERC ministers and former leaders such as Vilagrà, Torrent, Maragall and Puigcercós

Judit Pellicer

Monday, 17 of june of 2024 - 22:58

Prosecutor general orders that Puigdemont and Junqueras be amnestied for Catalan referendum spending

Prosecutor general orders that Puigdemont and Junqueras be amnestied for Catalan referendum spending

Spain's chief prosecutor García Ortiz orders colleagues to apply the amnesty to the Catalan pro-independence leaders

Martí Odriozola i Marcé

Friday, 14 of june of 2024 - 19:24

Salvador Illa's rocky road

Salvador Illa's rocky road

José Antich

Thursday, 16 of may of 2024 - 17:36

Oriol Junqueras explains: he is leaving ERC's presidency to "listen" and then seek the job again

Oriol Junqueras explains: he is leaving ERC's presidency to "listen" and then seek the job again

Junqueras affirms that he is resigning from ERC's presidency to reconnect with the grass roots "on equal terms"

Nura Portella

Thursday, 16 of may of 2024 - 11:13

Marta Rovira will not seek re-election as ERC's general secretary

Marta Rovira will not seek re-election as ERC's general secretary

The general secretary of the Catalan pro-independence party argues the need to make way for "new leadership"

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Wednesday, 15 of may of 2024 - 23:28

Oriol Junqueras will leave the ERC presidency after the European elections to decide his future

Oriol Junqueras will leave the ERC presidency after the European elections to decide his future

ERC will hold an extraordinary congress to redefine its strategy on November 30th

Nura Portella

Wednesday, 15 of may of 2024 - 22:48

ERC's senior leadership debate their next steps after party's Catalan election fiasco

ERC's senior leadership debate their next steps after party's Catalan election fiasco

The party has called an extraordinary meeting after Junqueras made it clear that he wants to continue as president

Nura Portella / El Nacional

Wednesday, 15 of may of 2024 - 22:35

Junqueras's bid

Junqueras's bid

José Antich

Wednesday, 15 of may of 2024 - 17:43

Oriol Junqueras sees himself with the strength to continue leading ERC: "We've understood the message"

Oriol Junqueras sees himself with the strength to continue leading ERC: "We've understood the message"

After the Catalan election fiasco, Junqueras says in a letter to the public that he wants to continue presiding over ERC

Nura Portella

Tuesday, 14 of may of 2024 - 20:05

Prosecutors demand that €3m sum imputed to Catalan ex-officials be paid, despite the amnesty

Prosecutors demand that €3m sum imputed to Catalan ex-officials be paid, despite the amnesty

Prosecutors urge Court of Accounts to condemn Catalan governments of Mas and Puigdemont for independence process spending

Mayte Piulachs

Tuesday, 16 of april of 2024 - 20:30

Spain's Court of Accounts reactivates case of 2017 referendum spending, despite the amnesty

Spain's Court of Accounts reactivates case of 2017 referendum spending, despite the amnesty

Public auditing tribunal gives 10 days to prosecutions to present their conclusions on Catalan referendum spending case

Mayte Piulachs

Thursday, 4 of april of 2024 - 22:23

Pedro Sánchez is to have several meetings with Carles Puigdemont and Oriol Junqueras

Pedro Sánchez is to have several meetings with Carles Puigdemont and Oriol Junqueras

Spanish prime minister confirms that he will be photographed with Junts and ERC leaders once the amnesty law is passed

Abel Degà

Tuesday, 19 of december of 2023 - 18:34

Junqueras makes the most of his seven MPs

Junqueras makes the most of his seven MPs

José Antich

Friday, 3 of november of 2023 - 17:19

ERC-PSOE accord includes continuing the dialogue table to resolve the Spain-Catalonia conflict

ERC-PSOE accord includes continuing the dialogue table to resolve the Spain-Catalonia conflict

Junqueras insists that the PSOE deal, ratified by ERC leaders today, is only for the investiture, not for the legislature

Nura Portella

Thursday, 2 of november of 2023 - 20:22

Esquerra demands a place at the table

Esquerra demands a place at the table

José Antich

Friday, 27 of october of 2023 - 12:22

Junqueras, with Gerry Adams: "The Good Friday Agreement, an extraordinary example for Catalonia"

Junqueras, with Gerry Adams: "The Good Friday Agreement, an extraordinary example for Catalonia"

ERC president and ex-Sinn Féin leader agree on the importance "that the people decide with their votes" in Catalonia

Nura Portella, special correspondent

Thursday, 26 of october of 2023 - 19:27

pastilla video
ERC opts to negotiate an accord for the investiture, not for the legislature

ERC opts to negotiate an accord for the investiture, not for the legislature

The Catalan party says that the phone call between Pedro Sánchez and ERC president Oriol Junqueras was "democratic normality"

Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 11 of october of 2023 - 19:33

Spain's Court of Accounts will try 35 Catalan ex-officials over pro-independence spending

Spain's Court of Accounts will try 35 Catalan ex-officials over pro-independence spending

On November 17th, audit tribunal is to try members of Puigdemont's and Mas's governments for referendum and foreign spending

Mayte Piulachs

Monday, 26 of june of 2023 - 21:06

The Central Electoral Commission, scourge of the Catalan independence movement

The Central Electoral Commission, scourge of the Catalan independence movement

The precedents of Torra and Juvillà make it likely that the JEC will order Laura Borràs' seat to be withdrawn

Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 5 of april of 2023 - 22:27

Supreme Court maintains long bans from office for Junqueras, Romeva, Turull and Bassa

Supreme Court maintains long bans from office for Junqueras, Romeva, Turull and Bassa

Court's review of Catalan leaders' sentences warns that "non-violent secessionist processes" now go unpunished in Spain

Jaume Vich

Monday, 13 of february of 2023 - 19:35

Spanish state solicitors ask for Junqueras's ban from office to be cut from 13 to 7 years

Spanish state solicitors ask for Junqueras's ban from office to be cut from 13 to 7 years

State solicitors seek shorter bans from office for the convicted Catalan leaders, but in four cases, prosecutors don't agree

Alba Solé Ingla

Thursday, 26 of january of 2023 - 23:08

Junqueras, Romeva and Bassa ask Supreme Court for acquittal or attenuated misuse of funds

Junqueras, Romeva and Bassa ask Supreme Court for acquittal or attenuated misuse of funds

Junqueras, Romeva, Bassa and Forcadell call on the Supreme Court to revoke all penalties for sedition and misuse of funds

Mayte Piulachs

Tuesday, 24 of january of 2023 - 23:23

EU court rejects appeal by Oriol Junqueras in defence of his MEP seat

EU court rejects appeal by Oriol Junqueras in defence of his MEP seat

Final defeat for ERC leader, although a 2019 ruling on his case allowed his exiled Catalan colleagues to be admitted as MEPs

Marta Lasalas

Thursday, 22 of december of 2022 - 20:51

Oriol Junqueras and Marta Rovira, reelected at head of ERC with 87% of votes

Oriol Junqueras and Marta Rovira, reelected at head of ERC with 87% of votes

Former political prisoner Junqueras and the exiled Rovira begin their fourth term leading the Catalan pro-independence party

Júlia Peñascal

Monday, 7 of november of 2022 - 20:51

pastilla video
Junqueras rejects the ANC's 2023 date for independence: "It's not a question of time"

Junqueras rejects the ANC's 2023 date for independence: "It's not a question of time"

Speaking in Madrid, ERC president says it is "highly improbable" that Junts will leave the Catalan government

Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 14 of september of 2022 - 20:17

Pro-independence leaders react to UN ruling: "A slap in the face for Spain"

Pro-independence leaders react to UN ruling: "A slap in the face for Spain"

Puigdemont calls for Spain to "assume responsibility" while Junqueras asserts that "the repression can't continue"

El Nacional

Wednesday, 31 of august of 2022 - 19:54

UN rules that Spain breached political rights of Catalan pro-independence leaders

UN rules that Spain breached political rights of Catalan pro-independence leaders

UN Human Rights Committee states that Spain breached rights of Junqueras, Romeva, Rull and Turull by suspending them as MPs

Nura Portella

Wednesday, 31 of august of 2022 - 11:57

EU advocate general's caution to Spanish judge Marchena over Junqueras case

EU advocate general's caution to Spanish judge Marchena over Junqueras case

Advocate warns that Spanish Supreme Court may not have fulfilled duty of "sincere cooperation" over ex-Catalan MEP's seat

Marta Lasalas

Thursday, 16 of june of 2022 - 16:42

pastilla video
Puigdemont demands a response to CatalanGate: "Things can't just go on as before"

Puigdemont demands a response to CatalanGate: "Things can't just go on as before"

Exiled Catalan president advocates breaking with the PSOE, while Oriol Junqueras, sitting beside him, sees it differently

John McAulay, special correspondent

Tuesday, 19 of april of 2022 - 20:40

pastilla video
Independence movement will pursue CatalanGate espionage cases in Europe and at the UN

Independence movement will pursue CatalanGate espionage cases in Europe and at the UN

Carles Puigdemont argues: "In a democratic Europe there is no room for illegal espionage against dissidence"

John McAulay, special correspondent

Tuesday, 19 of april of 2022 - 18:54

An even-more-divided Constitutional Court rejects Junqueras and Romeva appeals

An even-more-divided Constitutional Court rejects Junqueras and Romeva appeals

Mayte Piulachs

Wednesday, 23 of march of 2022 - 21:15

ERC reaffirms: the dialogue table is the path to follow

ERC reaffirms: the dialogue table is the path to follow

José Antich

Monday, 14 of march of 2022 - 17:36

Junqueras keeps fighting: new European justice appeal against denial of MEP seat

Junqueras keeps fighting: new European justice appeal against denial of MEP seat

Catalan pro-independence leader takes battle to recover his Brussels seat to the highest level of EU justice

Mayte Piulachs

Monday, 3 of january of 2022 - 21:13

Five released Catalan prisoners to march for ETA prisoners' rights

Five released Catalan prisoners to march for ETA prisoners' rights

Marc González

Thursday, 21 of october of 2021 - 21:11

Race against the clock to halt huge asset seizures ordered by Spanish tribunal

Race against the clock to halt huge asset seizures ordered by Spanish tribunal

Marta Lasalas

Friday, 15 of october of 2021 - 19:13

pastilla video
Junqueras predicts "gestures" from international community over dialogue table

Junqueras predicts "gestures" from international community over dialogue table

Marc González

Thursday, 2 of september of 2021 - 19:22

pastilla video
Cuixart reunites Puigdemont and Junqueras at Elna: "In our unity lies our victory"

Cuixart reunites Puigdemont and Junqueras at Elna: "In our unity lies our victory"

Marta Lasalas

Friday, 16 of july of 2021 - 20:47

Starting is everything

Starting is everything

José Antich

Thursday, 8 of july of 2021 - 17:41

pastilla video
Shared lunch and 'sobretaula': Puigdemont and Junqueras meet again at Waterloo

Shared lunch and 'sobretaula': Puigdemont and Junqueras meet again at Waterloo

Marina Fernàndez Torné

Wednesday, 7 of july of 2021 - 19:22